*** Aspic by Laure Gonnord, version 3.4 Binary compiled on vendredi 1 janvier 2016 Input file = main.fst *** Configuration of Aspic * (version 3.4) * name of file : main.fst * inputfile of type (real) Fast format * PRINTING all stuff for compsys ranking method * DEBUG : Only prints analysis steps in a separate .log file * PRINTING STUFF : Infile+Invars * ANALYSIS * with acceleration * delay of widening = 1 * steps of descending sequence = 0 * newpath heuristic = disabled * Name of model = main, Name of file = main.fst * 111 variable(s) and 25 locs(s) and 81 transitions(s) in the .fst * Searching objective in fast strategy -> we suppose that we want to compute post*(init) with init a convex set or post*(init) and bad if the state bad exists and bad is convex -> Initial region "init" found