AProVE Help: C and LLVM

As in the termination category of the SV-COMP, AProVE analyzes termination of the main() function of a C program. To this end, AProVE uses the Clang compiler to translate the C program into a program in the intermediate representation of LLVM (without compiler optimizations as these are not sound for termination proving, i.e., the compiler may remove non-terminating code if this code does not contribute to the return value of a function). To compile C programs to LLVM programs, we use the following command:

clang program.c -S -emit-llvm -o program.llvm

This LLVM program is then analyzed for memory safety and termination. So in contrast to several other termination tools, AProVE only considers a program as "terminating" if it can also prove its memory safety.


Our implementation currently has the following restrictions and limitations: