* Step 1: Sum WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
        - Signature:
            { 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
        - Signature:
            { [0]                                                
                                       = S(0())                                             
                   e2(a,b,res,False()) = [1] res + [3]                                      
                                       > [0]                                                
                                       = False()                                            
                    e2(a,b,res,True()) = [1] res + [8]                                      
                                       > [1] res + [0]                                      
                                       = e3(a,b,res,True())                                 
                   e4(a,b,res,False()) = [1] res + [5]                                      
                                       > [0]                                                
                                       = False()                                            
                    e4(a,b,res,True()) = [1] res + [10]                                     
                                       > [5]                                                
                                       = True()                                             
                            help1(0()) = [1]                                                
                                       > [0]                                                
                                       = False()                                            
                         help1(S(0())) = [1]                                                
                                       > [0]                                                
                                       = False()                                            
             l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) = [2] t + [2] tmp + [1] y + [6]                      
                                       > [1] y + [4]                                        
                                       = l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)                
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) = [1] res + [1] y + [6]                              
                                       > [1] y + [4]                                        
                                       = l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)                
               l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) = [1] res + [4]                                      
                                       > [1] res + [0]                                      
                                       = res                                                
          l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) = [2] mtmp + [2] res + [2] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [5] 
                                       > [2] mtmp + [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [0] 
                                       = l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                       
           l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) = [2] mtmp + [2] res + [2] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [15]
                                       > [1] res + [0]                                      
                                       = res                                                
          l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) = [1] res + [1] x + [1] y + [5]                      
                                       > [1] res + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                      
                                       = l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                       
           l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) = [1] res + [1] x + [1] y + [10]                     
                                       > [0]                                                
                                       = 0()                                                
          l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) = [1] res + [1] res' + [1] y + [5]                   
                                       > [1] res + [0]                                      
                                       = res                                                
                   m2(a,b,res,False()) = [4] res + [2]                                      
                                       > [1] res + [0]                                      
                                       = m4(a,b,res,False())                                
                  m2(0(),b,res,True()) = [4] res + [2]                                      
                                       > [0]                                                
                                       = False()                                            
               m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) = [4] res + [2]                                      
                                       > [0]                                                
                                       = False()                                            
                       m3(0(),b,res,t) = [5]                                                
                                       > [0]                                                
                                       = False()                                            
                    m3(S(0()),b,res,t) = [5]                                                
                                       > [0]                                                
                                       = False()                                            
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                               <(x,0()) =  [5]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                            <(0(),S(y)) =  [5]                                                       
                                        >= [5]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                           <(S(x),S(y)) =  [5]                                                       
                                        >= [5]                                                       
                                        =  <(x,y)                                                    
                      bool2Nat(False()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                          e1(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [8]                                             
                                        =  e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))                                        
                          e3(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [10]                                            
                                        =  e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))                                        
                          e5(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [5]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                          e6(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          e7(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          e8(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                            equal0(a,b) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  e1(a,b,False(),False())                                   
                               gcd(x,y) =  [1] x + [1] y + [0]                                       
                                        >= [1] x + [1] y + [5]                                       
                                        =  l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())                       
                         help1(S(S(x))) =  [1]                                                       
                                        >= [5]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                 l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3] mtmp + [2] res + [4] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [5]        
                                        >= [2] mtmp + [2] res + [2] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [5]        
                                        =  l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
                l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [3] tmp + [1] y + [4]                           
                                        >= [1] res + [2] tmp + [1] y + [5]                           
                                        =  l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))                              
          l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] res + [2] tmp + [1] y + [0]                           
                                        >= [1] res + [1] y + [0]                                     
                                        =  l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                             
           l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] res + [2] tmp + [1] y + [5]                           
                                        >= [1] res + [2] tmp + [1] y + [10]                          
                                        =  l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())                              
                l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [2] t + [2] tmp + [1] y + [0]                   
                                        >= [2] t + [2] tmp + [1] y + [1]                             
                                        =  l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                             
             l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [2] t + [2] tmp + [1] y + [1]                             
                                        >= [1] y + [4]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)                         
                l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [1] t + [1] y + [0]                             
                                        >= [1] res + [1] y + [1]                                     
                                        =  l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                             
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [1] res + [1] y + [1]                                     
                                        >= [1] y + [4]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)                         
                 l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] mtmp + [1] res + [1] t + [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [0]
                                        >= [1] x + [1] y + [1]                                       
                                        =  l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)                                    
                l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [5] res + [1] x + [1] x' + [1]                            
                                        >= [1] res + [1] x + [1] x' + [5]                            
                                        =  l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                             
                 l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                 l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                             
                                        >= [1] res + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                             
                                        =  l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)                            
             l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                             
                                        >= [1] res + [1] y + [4]                                     
                                        =  l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)                               
              l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                          m1(a,x,res,t) =  [7] res + [1]                                             
                                        >= [4] res + [2]                                             
                                        =  m2(a,x,res,False())                                       
               m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) =  [4] res + [2]                                             
                                        >= [5]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                    m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) =  [5]                                                       
                                        >= [5]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                   m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)                              
                          m5(a,b,res,t) =  [2] b + [1] res + [0]                                     
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                             monus(a,b) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [1]                                                       
                                        =  m1(a,b,False(),False())                                   
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 3: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
        - Signature:
            { [1]                              
                                        = e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))               
                          e8(a,b,res,t) = [1] res + [2] t + [1]            
                                        > [1] res + [0]                    
                                        = res                              
                l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) = [4] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [4]    
                                        > [2] y + [1]                      
                                        = l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))     
          l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) = [2] y + [1]                      
                                        > [2] y + [0]                      
                                        = l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())    
           l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) = [2] y + [1]                      
                                        > [2] y + [0]                      
                                        = l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())     
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) = [2] y + [3]                      
                                        > [2] y + [0]                      
                                        = l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
               m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) = [3] res + [1]                    
                                        > [0]                              
                                        = True()                           
                          m5(a,b,res,t) = [1] res + [1]                    
                                        > [1] res + [0]                    
                                        = res                              
                             monus(a,b) = [5]                              
                                        > [0]                              
                                        = m1(a,b,False(),False())          
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                              <(x,0()) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  False()                                           
                           <(0(),S(y)) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  True()                                            
                          <(S(x),S(y)) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  <(x,y)                                            
                     bool2Nat(False()) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  0()                                               
                      bool2Nat(True()) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  S(0())                                            
                         e1(a,b,res,t) =  [1] t + [0]                                       
                                       >= [2]                                               
                                       =  e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))                                
                   e2(a,b,res,False()) =  [2]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  False()                                           
                    e2(a,b,res,True()) =  [2]                                               
                                       >= [2]                                               
                                       =  e3(a,b,res,True())                                
                   e4(a,b,res,False()) =  [1]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  False()                                           
                    e4(a,b,res,True()) =  [1]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  True()                                            
                         e5(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  True()                                            
                         e6(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  False()                                           
                         e7(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  False()                                           
                           equal0(a,b) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  e1(a,b,False(),False())                           
                              gcd(x,y) =  [2] x + [2] y + [0]                               
                                       >= [1] x + [2] y + [3]                               
                                       =  l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())               
                            help1(0()) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  False()                                           
                         help1(S(0())) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  False()                                           
                        help1(S(S(x))) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  True()                                            
                l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [3]
                                       >= [1] mtmp + [1] res + [1] x + [2] y + [5]          
                                       =  l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                      
               l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] y + [0]                                       
                                       >= [2] y + [5]                                       
                                       =  l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                     
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [2] y + [0]                                       
                                       >= [2] y + [0]                                       
                                       =  l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)                 
             l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [2] y + [0]                                       
                                       >= [2] y + [0]                                       
                                       =  l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)               
               l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] y + [0]                                       
                                       >= [2] y + [8]                                       
                                       =  l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                     
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [2] y + [3]                                       
                                       >= [2] y + [0]                                       
                                       =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)               
               l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                     
                                       >= [1] res + [0]                                     
                                       =  res                                               
          l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] mtmp + [1] res + [1] x + [2] y + [5]          
                                       >= [1] mtmp + [1] x + [2] y + [0]                    
                                       =  l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                      
           l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] mtmp + [1] res + [1] x + [2] y + [5]          
                                       >= [1] res + [0]                                     
                                       =  res                                               
                l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [1] x + [2] y + [0]                    
                                       >= [1] x + [2] y + [0]                               
                                       =  l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)                            
               l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3] res + [2] x + [1] x' + [0]                    
                                       >= [2] res + [2] x + [1] x' + [0]                    
                                       =  l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                     
          l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [2] res + [1] x + [2] y + [0]                     
                                       >= [1] res + [1] x + [2] y + [0]                     
                                       =  l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                      
           l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [2] res + [1] x + [2] y + [0]                     
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  0()                                               
                l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  0()                                               
                l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [1] x + [2] y + [0]                     
                                       >= [1] x + [2] y + [1]                               
                                       =  l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)                    
          l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [2] y + [1]                             
                                       >= [1] res + [0]                                     
                                       =  res                                               
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) =  [1] x + [2] y + [1]                               
                                       >= [1] x + [2] y + [4]                               
                                       =  l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)                       
             l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                     
                                       >= [1] res + [0]                                     
                                       =  res                                               
                         m1(a,x,res,t) =  [5] res + [0]                                     
                                       >= [3] res + [1]                                     
                                       =  m2(a,x,res,False())                               
                   m2(a,b,res,False()) =  [3] res + [1]                                     
                                       >= [1]                                               
                                       =  m4(a,b,res,False())                               
                  m2(0(),b,res,True()) =  [3] res + [1]                                     
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  False()                                           
               m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) =  [3] res + [1]                                     
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  False()                                           
                       m3(0(),b,res,t) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  False()                                           
                    m3(S(0()),b,res,t) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  False()                                           
                   m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) =  [0]                                               
                                       >= [0]                                               
                                       =  True()                                            
                  m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) =  [1]                                               
                                       >= [6]                                               
                                       =  m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)                      
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 4: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Signature:
            { [0]                                    
                                     = 0()                                    
                       e5(a,b,res,t) = [2]                                    
                                     > [0]                                    
                                     = True()                                 
                         equal0(a,b) = [5]                                    
                                     > [0]                                    
                                     = e1(a,b,False(),False())                
                      help1(S(S(x))) = [6]                                    
                                     > [0]                                    
                                     = True()                                 
          l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) = [1] y + [5]                            
                                     > [1] y + [0]                            
                                     = l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)      
          l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) = [2] res + [4] t + [1] x + [1] y + [6]  
                                     > [2] res + [1] x + [1] y + [4]          
                                     = l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)            
           l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) = [1] res + [1] t + [4] tmp + [1] y + [1]
                                     > [1] res + [0]                          
                                     = res                                    
                       m1(a,x,res,t) = [4] res + [2] t + [4]                  
                                     > [2] res + [1]                          
                                     = m2(a,x,res,False())                    
                 m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) = [1] b + [1] res + [1] t + [2]          
                                     > [0]                                    
                                     = True()                                 
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                               <(x,0()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                            <(0(),S(y)) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                           <(S(x),S(y)) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  <(x,y)                                                    
                       bool2Nat(True()) =  [5]                                                       
                                        >= [5]                                                       
                                        =  S(0())                                                    
                          e1(a,b,res,t) =  [3] res + [4] t + [0]                                     
                                        >= [3] res + [3]                                             
                                        =  e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))                                        
                    e2(a,b,res,False()) =  [3] res + [3]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     e2(a,b,res,True()) =  [3] res + [3]                                             
                                        >= [2] res + [3]                                             
                                        =  e3(a,b,res,True())                                        
                          e3(a,b,res,t) =  [2] res + [3]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [3]                                             
                                        =  e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))                                        
                    e4(a,b,res,False()) =  [1] res + [3]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     e4(a,b,res,True()) =  [1] res + [3]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                          e6(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          e7(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          e8(a,b,res,t) =  [2] res + [1] t + [1]                                     
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                               gcd(x,y) =  [1] x + [1] y + [0]                                       
                                        >= [1] x + [1] y + [0]                                       
                                        =  l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())                       
                             help1(0()) =  [1]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          help1(S(0())) =  [6]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                 l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] mtmp + [1] res + [4] t + [4] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [0]
                                        >= [4] mtmp + [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [4]        
                                        =  l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
                l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] res + [1] x + [1] y + [4]                             
                                        >= [1] y + [2]                                               
                                        =  l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))                              
          l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] y + [2]                                               
                                        >= [1] y + [0]                                               
                                        =  l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                             
           l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] y + [2]                                               
                                        >= [1] y + [2]                                               
                                        =  l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())                              
                l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] t + [1] y + [2]                                       
                                        >= [1] y + [9]                                               
                                        =  l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                             
              l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [1] y + [5]                                               
                                        >= [1] y + [5]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)                       
                l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] t + [1] y + [0]                                       
                                        >= [1] y + [10]                                              
                                        =  l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                             
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [1] y + [6]                                               
                                        >= [1] y + [0]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)                         
              l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [1] y + [6]                                               
                                        >= [1] y + [5]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)                       
                l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
           l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [4] mtmp + [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [4]        
                                        >= [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                   
                                        =  l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [4] mtmp + [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [4]        
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                 l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [2] t + [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [0]           
                                        >= [2] t + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                               
                                        =  l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)                                    
                l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] res + [2] t + [1] x + [1] x' + [0]                    
                                        >= [2] res + [1] x + [1] x' + [1]                            
                                        =  l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                             
           l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [2] res + [1] x + [1] y + [1]                             
                                        >= [2] res + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                             
                                        =  l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [2] res + [1] x + [1] y + [1]                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                 l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [1] res + [2] t + [4] x + [0]                  
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                 l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] res + [4] t + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                     
                                        >= [2] res + [4] t + [1] x + [1] y + [11]                    
                                        =  l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)                            
           l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [2] res' + [4] t + [1] y + [6]                  
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                    m2(a,b,res,False()) =  [2] res + [1]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [1]                                             
                                        =  m4(a,b,res,False())                                       
                   m2(0(),b,res,True()) =  [2] res + [1]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) =  [2] res + [1]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
               m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) =  [2] res + [1]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                        m3(0(),b,res,t) =  [1] b + [1] res + [1] t + [2]                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     m3(S(0()),b,res,t) =  [1] b + [1] res + [1] t + [2]                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                   m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) =  [1] res + [2] t + [1]                                     
                                        >= [2] t + [10]                                              
                                        =  m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)                              
                          m5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [2] t + [6]                                     
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                             monus(a,b) =  [4]                                                       
                                        >= [4]                                                       
                                        =  m1(a,b,False(),False())                                   
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 5: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Signature:
            { [2] mtmp + [4] res + [1] x + [2] y + [1]
                                 = l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())            
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                               <(x,0()) =  [1]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  False()                                    
                            <(0(),S(y)) =  [1]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  True()                                     
                           <(S(x),S(y)) =  [1]                                        
                                        >= [1]                                        
                                        =  <(x,y)                                     
                      bool2Nat(False()) =  [7]                                        
                                        >= [2]                                        
                                        =  0()                                        
                       bool2Nat(True()) =  [7]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  S(0())                                     
                          e1(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                        
                                        >= [6]                                        
                                        =  e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))                         
                    e2(a,b,res,False()) =  [5]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  False()                                    
                     e2(a,b,res,True()) =  [5]                                        
                                        >= [1]                                        
                                        =  e3(a,b,res,True())                         
                          e3(a,b,res,t) =  [1]                                        
                                        >= [1]                                        
                                        =  e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))                         
                    e4(a,b,res,False()) =  [0]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  False()                                    
                     e4(a,b,res,True()) =  [0]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  True()                                     
                          e5(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  True()                                     
                          e6(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  False()                                    
                          e7(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  False()                                    
                          e8(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [0]                              
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                              
                                        =  res                                        
                            equal0(a,b) =  [0]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  e1(a,b,False(),False())                    
                               gcd(x,y) =  [2] x + [2] y + [0]                        
                                        >= [2] x + [2] y + [13]                       
                                        =  l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())        
                             help1(0()) =  [4]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  False()                                    
                          help1(S(0())) =  [0]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  False()                                    
                         help1(S(S(x))) =  [0]                                        
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  True()                                     
                l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] res + [2] y + [1]                      
                                        >= [2] y + [1]                                
                                        =  l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))               
          l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [2] y + [0]                                
                                        >= [2] y + [0]                                
                                        =  l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())              
           l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [2] y + [0]                                
                                        >= [2] y + [0]                                
                                        =  l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())               
                l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] y + [0]                                
                                        >= [2] y + [11]                               
                                        =  l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)              
             l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [2] y + [7]                                
                                        >= [2] y + [6]                                
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)          
              l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [2] y + [7]                                
                                        >= [2] y + [2]                                
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)        
                l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] y + [0]                                
                                        >= [2] y + [11]                               
                                        =  l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)              
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [2] y + [7]                                
                                        >= [2] y + [6]                                
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)          
              l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [2] y + [7]                                
                                        >= [2] y + [2]                                
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)        
                l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [2]                              
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                              
                                        =  res                                        
           l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [2] mtmp + [4] res + [1] x + [2] y + [1]   
                                        >= [2] mtmp + [1] x + [2] y + [0]             
                                        =  l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())               
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [2] mtmp + [4] res + [1] x + [2] y + [1]   
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                              
                                        =  res                                        
                 l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] mtmp + [1] x + [2] y + [0]             
                                        >= [1] mtmp + [1] x + [2] y + [4]             
                                        =  l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)                     
                l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [2] res + [2] x + [1] x' + [0]  
                                        >= [1] mtmp + [2] res + [2] x + [1] x' + [5]  
                                        =  l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())              
           l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] mtmp + [2] res + [1] x + [2] y + [5]   
                                        >= [1] mtmp + [2] res + [1] x + [2] y + [0]   
                                        =  l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())               
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] mtmp + [2] res + [1] x + [2] y + [5]   
                                        >= [2]                                        
                                        =  0()                                        
                 l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [0]                                        
                                        >= [2]                                        
                                        =  0()                                        
                 l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [2] res + [1] x + [2] y + [0]   
                                        >= [1] mtmp + [2] res + [1] x + [2] y + [4]   
                                        =  l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)             
           l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [1] res + [2] res' + [2] y + [4]
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                              
                                        =  res                                        
             l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [2] res + [1] x + [2] y + [4]   
                                        >= [2] res + [2] y + [1]                      
                                        =  l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)                
              l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [1]                              
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                              
                                        =  res                                        
                          m1(a,x,res,t) =  [4] res + [4] t + [1]                      
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                              
                                        =  m2(a,x,res,False())                        
                    m2(a,b,res,False()) =  [1] res + [0]                              
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  m4(a,b,res,False())                        
                   m2(0(),b,res,True()) =  [1] res + [0]                              
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  False()                                    
                m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) =  [1] res + [0]                              
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  False()                                    
               m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) =  [1] res + [0]                              
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  True()                                     
                        m3(0(),b,res,t) =  [2] t + [10]                               
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  False()                                    
                     m3(S(0()),b,res,t) =  [2] t + [2]                                
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  False()                                    
                    m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) =  [2] t + [2]                                
                                        >= [0]                                        
                                        =  True()                                     
                   m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) =  [1] t + [0]                                
                                        >= [7]                                        
                                        =  m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)               
                          m5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] a + [1] res + [3]                      
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                              
                                        =  res                                        
                             monus(a,b) =  [4]                                        
                                        >= [1]                                        
                                        =  m1(a,b,False(),False())                    
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 6: MI WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Signature:
            { [0]                        
                               = False()                    
                 e7(a,b,res,t) = [1] t + [1]                
                               > [0]                        
                               = False()                    
        l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) = [2] mtmp + [4] x + [1]     
                               > [0]                        
                               = 0()                        
        Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                             <(x,0()) =  [0]                                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  False()                                         
                          <(0(),S(y)) =  [0]                                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  True()                                          
                         <(S(x),S(y)) =  [0]                                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  <(x,y)                                          
                    bool2Nat(False()) =  [3]                                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  0()                                             
                     bool2Nat(True()) =  [3]                                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  S(0())                                          
                        e1(a,b,res,t) =  [2] res + [0]                                   
                                      >= [2] res + [0]                                   
                                      =  e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))                              
                  e2(a,b,res,False()) =  [2] res + [0]                                   
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  False()                                         
                   e2(a,b,res,True()) =  [2] res + [0]                                   
                                      >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      =  e3(a,b,res,True())                              
                        e3(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      =  e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))                              
                  e4(a,b,res,False()) =  [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  False()                                         
                   e4(a,b,res,True()) =  [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  True()                                          
                        e5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] b + [4] t + [4]                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  True()                                          
                        e8(a,b,res,t) =  [4] a + [1] b + [4] res + [2]                   
                                      >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      =  res                                             
                          equal0(a,b) =  [0]                                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  e1(a,b,False(),False())                         
                             gcd(x,y) =  [4] x + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      >= [4] x + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      =  l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())             
                           help1(0()) =  [0]                                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  False()                                         
                        help1(S(0())) =  [0]                                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  False()                                         
                       help1(S(S(x))) =  [0]                                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  True()                                          
               l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] mtmp + [2] res + [1] t + [4] x + [4] y + [0]
                                      >= [1] mtmp + [2] res + [1] x + [4] y + [0]        
                                      =  l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                    
              l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [1] t + [1] x + [4] y + [0]          
                                      >= [1] mtmp + [4] y + [0]                          
                                      =  l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))                    
        l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] mtmp + [4] y + [0]                          
                                      >= [4] y + [0]                                     
                                      =  l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                   
         l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] mtmp + [4] y + [0]                          
                                      >= [4] y + [0]                                     
                                      =  l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())                    
              l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] t + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      >= [4] t + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      =  l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                   
           l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [4] t + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      >= [4] t + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      =  l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)               
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [4] t + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      >= [4] t + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      =  l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)             
              l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] t + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      >= [4] t + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      =  l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                   
           l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [4] t + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      >= [4] t + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)               
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [4] t + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      >= [4] t + [4] y + [0]                             
                                      =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)             
              l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [4] t + [0]                           
                                      >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      =  res                                             
         l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] mtmp + [2] res + [1] x + [4] y + [0]        
                                      >= [1] mtmp + [1] x + [4] y + [0]                  
                                      =  l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                    
          l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] mtmp + [2] res + [1] x + [4] y + [0]        
                                      >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      =  res                                             
               l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [5] t + [1] x + [4] y + [0]          
                                      >= [1] mtmp + [4] t + [1] x + [4] y + [0]          
                                      =  l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)                          
              l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [4] t + [4] x + [1] x' + [0]         
                                      >= [1] mtmp + [4] x + [1] x' + [0]                 
                                      =  l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                   
         l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] mtmp + [1] x + [4] y + [0]                  
                                      >= [1] mtmp + [1] x + [4] y + [0]                  
                                      =  l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                    
          l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] mtmp + [1] x + [4] y + [0]                  
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  0()                                             
               l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [4] t + [1] x + [4] y + [0]          
                                      >= [1] mtmp + [4] t + [1] x + [4] y + [0]          
                                      =  l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)                  
         l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [1] res + [4] t + [4] y + [0]        
                                      >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      =  res                                             
           l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [4] t + [1] x + [4] y + [0]          
                                      >= [1] mtmp + [1] t + [1] x + [4] y + [0]          
                                      =  l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)                     
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [2] res' + [1]                        
                                      >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      =  res                                             
                        m1(a,x,res,t) =  [4] res + [1] t + [0]                           
                                      >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      =  m2(a,x,res,False())                             
                  m2(a,b,res,False()) =  [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  m4(a,b,res,False())                             
                 m2(0(),b,res,True()) =  [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  False()                                         
              m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) =  [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  False()                                         
             m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) =  [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  True()                                          
                      m3(0(),b,res,t) =  [1] b + [4] t + [6]                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  False()                                         
                   m3(S(0()),b,res,t) =  [1] b + [4] t + [6]                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  False()                                         
                  m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) =  [1] b + [4] t + [6]                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  True()                                          
                 m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) =  [4] t + [0]                                     
                                      >= [2] t + [0]                                     
                                      =  m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)                    
                        m5(a,b,res,t) =  [4] res + [2] t + [0]                           
                                      >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                      =  res                                             
                           monus(a,b) =  [0]                                             
                                      >= [0]                                             
                                      =  m1(a,b,False(),False())                         
* Step 7: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Signature:
            { [1] x + [1] y + [0]   
                                 = l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                               <(x,0()) =  [1]                                             
                                        >= [1]                                             
                                        =  False()                                         
                            <(0(),S(y)) =  [1]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                             
                                        =  True()                                          
                           <(S(x),S(y)) =  [1]                                             
                                        >= [1]                                             
                                        =  <(x,y)                                          
                      bool2Nat(False()) =  [2]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                             
                                        =  0()                                             
                       bool2Nat(True()) =  [2]                                             
                                        >= [2]                                             
                                        =  S(0())                                          
                          e1(a,b,res,t) =  [3]                                             
                                        >= [4]                                             
                                        =  e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))                              
                    e2(a,b,res,False()) =  [4]                                             
                                        >= [1]                                             
                                        =  False()                                         
                     e2(a,b,res,True()) =  [3]                                             
                                        >= [3]                                             
                                        =  e3(a,b,res,True())                              
                          e3(a,b,res,t) =  [3]                                             
                                        >= [2]                                             
                                        =  e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))                              
                    e4(a,b,res,False()) =  [2]                                             
                                        >= [1]                                             
                                        =  False()                                         
                     e4(a,b,res,True()) =  [1]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                             
                                        =  True()                                          
                          e5(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                             
                                        =  True()                                          
                          e6(a,b,res,t) =  [1]                                             
                                        >= [1]                                             
                                        =  False()                                         
                          e7(a,b,res,t) =  [2]                                             
                                        >= [1]                                             
                                        =  False()                                         
                          e8(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [1]                                   
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                        =  res                                             
                            equal0(a,b) =  [3]                                             
                                        >= [3]                                             
                                        =  e1(a,b,False(),False())                         
                               gcd(x,y) =  [1] x + [1] y + [0]                             
                                        >= [1] x + [1] y + [4]                             
                                        =  l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())             
                             help1(0()) =  [4]                                             
                                        >= [1]                                             
                                        =  False()                                         
                          help1(S(0())) =  [4]                                             
                                        >= [1]                                             
                                        =  False()                                         
                         help1(S(S(x))) =  [4]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                             
                                        =  True()                                          
                 l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [1] res + [2] t + [1] x + [1] y + [1]
                                        >= [1] res + [1] x + [1] y + [1]                   
                                        =  l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                    
                l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] x + [1] y + [1]                             
                                        >= [1] y + [1]                                     
                                        =  l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))                    
          l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] y + [1]                                     
                                        >= [1] y + [1]                                     
                                        =  l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                   
           l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] y + [0]                                     
                                        >= [1] y + [0]                                     
                                        =  l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())                    
                l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] t + [1] y + [0]                             
                                        >= [1] y + [9]                                     
                                        =  l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                   
             l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [1] y + [5]                                     
                                        >= [1] y + [5]                                     
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)               
              l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [1] y + [4]                                     
                                        >= [1] y + [4]                                     
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)             
                l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] y + [1]                                     
                                        >= [1] y + [9]                                     
                                        =  l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                   
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [1] y + [5]                                     
                                        >= [1] y + [5]                                     
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)               
              l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [1] y + [4]                                     
                                        >= [1] y + [4]                                     
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)             
                l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3] mtmp + [1] res + [2]                        
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                        =  res                                             
           l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] res + [1] x + [1] y + [1]                   
                                        >= [1] x + [1] y + [1]                             
                                        =  l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                    
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] res + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                   
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                        =  res                                             
                l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] x + [1] x' + [0]                            
                                        >= [1] x + [1] x' + [6]                            
                                        =  l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                   
           l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] x + [1] y + [6]                             
                                        >= [1] x + [1] y + [2]                             
                                        =  l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                    
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] x + [1] y + [5]                             
                                        >= [0]                                             
                                        =  0()                                             
                 l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                             
                                        =  0()                                             
                 l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] t + [1] x + [1] y + [1]                     
                                        >= [1] t + [1] x + [1] y + [3]                     
                                        =  l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)                  
           l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [1] t + [1] y + [0]                   
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                        =  res                                             
             l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) =  [1] t + [1] x + [1] y + [1]                     
                                        >= [1] x + [1] y + [1]                             
                                        =  l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)                     
              l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                   
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                        =  res                                             
                          m1(a,x,res,t) =  [1] t + [3]                                     
                                        >= [3]                                             
                                        =  m2(a,x,res,False())                             
                    m2(a,b,res,False()) =  [3]                                             
                                        >= [3]                                             
                                        =  m4(a,b,res,False())                             
                   m2(0(),b,res,True()) =  [1]                                             
                                        >= [1]                                             
                                        =  False()                                         
                m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) =  [1]                                             
                                        >= [1]                                             
                                        =  False()                                         
               m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) =  [1]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                             
                                        =  True()                                          
                        m3(0(),b,res,t) =  [4] res + [1] t + [4]                           
                                        >= [1]                                             
                                        =  False()                                         
                     m3(S(0()),b,res,t) =  [4] res + [1] t + [12]                          
                                        >= [1]                                             
                                        =  False()                                         
                    m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) =  [4] res + [1] t + [12]                          
                                        >= [0]                                             
                                        =  True()                                          
                   m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) =  [3]                                             
                                        >= [9]                                             
                                        =  m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)                    
                          m5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [4]                                   
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                   
                                        =  res                                             
                             monus(a,b) =  [5]                                             
                                        >= [4]                                             
                                        =  m1(a,b,False(),False())                         
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 8: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Signature:
            { [3] res + [1] x + [1] x' + [0]          
                                  = l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())           
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                               <(x,0()) =  [3]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                            <(0(),S(y)) =  [3]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                           <(S(x),S(y)) =  [3]                                                       
                                        >= [3]                                                       
                                        =  <(x,y)                                                    
                      bool2Nat(False()) =  [4]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                       bool2Nat(True()) =  [4]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  S(0())                                                    
                          e1(a,b,res,t) =  [5] res + [3]                                             
                                        >= [4] res + [6]                                             
                                        =  e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))                                        
                    e2(a,b,res,False()) =  [4] res + [3]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     e2(a,b,res,True()) =  [4] res + [3]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [3]                                             
                                        =  e3(a,b,res,True())                                        
                          e3(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [3]                                             
                                        >= [3]                                                       
                                        =  e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))                                        
                    e4(a,b,res,False()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     e4(a,b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                          e5(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                          e6(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          e7(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          e8(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                            equal0(a,b) =  [3]                                                       
                                        >= [3]                                                       
                                        =  e1(a,b,False(),False())                                   
                               gcd(x,y) =  [1] x + [1] y + [0]                                       
                                        >= [1] x + [1] y + [2]                                       
                                        =  l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())                       
                             help1(0()) =  [1]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          help1(S(0())) =  [1]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                         help1(S(S(x))) =  [1]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                 l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] mtmp + [1] res + [1] t + [3] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [2]
                                        >= [4] mtmp + [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [2]        
                                        =  l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
                l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] res + [1] t + [2] tmp + [1] y + [4]                   
                                        >= [1] res + [2] tmp + [1] y + [4]                           
                                        =  l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))                              
          l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] res + [2] tmp + [1] y + [1]                           
                                        >= [1] y + [1]                                               
                                        =  l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                             
           l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] res + [2] tmp + [1] y + [1]                           
                                        >= [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] y + [1]                           
                                        =  l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())                              
                l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] y + [1]                           
                                        >= [1] res + [1] y + [1]                                     
                                        =  l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                             
             l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [1] res + [1] y + [0]                                     
                                        >= [1] y + [0]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)                         
              l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [1] res + [1] y + [0]                                     
                                        >= [1] y + [0]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)                       
                l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3] t + [1] y + [1]                                       
                                        >= [1] y + [1]                                               
                                        =  l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                             
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [1] y + [0]                                               
                                        >= [1] y + [0]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)                         
              l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [1] y + [0]                                               
                                        >= [1] y + [0]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)                       
                l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
           l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [4] mtmp + [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [2]        
                                        >= [2] mtmp + [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [2]        
                                        =  l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [4] mtmp + [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [2]        
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                 l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] mtmp + [1] res + [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [2]        
                                        >= [1] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [2]                             
                                        =  l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)                                    
           l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [3] res + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                             
                                        >= [2] res + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                             
                                        =  l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [3] res + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                 l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [2] tmp + [1] x + [0]                           
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                 l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] res + [4] t + [1] x + [1] y + [0]                     
                                        >= [2] res + [1] t + [1] x + [1] y + [8]                     
                                        =  l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)                            
           l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [2] res' + [1] t + [1] y + [5]                  
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
             l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) =  [2] res + [1] t + [1] x + [1] y + [5]                     
                                        >= [2] res + [1] t + [1] y + [4]                             
                                        =  l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)                               
              l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [1] res + [1] tmp + [1]                        
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                          m1(a,x,res,t) =  [5] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m2(a,x,res,False())                                       
                    m2(a,b,res,False()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m4(a,b,res,False())                                       
                   m2(0(),b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
               m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                        m3(0(),b,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     m3(S(0()),b,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                    m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                   m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) =  [1] t + [0]                                               
                                        >= [1] t + [2]                                               
                                        =  m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)                              
                          m5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] a + [4] b + [1] res + [1] t + [1]                     
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                             monus(a,b) =  [1]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m1(a,b,False(),False())                                   
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 9: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Signature:
            { [3] mtmp + [4] t + [1] x + [2] y + [6]
                                 = l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)        
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                               <(x,0()) =  [4]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                            <(0(),S(y)) =  [4]                                                       
                                        >= [4]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                           <(S(x),S(y)) =  [4]                                                       
                                        >= [4]                                                       
                                        =  <(x,y)                                                    
                      bool2Nat(False()) =  [2]                                                       
                                        >= [1]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                       bool2Nat(True()) =  [10]                                                      
                                        >= [4]                                                       
                                        =  S(0())                                                    
                          e1(a,b,res,t) =  [3] res + [2] t + [0]                                     
                                        >= [2] res + [6]                                             
                                        =  e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))                                        
                    e2(a,b,res,False()) =  [2] res + [2]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     e2(a,b,res,True()) =  [2] res + [6]                                             
                                        >= [5]                                                       
                                        =  e3(a,b,res,True())                                        
                          e3(a,b,res,t) =  [5]                                                       
                                        >= [4]                                                       
                                        =  e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))                                        
                    e4(a,b,res,False()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     e4(a,b,res,True()) =  [4]                                                       
                                        >= [4]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                          e5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] a + [1] b + [4]                                       
                                        >= [4]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                          e6(a,b,res,t) =  [2] a + [1] res + [4] t + [5]                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          e7(a,b,res,t) =  [2] t + [3]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          e8(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [1]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                            equal0(a,b) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  e1(a,b,False(),False())                                   
                               gcd(x,y) =  [1] x + [2] y + [0]                                       
                                        >= [1] x + [2] y + [11]                                      
                                        =  l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())                       
                             help1(0()) =  [3]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          help1(S(0())) =  [6]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                         help1(S(S(x))) =  [6]                                                       
                                        >= [4]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                 l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] mtmp + [4] res + [1] t + [3] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [7]
                                        >= [4] mtmp + [2] res + [2] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [7]        
                                        =  l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
                l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3] mtmp + [1] t + [1] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [4]          
                                        >= [2] mtmp + [1] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [4]                  
                                        =  l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))                              
          l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [2] mtmp + [1] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [0]                  
                                        >= [1] mtmp + [1] tmp + [1] y + [0]                          
                                        =  l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                             
           l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [2] mtmp + [1] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [4]                  
                                        >= [2] mtmp + [1] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [4]                  
                                        =  l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())                              
                l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] mtmp + [1] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [4]                  
                                        >= [1] x + [2] y + [8]                                       
                                        =  l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                             
             l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [1] x + [2] y + [4]                                       
                                        >= [2] y + [1]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)                         
              l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [1] x + [2] y + [8]                                       
                                        >= [2] y + [4]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)                       
                l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [1] tmp + [1] y + [0]                          
                                        >= [1] y + [11]                                              
                                        =  l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                             
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [1] y + [7]                                               
                                        >= [1] y + [2]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)                         
              l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [1] y + [11]                                              
                                        >= [1] y + [8]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)                       
                l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
           l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [4] mtmp + [2] res + [2] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [7]        
                                        >= [3] mtmp + [2] res + [2] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [7]        
                                        =  l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [4] mtmp + [2] res + [2] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [7]        
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                 l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3] mtmp + [2] res + [2] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [7]        
                                        >= [3] mtmp + [1] tmp + [1] x + [2] y + [7]                  
                                        =  l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)                                    
                l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3] mtmp + [1] tmp + [2] x + [1] x' + [7]                 
                                        >= [3] mtmp + [2] x + [1] x' + [7]                           
                                        =  l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                             
           l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [3] mtmp + [1] x + [2] y + [7]                            
                                        >= [3] mtmp + [1] x + [2] y + [7]                            
                                        =  l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [3] mtmp + [1] x + [2] y + [15]                           
                                        >= [1]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                 l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [1] t + [1] tmp + [1] x + [4] y + [1]          
                                        >= [1]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
           l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) =  [3] mtmp + [1] res + [4] t + [2] y + [10]                 
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
             l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) =  [3] mtmp + [4] t + [1] x + [2] y + [6]                    
                                        >= [3] mtmp + [1] t + [1] x + [2] y + [4]                    
                                        =  l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)                               
              l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [1] res + [2] res' + [1] t + [2] tmp + [1]     
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                          m1(a,x,res,t) =  [1] res + [1] t + [0]                                     
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m2(a,x,res,False())                                       
                    m2(a,b,res,False()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m4(a,b,res,False())                                       
                   m2(0(),b,res,True()) =  [8]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) =  [8]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
               m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) =  [8]                                                       
                                        >= [4]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                        m3(0(),b,res,t) =  [4] t + [5]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     m3(S(0()),b,res,t) =  [4] t + [8]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                    m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) =  [4] t + [8]                                               
                                        >= [4]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                   m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) =  [1] t + [0]                                               
                                        >= [1] t + [8]                                               
                                        =  m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)                              
                          m5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] b + [1] res + [1] t + [0]                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                             monus(a,b) =  [4]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m1(a,b,False(),False())                                   
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 10: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Signature:
            { [1]               
                        = e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                               <(x,0()) =  [0]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  False()                                   
                            <(0(),S(y)) =  [0]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  True()                                    
                           <(S(x),S(y)) =  [0]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  <(x,y)                                    
                      bool2Nat(False()) =  [0]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  0()                                       
                       bool2Nat(True()) =  [0]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  S(0())                                    
                    e2(a,b,res,False()) =  [1]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  False()                                   
                     e2(a,b,res,True()) =  [1]                                       
                                        >= [1]                                       
                                        =  e3(a,b,res,True())                        
                          e3(a,b,res,t) =  [1]                                       
                                        >= [1]                                       
                                        =  e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))                        
                    e4(a,b,res,False()) =  [1]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  False()                                   
                     e4(a,b,res,True()) =  [1]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  True()                                    
                          e5(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  True()                                    
                          e6(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  False()                                   
                          e7(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  False()                                   
                          e8(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [1]                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                             
                                        =  res                                       
                            equal0(a,b) =  [2]                                       
                                        >= [2]                                       
                                        =  e1(a,b,False(),False())                   
                               gcd(x,y) =  [2] x + [2] y + [0]                       
                                        >= [2] x + [2] y + [3]                       
                                        =  l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())       
                             help1(0()) =  [0]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  False()                                   
                          help1(S(0())) =  [0]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  False()                                   
                         help1(S(S(x))) =  [0]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  True()                                    
                 l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] res + [2] x + [2] y + [3]             
                                        >= [4] res + [1] x + [2] y + [3]             
                                        =  l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())              
                l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] y + [0]                               
                                        >= [2] y + [0]                               
                                        =  l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))              
          l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [2] y + [0]                               
                                        >= [2] y + [0]                               
                                        =  l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())             
           l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [2] y + [0]                               
                                        >= [2] y + [0]                               
                                        =  l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())              
                l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] y + [0]                               
                                        >= [2] y + [1]                               
                                        =  l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)             
             l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [2] y + [0]                               
                                        >= [2] y + [0]                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)         
              l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [2] y + [0]                               
                                        >= [2] y + [0]                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)       
                l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] y + [0]                               
                                        >= [2] y + [1]                               
                                        =  l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)             
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [2] y + [0]                               
                                        >= [2] y + [0]                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)         
              l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [2] y + [0]                               
                                        >= [2] y + [0]                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)       
                l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [0]                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                             
                                        =  res                                       
           l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [4] res + [1] x + [2] y + [3]             
                                        >= [1] x + [2] y + [3]                       
                                        =  l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())              
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [4] res + [1] x + [2] y + [3]             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                             
                                        =  res                                       
                 l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] x + [2] y + [3]                       
                                        >= [1] x + [2] y + [3]                       
                                        =  l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)                    
                l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] res + [2] x + [1] x' + [3]            
                                        >= [1] res + [2] x + [1] x' + [3]            
                                        =  l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())             
           l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] res + [1] x + [2] y + [3]             
                                        >= [1] res + [1] x + [2] y + [3]             
                                        =  l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())              
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] res + [1] x + [2] y + [3]             
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  0()                                       
                 l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [2] res + [4] t + [1]          
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  0()                                       
                 l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [3] t + [1] x + [2] y + [3]     
                                        >= [1] res + [2] t + [1] x + [2] y + [3]     
                                        =  l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)            
           l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [1] res' + [2] t + [2] y + [1]  
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                             
                                        =  res                                       
             l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [2] t + [1] x + [2] y + [1]     
                                        >= [2] y + [0]                               
                                        =  l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)               
              l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [4] res + [2] t + [2] tmp + [2]
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                             
                                        =  res                                       
                          m1(a,x,res,t) =  [4] res + [1]                             
                                        >= [4] res + [0]                             
                                        =  m2(a,x,res,False())                       
                    m2(a,b,res,False()) =  [4] res + [0]                             
                                        >= [4] res + [0]                             
                                        =  m4(a,b,res,False())                       
                   m2(0(),b,res,True()) =  [4] res + [0]                             
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  False()                                   
                m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) =  [4] res + [0]                             
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  False()                                   
               m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) =  [4] res + [0]                             
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  True()                                    
                        m3(0(),b,res,t) =  [2] b + [1] t + [0]                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  False()                                   
                     m3(S(0()),b,res,t) =  [2] b + [1] t + [0]                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  False()                                   
                    m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) =  [2] b + [1] t + [0]                       
                                        >= [0]                                       
                                        =  True()                                    
                   m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) =  [4] res + [4] t + [0]                     
                                        >= [6]                                       
                                        =  m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)              
                          m5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] a + [1] res + [5]                     
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                             
                                        =  res                                       
                             monus(a,b) =  [1]                                       
                                        >= [1]                                       
                                        =  m1(a,b,False(),False())                   
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 11: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Signature:
            { [1] t + [1] y + [2]          
                                  = l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                               <(x,0()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                            <(0(),S(y)) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                           <(S(x),S(y)) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  <(x,y)                                                    
                      bool2Nat(False()) =  [1]                                                       
                                        >= [1]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                       bool2Nat(True()) =  [1]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  S(0())                                                    
                          e1(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))                                        
                    e2(a,b,res,False()) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     e2(a,b,res,True()) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  e3(a,b,res,True())                                        
                          e3(a,b,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))                                        
                    e4(a,b,res,False()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     e4(a,b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                          e5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] a + [1] res + [1] t + [4]                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                          e6(a,b,res,t) =  [2] b + [0]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          e7(a,b,res,t) =  [1] b + [1] t + [5]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          e8(a,b,res,t) =  [4] b + [4] res + [1]                                     
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                            equal0(a,b) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  e1(a,b,False(),False())                                   
                               gcd(x,y) =  [1] x + [1] y + [0]                                       
                                        >= [1] x + [1] y + [5]                                       
                                        =  l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())                       
                             help1(0()) =  [5]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          help1(S(0())) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                         help1(S(S(x))) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                 l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] mtmp + [1] res + [1] t + [4] tmp + [1] x + [1] y + [4]
                                        >= [1] res + [1] x + [1] y + [4]                             
                                        =  l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
                l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] t + [4] tmp + [1] y + [3]                             
                                        >= [2] tmp + [1] y + [3]                                     
                                        =  l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))                              
          l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [2] tmp + [1] y + [3]                                     
                                        >= [1] y + [3]                                               
                                        =  l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                             
           l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [2] tmp + [1] y + [3]                                     
                                        >= [1] y + [3]                                               
                                        =  l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())                              
                l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [5] t + [1] y + [3]                                       
                                        >= [2] t + [1] y + [4]                                       
                                        =  l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                             
             l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [2] t + [1] y + [4]                                       
                                        >= [1] y + [2]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)                         
              l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [2] t + [1] y + [4]                                       
                                        >= [1] y + [1]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)                       
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [1] t + [1] y + [2]                                       
                                        >= [1] y + [2]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)                         
              l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [1] t + [1] y + [2]                                       
                                        >= [1] y + [1]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)                       
                l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [1]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
           l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] res + [1] x + [1] y + [4]                             
                                        >= [1] x + [1] y + [4]                                       
                                        =  l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] res + [1] x + [1] y + [4]                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                 l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] t + [1] x + [1] y + [4]                               
                                        >= [1] t + [1] x + [1] y + [3]                               
                                        =  l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)                                    
                l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] t + [1] x + [1] x' + [3]                              
                                        >= [1] x + [1] x' + [3]                                      
                                        =  l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                             
           l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] x + [1] y + [3]                                       
                                        >= [1] x + [1] y + [3]                                       
                                        =  l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] x + [1] y + [3]                                       
                                        >= [1]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                 l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [1] x + [2]                                     
                                        >= [1]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                 l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] t + [1] x + [1] y + [3]                               
                                        >= [1] t + [1] x + [1] y + [3]                               
                                        =  l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)                            
           l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [1] t + [1] y + [3]                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
             l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) =  [1] t + [1] x + [1] y + [3]                               
                                        >= [1] t + [1] y + [3]                                       
                                        =  l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)                               
              l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] mtmp + [2] res + [2] res' + [1] t + [2] y + [0]       
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                          m1(a,x,res,t) =  [4] res + [1] t + [0]                                     
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m2(a,x,res,False())                                       
                    m2(a,b,res,False()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m4(a,b,res,False())                                       
                   m2(0(),b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
               m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                        m3(0(),b,res,t) =  [1] b + [6]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     m3(S(0()),b,res,t) =  [1] b + [4]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                    m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) =  [1] b + [4]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                   m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [1]                                                       
                                        =  m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)                              
                          m5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] b + [1] res + [1]                                     
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                             monus(a,b) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m1(a,b,False(),False())                                   
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 12: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Signature:
            { [1] res + [2] tmp + [3] y + [0]        
                                  = l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)          
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                               <(x,0()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                            <(0(),S(y)) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                           <(S(x),S(y)) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  <(x,y)                                                    
                      bool2Nat(False()) =  [6]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                       bool2Nat(True()) =  [6]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  S(0())                                                    
                          e1(a,b,res,t) =  [4] t + [0]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))                                        
                    e2(a,b,res,False()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     e2(a,b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  e3(a,b,res,True())                                        
                          e3(a,b,res,t) =  [4] t + [0]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))                                        
                    e4(a,b,res,False()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     e4(a,b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                          e5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] b + [4] res + [2] t + [5]                             
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                          e6(a,b,res,t) =  [4] a + [0]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          e7(a,b,res,t) =  [1] a + [1] b + [2] res + [4] t + [5]                     
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          e8(a,b,res,t) =  [4] b + [1] res + [4] t + [4]                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                            equal0(a,b) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  e1(a,b,False(),False())                                   
                               gcd(x,y) =  [3] x + [3] y + [0]                                       
                                        >= [3] x + [3] y + [4]                                       
                                        =  l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())                       
                             help1(0()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                          help1(S(0())) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                         help1(S(S(x))) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                 l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [5] mtmp + [1] res + [2] t + [7] tmp + [3] x + [3] y + [4]
                                        >= [1] res + [7] tmp + [3] x + [3] y + [4]                   
                                        =  l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
                l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3] res + [1] t + [2] tmp + [3] y + [3]                   
                                        >= [3] res + [2] tmp + [3] y + [3]                           
                                        =  l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))                              
          l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [3] res + [2] tmp + [3] y + [3]                           
                                        >= [3] res + [2] tmp + [3] y + [0]                           
                                        =  l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                             
           l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [3] res + [2] tmp + [3] y + [3]                           
                                        >= [2] res + [2] tmp + [3] y + [2]                           
                                        =  l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())                              
             l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [1] res + [2] tmp + [3] y + [0]                           
                                        >= [3] y + [0]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)                         
              l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [1] res + [2] tmp + [3] y + [0]                           
                                        >= [3] y + [0]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)                       
                l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3] res + [1] t + [2] tmp + [3] y + [0]                   
                                        >= [3] y + [0]                                               
                                        =  l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                             
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [3] y + [0]                                               
                                        >= [3] y + [0]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)                         
              l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [3] y + [0]                                               
                                        >= [3] y + [0]                                               
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)                       
                l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
           l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] res + [7] tmp + [3] x + [3] y + [4]                   
                                        >= [1] res + [7] tmp + [3] x + [3] y + [4]                   
                                        =  l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] res + [7] tmp + [3] x + [3] y + [4]                   
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                 l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [7] tmp + [3] x + [3] y + [4]                   
                                        >= [4] tmp + [3] x + [3] y + [3]                             
                                        =  l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)                                    
                l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [7] res + [4] tmp + [3] x + [3] x' + [3]                  
                                        >= [5] res + [4] tmp + [3] x + [2] x' + [3]                  
                                        =  l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                             
           l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [5] res + [4] tmp + [2] x + [3] y + [3]                   
                                        >= [3] res + [2] x + [3] y + [3]                             
                                        =  l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                              
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [5] res + [4] tmp + [2] x + [3] y + [3]                   
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                 l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] mtmp + [2] res + [1] t + [2] x + [2] y + [0]          
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  0()                                                       
                 l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3] res + [4] t + [2] x + [3] y + [3]                     
                                        >= [3] res + [1] t + [2] x + [3] y + [3]                     
                                        =  l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)                            
           l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) =  [2] res + [3] res' + [1] t + [3] y + [3]                  
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
             l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) =  [3] res + [1] t + [2] x + [3] y + [3]                     
                                        >= [3] res + [1] t + [3] y + [3]                             
                                        =  l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)                               
              l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [4] res + [4] res' + [4] y + [2]               
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                          m1(a,x,res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m2(a,x,res,False())                                       
                    m2(a,b,res,False()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m4(a,b,res,False())                                       
                   m2(0(),b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
               m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                        m3(0(),b,res,t) =  [1] t + [2]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                     m3(S(0()),b,res,t) =  [1] t + [2]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  False()                                                   
                    m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) =  [1] t + [1] x + [2]                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  True()                                                    
                   m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [7]                                                       
                                        =  m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)                              
                          m5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [7]                                             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                             
                                        =  res                                                       
                             monus(a,b) =  [0]                                                       
                                        >= [0]                                                       
                                        =  m1(a,b,False(),False())                                   
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 13: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Signature:
            { [2] x' + [0]                
                               = m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                               <(x,0()) =  [3]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  False()                                           
                            <(0(),S(y)) =  [3]                                               
                                        >= [3]                                               
                                        =  True()                                            
                           <(S(x),S(y)) =  [3]                                               
                                        >= [3]                                               
                                        =  <(x,y)                                            
                      bool2Nat(False()) =  [1]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  0()                                               
                       bool2Nat(True()) =  [1]                                               
                                        >= [1]                                               
                                        =  S(0())                                            
                          e1(a,b,res,t) =  [5] res + [2] t + [3]                             
                                        >= [4] res + [3]                                     
                                        =  e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))                                
                    e2(a,b,res,False()) =  [4] res + [0]                                     
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  False()                                           
                     e2(a,b,res,True()) =  [4] res + [3]                                     
                                        >= [1] res + [3]                                     
                                        =  e3(a,b,res,True())                                
                          e3(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [3]                                     
                                        >= [3]                                               
                                        =  e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))                                
                    e4(a,b,res,False()) =  [0]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  False()                                           
                     e4(a,b,res,True()) =  [3]                                               
                                        >= [3]                                               
                                        =  True()                                            
                          e5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] b + [3]                                       
                                        >= [3]                                               
                                        =  True()                                            
                          e6(a,b,res,t) =  [2] b + [1] res + [4]                             
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  False()                                           
                          e7(a,b,res,t) =  [1] a + [4] t + [1]                               
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  False()                                           
                          e8(a,b,res,t) =  [1] a + [1] b + [4] res + [1] t + [0]             
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                     
                                        =  res                                               
                            equal0(a,b) =  [3]                                               
                                        >= [3]                                               
                                        =  e1(a,b,False(),False())                           
                               gcd(x,y) =  [4] x + [4] y + [0]                               
                                        >= [4] x + [4] y + [7]                               
                                        =  l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())               
                             help1(0()) =  [4]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  False()                                           
                          help1(S(0())) =  [8]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  False()                                           
                         help1(S(S(x))) =  [4] x + [12]                                      
                                        >= [3]                                               
                                        =  True()                                            
                 l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [6] mtmp + [2] res + [4] tmp + [4] x + [4] y + [7]
                                        >= [4] mtmp + [2] res + [4] tmp + [4] x + [4] y + [7]
                                        =  l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                      
                l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [2] t + [5] tmp + [4] x + [4] y + [4]  
                                        >= [1] mtmp + [5] tmp + [4] x + [4] y + [4]          
                                        =  l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))                      
          l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1] mtmp + [5] tmp + [4] x + [4] y + [1]          
                                        >= [5] tmp + [2] x + [4] y + [1]                     
                                        =  l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                     
           l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1] mtmp + [5] tmp + [4] x + [4] y + [4]          
                                        >= [1] mtmp + [3] x + [4] y + [4]                    
                                        =  l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())                      
                l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] mtmp + [3] x + [4] y + [4]                    
                                        >= [2] x + [4] y + [4]                               
                                        =  l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                     
             l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [4] y + [4]                                       
                                        >= [4] y + [0]                                       
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)                 
              l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [4] y + [7]                                       
                                        >= [4] y + [4]                                       
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)               
                l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] t + [5] tmp + [2] x + [4] y + [1]             
                                        >= [2] x + [4] y + [1]                               
                                        =  l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                     
             l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [4] y + [1]                                       
                                        >= [4] y + [0]                                       
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)                 
              l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [4] y + [4]                                       
                                        >= [4] y + [4]                                       
                                        =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)               
                l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                     
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                     
                                        =  res                                               
           l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [4] mtmp + [2] res + [4] tmp + [4] x + [4] y + [7]
                                        >= [3] mtmp + [1] tmp + [4] x + [4] y + [7]          
                                        =  l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                      
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [4] mtmp + [2] res + [4] tmp + [4] x + [4] y + [7]
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                     
                                        =  res                                               
                 l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3] mtmp + [1] t + [1] tmp + [4] x + [4] y + [7]  
                                        >= [3] mtmp + [4] x + [4] y + [7]                    
                                        =  l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)                            
                l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3] mtmp + [5] res + [4] x + [4] x' + [7]         
                                        >= [2] mtmp + [1] res + [4] x + [4] x' + [7]         
                                        =  l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                     
           l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [2] mtmp + [1] res + [4] x + [4] y + [7]          
                                        >= [2] mtmp + [1] res + [4] x + [4] y + [7]          
                                        =  l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                      
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [2] mtmp + [1] res + [4] x + [4] y + [7]          
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  0()                                               
                 l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4] mtmp + [1] res + [1] t + [1] tmp + [5]        
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  0()                                               
                 l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2] mtmp + [1] res + [2] t + [4] x + [4] y + [7]  
                                        >= [2] mtmp + [2] t + [4] x + [4] y + [7]            
                                        =  l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)                    
           l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) =  [2] mtmp + [4] res + [2] t + [4] y + [7]          
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                     
                                        =  res                                               
             l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) =  [2] mtmp + [2] t + [4] x + [4] y + [4]            
                                        >= [1] mtmp + [2] t + [4] x + [4] y + [4]            
                                        =  l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)                       
              l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1] res + [1] res' + [1] tmp + [4] y + [1]        
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                     
                                        =  res                                               
                          m1(a,x,res,t) =  [2] a + [2] res + [1] t + [0]                     
                                        >= [2] a + [0]                                       
                                        =  m2(a,x,res,False())                               
                    m2(a,b,res,False()) =  [2] a + [0]                                       
                                        >= [2] a + [0]                                       
                                        =  m4(a,b,res,False())                               
                   m2(0(),b,res,True()) =  [0]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  False()                                           
                m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) =  [2]                                               
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  False()                                           
               m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) =  [2] x + [4]                                       
                                        >= [3]                                               
                                        =  True()                                            
                        m3(0(),b,res,t) =  [2] b + [1] t + [0]                               
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  False()                                           
                     m3(S(0()),b,res,t) =  [2] b + [1] t + [6]                               
                                        >= [0]                                               
                                        =  False()                                           
                    m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) =  [2] b + [1] t + [6] x + [12]                      
                                        >= [3]                                               
                                        =  True()                                            
                          m5(a,b,res,t) =  [1] res + [0]                                     
                                        >= [1] res + [0]                                     
                                        =  res                                               
                             monus(a,b) =  [2] a + [0]                                       
                                        >= [2] a + [0]                                       
                                        =  m1(a,b,False(),False())                           
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 14: MI WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Signature:
            { [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [1]            
                   [7 5]     [7 6]     [4]            
                 = l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
        Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
                             <(x,0()) =  [0 0] x + [1]                                               
                                         [3 3]     [0]                                               
                                      >= [1]                                                         
                                      =  False()                                                     
                          <(0(),S(y)) =  [1]                                                         
                                      >= [0]                                                         
                                      =  True()                                                      
                         <(S(x),S(y)) =  [0 0] x + [1]                                               
                                         [3 3]     [0]                                               
                                      >= [0 0] x + [1]                                               
                                         [3 3]     [0]                                               
                                      =  <(x,y)                                                      
                    bool2Nat(False()) =  [1]                                                         
                                      >= [0]                                                         
                                      =  0()                                                         
                     bool2Nat(True()) =  [3]                                                         
                                      >= [1]                                                         
                                      =  S(0())                                                      
                        e1(a,b,res,t) =  [3 3] a + [0 2] res + [0 0] t + [1]                         
                                         [7 5]     [0 4]       [0 2]     [1]                         
                                      >= [3 3] a + [0 2] res + [1]                                   
                                         [7 4]     [0 4]       [1]                                   
                                      =  e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))                                          
                  e2(a,b,res,False()) =  [0 0] a + [0 2] res + [1]                                   
                                         [4 1]     [0 4]       [1]                                   
                                      >= [1]                                                         
                                      =  False()                                                     
                   e2(a,b,res,True()) =  [0 0] a + [0 2] res + [3]                                   
                                         [4 1]     [0 4]       [4]                                   
                                      >= [0 0] a + [0 2] res + [1]                                   
                                         [0 1]     [0 2]       [4]                                   
                                      =  e3(a,b,res,True())                                          
                        e3(a,b,res,t) =  [0 0] a + [0 2] res + [1]                                   
                                         [0 1]     [0 2]       [4]                                   
                                      >= [0 0] a + [0 0] res + [1]                                   
                                         [0 1]     [0 2]       [3]                                   
                                      =  e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))                                          
                  e4(a,b,res,False()) =  [0 0] a + [0 0] res + [1]                                   
                                         [0 1]     [0 2]       [3]                                   
                                      >= [1]                                                         
                                      =  False()                                                     
                   e4(a,b,res,True()) =  [0 0] a + [0 0] res + [0]                                   
                                         [0 1]     [0 2]       [3]                                   
                                      >= [0]                                                         
                                      =  True()                                                      
                        e5(a,b,res,t) =  [1 4] t + [0]                                               
                                         [0 0]     [4]                                               
                                      >= [0]                                                         
                                      =  True()                                                      
                        e6(a,b,res,t) =  [1 1] b + [1 2] res + [0 0] t + [4]                         
                                         [1 2]     [1 1]       [4 1]     [0]                         
                                      >= [1]                                                         
                                      =  False()                                                     
                        e7(a,b,res,t) =  [1 0] a + [4]                                               
                                         [1 1]     [1]                                               
                                      >= [1]                                                         
                                      =  False()                                                     
                        e8(a,b,res,t) =  [1 1] a + [0 0] b + [4 1] res + [1 1] t + [1]               
                                         [1 1]     [1 1]     [0 2]       [1 4]     [0]               
                                      >= [1 0] res + [0]                                             
                                         [0 1]       [0]                                             
                                      =  res                                                         
                          equal0(a,b) =  [3 3] a + [1]                                               
                                         [7 5]     [1]                                               
                                      >= [3 3] a + [1]                                               
                                         [7 5]     [1]                                               
                                      =  e1(a,b,False(),False())                                     
                           help1(0()) =  [1]                                                         
                                      >= [1]                                                         
                                      =  False()                                                     
                        help1(S(0())) =  [1]                                                         
                                      >= [1]                                                         
                                      =  False()                                                     
                       help1(S(S(x))) =  [0 0] x + [1]                                               
                                         [1 1]     [6]                                               
                                      >= [0]                                                         
                                      =  True()                                                      
               l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1 0] res + [0 1] t + [0 4] tmp + [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [1]   
                                         [2 1]       [0 4]     [0 0]       [7 5]     [7 6]     [3]   
                                      >= [1 0] res + [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [1]                         
                                         [1 1]       [7 5]     [7 6]     [3]                         
                                      =  l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                                
              l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [2 0] res + [0 0] tmp + [4 2] x + [7 6] y + [1]             
                                         [0 0]       [0 6]       [4 2]     [7 6]     [3]             
                                      >= [2 0] res + [0 0] tmp + [4 2] x + [7 6] y + [1]             
                                         [0 0]       [0 4]       [4 2]     [7 6]     [3]             
                                      =  l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))                                
        l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [2 0] res + [0 0] tmp + [4 2] x + [7 6] y + [1]             
                                         [0 0]       [0 4]       [4 2]     [7 6]     [3]             
                                      >= [1 0] res + [4 1] x + [7 6] y + [1]                         
                                         [0 0]       [4 2]     [7 6]     [3]                         
                                      =  l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                               
         l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [2 0] res + [0 0] tmp + [4 2] x + [7 6] y + [0]             
                                         [0 0]       [0 4]       [4 2]     [7 6]     [3]             
                                      >= [4 0] x + [7 6] y + [0]                                     
                                         [4 2]     [7 6]     [3]                                     
                                      =  l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())                                
              l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4 0] x + [7 6] y + [0]                                     
                                         [4 2]     [7 6]     [3]                                     
                                      >= [3 0] x + [7 6] y + [0]                                     
                                         [4 2]     [7 6]     [3]                                     
                                      =  l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                               
           l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [0 0] x + [7 6] y + [7]                                     
                                         [0 2]     [7 6]     [10]                                    
                                      >= [0 0] x + [7 6] y + [7]                                     
                                         [0 1]     [7 6]     [10]                                    
                                      =  l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)                           
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [0 0] x + [7 6] y + [9]                                     
                                         [0 2]     [7 6]     [15]                                    
                                      >= [0 0] x + [7 6] y + [9]                                     
                                         [0 1]     [7 6]     [11]                                    
                                      =  l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)                         
              l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1 0] res + [0 0] t + [4 1] x + [7 6] y + [1]               
                                         [0 0]       [0 1]     [4 2]     [7 6]     [3]               
                                      >= [1 0] res + [0 0] t + [4 1] x + [7 5] y + [1]               
                                         [0 0]       [0 1]     [4 1]     [7 6]     [3]               
                                      =  l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)                               
           l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) =  [1 0] res + [0 0] t + [0 1] x + [7 5] y + [8]               
                                         [0 0]       [0 1]     [0 1]     [7 6]     [10]              
                                      >= [0 0] x + [7 5] y + [8]                                     
                                         [0 1]     [7 6]     [10]                                    
                                      =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)                           
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) =  [1 0] res + [0 0] t + [0 1] x + [7 5] y + [13]              
                                         [0 0]       [0 1]     [0 1]     [7 6]     [15]              
                                      >= [0 0] x + [7 5] y + [9]                                     
                                         [0 1]     [7 6]     [11]                                    
                                      =  l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)                         
              l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [1 0] res + [0 0] x + [0]                                   
                                         [0 1]       [0 1]     [0]                                   
                                      >= [1 0] res + [0]                                             
                                         [0 1]       [0]                                             
                                      =  res                                                         
         l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [1 0] res + [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [1]                         
                                         [1 1]       [7 5]     [7 6]     [3]                         
                                      >= [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [1]                                     
                                         [7 5]     [7 6]     [3]                                     
                                      =  l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                                
          l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [1 0] res + [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [13]                        
                                         [1 1]       [7 5]     [7 6]     [0]                         
                                      >= [1 0] res + [0]                                             
                                         [0 1]       [0]                                             
                                      =  res                                                         
               l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [0 0] t + [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [1]                           
                                         [0 4]     [7 5]     [7 6]     [3]                           
                                      >= [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [1]                                     
                                         [7 5]     [7 6]     [3]                                     
                                      =  l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)                                      
              l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [4 0] res + [7 6] x + [7 5] x' + [1]                        
                                         [4 0]       [7 6]     [7 5]      [3]                        
                                      >= [3 0] res + [7 6] x + [7 5] x' + [1]                        
                                         [1 0]       [7 6]     [7 5]      [3]                        
                                      =  l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                               
         l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) =  [3 0] res + [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [1]                         
                                         [1 0]       [7 5]     [7 6]     [3]                         
                                      >= [3 0] res + [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [1]                         
                                         [0 0]       [7 5]     [7 6]     [3]                         
                                      =  l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())                                
          l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) =  [3 0] res + [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [1]                         
                                         [1 0]       [7 5]     [7 6]     [3]                         
                                      >= [0]                                                         
                                      =  0()                                                         
               l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [0 2] mtmp + [0 2] res + [0 1] t + [1 0] y + [1]            
                                         [2 1]        [2 2]       [2 1]     [0 1]     [2]            
                                      >= [0]                                                         
                                      =  0()                                                         
               l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) =  [3 0] res + [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [1]                         
                                         [0 0]       [7 5]     [7 6]     [3]                         
                                      >= [3 0] res + [7 5] x + [7 6] y + [1]                         
                                         [0 0]       [7 5]     [7 6]     [3]                         
                                      =  l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)                              
         l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) =  [4 2] res + [3 0] res' + [7 6] y + [0]                      
                                         [4 2]       [0 0]        [7 6]     [2]                      
                                      >= [1 0] res + [0]                                             
                                         [0 1]       [0]                                             
                                      =  res                                                         
           l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) =  [3 0] res + [4 2] x + [7 6] y + [1]                         
                                         [0 0]       [4 2]     [7 6]     [3]                         
                                      >= [2 0] res + [4 2] x + [7 6] y + [1]                         
                                         [0 0]       [4 2]     [7 6]     [3]                         
                                      =  l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)                                 
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) =  [0 1] mtmp + [2 4] res + [0 0] t + [1 1] tmp + [0 0] y + [1]
                                         [2 1]        [2 1]       [2 0]     [1 0]       [0 4]     [4]
                                      >= [1 0] res + [0]                                             
                                         [0 1]       [0]                                             
                                      =  res                                                         
                        m1(a,x,res,t) =  [0 0] a + [0 0] res + [0 0] t + [0]                         
                                         [1 0]     [0 4]       [0 2]     [0]                         
                                      >= [0 0] a + [0 0] res + [0]                                   
                                         [1 0]     [0 2]       [0]                                   
                                      =  m2(a,x,res,False())                                         
                  m2(a,b,res,False()) =  [0 0] a + [0 0] res + [0]                                   
                                         [1 0]     [0 2]       [0]                                   
                                      >= [0 0] a + [0 0] res + [0]                                   
                                         [1 0]     [0 1]       [0]                                   
                                      =  m4(a,b,res,False())                                         
                 m2(0(),b,res,True()) =  [0 0] res + [9]                                             
                                         [0 2]       [3]                                             
                                      >= [1]                                                         
                                      =  False()                                                     
              m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) =  [0 0] res + [9]                                             
                                         [0 2]       [4]                                             
                                      >= [1]                                                         
                                      =  False()                                                     
             m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) =  [0 0] res + [0 0] x + [9]                                   
                                         [0 2]       [1 1]     [3]                                   
                                      >= [0]                                                         
                                      =  True()                                                      
                      m3(0(),b,res,t) =  [2 0] res + [0 0] t + [7]                                   
                                         [2 1]       [0 1]     [5]                                   
                                      >= [1]                                                         
                                      =  False()                                                     
                   m3(S(0()),b,res,t) =  [2 0] res + [0 0] t + [5]                                   
                                         [2 1]       [0 1]     [4]                                   
                                      >= [1]                                                         
                                      =  False()                                                     
                  m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) =  [2 0] res + [0 0] t + [4 4] x + [1]                         
                                         [2 1]       [0 1]     [0 0]     [4]                         
                                      >= [0]                                                         
                                      =  True()                                                      
                 m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) =  [0 0] res + [0 0] t + [0 0] x' + [0]                        
                                         [0 1]       [0 4]     [1 1]      [0]                        
                                      >= [0 0] x' + [0]                                              
                                         [1 0]      [0]                                              
                                      =  m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)                                
                        m5(a,b,res,t) =  [2 0] res + [0]                                             
                                         [0 1]       [0]                                             
                                      >= [1 0] res + [0]                                             
                                         [0 1]       [0]                                             
                                      =  res                                                         
                           monus(a,b) =  [0 0] a + [0]                                               
                                         [1 0]     [0]                                               
                                      >= [0 0] a + [0]                                               
                                         [1 0]     [0]                                               
                                      =  m1(a,b,False(),False())                                     
* Step 15: EmptyProcessor WORST_CASE(?,O(1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Weak TRS:
            <(x,0()) -> False()
            <(0(),S(y)) -> True()
            <(S(x),S(y)) -> <(x,y)
            bool2Nat(False()) -> 0()
            bool2Nat(True()) -> S(0())
            e1(a,b,res,t) -> e2(a,b,res,<(a,b))
            e2(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e2(a,b,res,True()) -> e3(a,b,res,True())
            e3(a,b,res,t) -> e4(a,b,res,<(b,a))
            e4(a,b,res,False()) -> False()
            e4(a,b,res,True()) -> True()
            e5(a,b,res,t) -> True()
            e6(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e7(a,b,res,t) -> False()
            e8(a,b,res,t) -> res
            equal0(a,b) -> e1(a,b,False(),False())
            gcd(x,y) -> l1(x,y,0(),False(),False(),False())
            help1(0()) -> False()
            help1(S(0())) -> False()
            help1(S(S(x))) -> True()
            l1(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l10(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,<(x,y))
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l11(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True())
            l12(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l13(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(0(),y),tmp,False(),t)
            l13(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(S(0()),y),tmp,True(),t)
            l14(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l15(x,y,res,tmp,monus(x,y),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,False(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,0()),tmp,False(),t)
            l15(x,y,res,tmp,True(),t) -> l16(x,y,gcd(y,S(0())),tmp,True(),t)
            l16(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l2(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> res
            l3(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l4(x,y,0(),tmp,mtmp,t)
            l4(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l5(x',x,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False()) -> l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,False())
            l5(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,True()) -> 0()
            l6(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> 0()
            l7(x,y,res,tmp,mtmp,t) -> l8(x,y,res,equal0(x,y),mtmp,t)
            l8(res,y,res',True(),mtmp,t) -> res
            l8(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t) -> l10(x,y,res,False(),mtmp,t)
            l9(res,y,res',tmp,mtmp,t) -> res
            m1(a,x,res,t) -> m2(a,x,res,False())
            m2(a,b,res,False()) -> m4(a,b,res,False())
            m2(0(),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(0()),b,res,True()) -> False()
            m2(S(S(x)),b,res,True()) -> True()
            m3(0(),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(0()),b,res,t) -> False()
            m3(S(S(x)),b,res,t) -> True()
            m4(S(x'),S(x),res,t) -> m5(S(x'),S(x),monus(x',x),t)
            m5(a,b,res,t) -> res
            monus(a,b) -> m1(a,b,False(),False())
        - Signature: