0 Prolog
↳1 PrologToDTProblemTransformerProof (⇐)
↳3 UndefinedPredicateInTriplesTransformerProof (⇐)
↳5 TriplesToPiDPProof (⇐)
↳6 PiDP
↳7 DependencyGraphProof (⇔)
↳8 AND
↳9 PiDP
↳10 UsableRulesProof (⇔)
↳11 PiDP
↳12 PiDPToQDPProof (⇐)
↳13 QDP
↳14 QDPSizeChangeProof (⇔)
↳15 YES
↳16 PiDP
↳17 UsableRulesProof (⇔)
↳18 PiDP
↳19 PiDPToQDPProof (⇐)
↳20 QDP
↳21 QDPSizeChangeProof (⇔)
↳22 YES
↳23 PiDP
↳24 UsableRulesProof (⇔)
↳25 PiDP
↳26 PiDPToQDPProof (⇐)
↳27 QDP
↳28 QDPSizeChangeProof (⇔)
↳29 YES
↳30 PiDP
↳31 UsableRulesProof (⇔)
↳32 PiDP
↳33 PiDPToQDPProof (⇐)
↳34 QDP
↳35 QDPSizeChangeProof (⇔)
↳36 YES
↳37 PiDP
↳38 UsableRulesProof (⇔)
↳39 PiDP
↳40 PiDPToQDPProof (⇐)
↳41 QDP
↳42 QDPSizeChangeProof (⇔)
↳43 YES
INT1_IN_GGA(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → U3_GGA(T19, T21, int1_in_gga(0, T19, X33))
INT1_IN_GGA(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → INT1_IN_GGA(0, T19, X33)
INT1_IN_GGA(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → U4_GGA(T19, T21, intc1_in_gga(0, T19, T22))
U4_GGA(T19, T21, intc1_out_gga(0, T19, T22)) → U5_GGA(T19, T21, intlist19_in_ga(T22, T21))
U4_GGA(T19, T21, intc1_out_gga(0, T19, T22)) → INTLIST19_IN_GA(T22, T21)
INTLIST19_IN_GA(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → U1_GA(T29, T30, T32, intlist19_in_ga(T30, T32))
INTLIST19_IN_GA(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → INTLIST19_IN_GA(T30, T32)
INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → U6_GGA(T52, T42, int1_in_gga(s(0), s(T52), X98))
INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(T52), X98)
INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → U7_GGA(T52, T42, intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54))
U7_GGA(T52, T42, intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54)) → U8_GGA(T52, T42, intlist19_in_ga(.(0, T54), T42))
U7_GGA(T52, T42, intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54)) → INTLIST19_IN_GA(.(0, T54), T42)
INT1_IN_GGA(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → U9_GGA(T67, T68, T42, int1_in_gga(T67, T68, X140))
INT1_IN_GGA(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → INT1_IN_GGA(T67, T68, X140)
INT1_IN_GGA(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → U10_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intc1_in_gga(T67, T68, T69))
U10_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → U11_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intlist67_in_ga(T69, X141))
U10_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → INTLIST67_IN_GA(T69, X141)
INTLIST67_IN_GA(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → U2_GA(T75, T76, X156, intlist67_in_ga(T76, X156))
INTLIST67_IN_GA(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → INTLIST67_IN_GA(T76, X156)
U10_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → U12_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_in_ga(T69, T70))
U12_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_out_ga(T69, T70)) → U13_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intlist19_in_ga(T70, T42))
U12_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_out_ga(T69, T70)) → INTLIST19_IN_GA(T70, T42)
intc1_in_gga(0, 0, .(0, [])) → intc1_out_gga(0, 0, .(0, []))
intc1_in_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_in_gga(0, T19, T22))
intc1_in_gga(s(T34), 0, []) → intc1_out_gga(s(T34), 0, [])
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47)) → U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_in_a(T47))
intlistc44_in_a([]) → intlistc44_out_a([])
U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_out_a(T47)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47))
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54))
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42) → U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_in_a(T42))
U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_out_a(T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42)
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_in_gga(T67, T68, T69))
U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_in_ga(T69, T70))
intlistc67_in_ga([], []) → intlistc67_out_ga([], [])
intlistc67_in_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_in_ga(T76, X156))
U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_out_ga(T76, X156)) → intlistc67_out_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156))
U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_out_ga(T69, T70)) → U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(T70, T42))
intlistc19_in_ga([], []) → intlistc19_out_ga([], [])
intlistc19_in_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_in_ga(T30, T32))
U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_out_ga(T30, T32)) → intlistc19_out_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32))
U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(T70, T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42)
U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54)) → U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(.(0, T54), T42))
U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(.(0, T54), T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42)
U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_out_gga(0, T19, T22)) → U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_in_ga(T22, T21))
U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_out_ga(T22, T21)) → intc1_out_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21))
Infinitary Constructor Rewriting Termination of PiDP implies Termination of TRIPLES
INT1_IN_GGA(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → U3_GGA(T19, T21, int1_in_gga(0, T19, X33))
INT1_IN_GGA(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → INT1_IN_GGA(0, T19, X33)
INT1_IN_GGA(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → U4_GGA(T19, T21, intc1_in_gga(0, T19, T22))
U4_GGA(T19, T21, intc1_out_gga(0, T19, T22)) → U5_GGA(T19, T21, intlist19_in_ga(T22, T21))
U4_GGA(T19, T21, intc1_out_gga(0, T19, T22)) → INTLIST19_IN_GA(T22, T21)
INTLIST19_IN_GA(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → U1_GA(T29, T30, T32, intlist19_in_ga(T30, T32))
INTLIST19_IN_GA(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → INTLIST19_IN_GA(T30, T32)
INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → U6_GGA(T52, T42, int1_in_gga(s(0), s(T52), X98))
INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(T52), X98)
INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → U7_GGA(T52, T42, intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54))
U7_GGA(T52, T42, intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54)) → U8_GGA(T52, T42, intlist19_in_ga(.(0, T54), T42))
U7_GGA(T52, T42, intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54)) → INTLIST19_IN_GA(.(0, T54), T42)
INT1_IN_GGA(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → U9_GGA(T67, T68, T42, int1_in_gga(T67, T68, X140))
INT1_IN_GGA(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → INT1_IN_GGA(T67, T68, X140)
INT1_IN_GGA(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → U10_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intc1_in_gga(T67, T68, T69))
U10_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → U11_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intlist67_in_ga(T69, X141))
U10_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → INTLIST67_IN_GA(T69, X141)
INTLIST67_IN_GA(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → U2_GA(T75, T76, X156, intlist67_in_ga(T76, X156))
INTLIST67_IN_GA(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → INTLIST67_IN_GA(T76, X156)
U10_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → U12_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_in_ga(T69, T70))
U12_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_out_ga(T69, T70)) → U13_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intlist19_in_ga(T70, T42))
U12_GGA(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_out_ga(T69, T70)) → INTLIST19_IN_GA(T70, T42)
intc1_in_gga(0, 0, .(0, [])) → intc1_out_gga(0, 0, .(0, []))
intc1_in_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_in_gga(0, T19, T22))
intc1_in_gga(s(T34), 0, []) → intc1_out_gga(s(T34), 0, [])
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47)) → U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_in_a(T47))
intlistc44_in_a([]) → intlistc44_out_a([])
U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_out_a(T47)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47))
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54))
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42) → U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_in_a(T42))
U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_out_a(T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42)
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_in_gga(T67, T68, T69))
U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_in_ga(T69, T70))
intlistc67_in_ga([], []) → intlistc67_out_ga([], [])
intlistc67_in_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_in_ga(T76, X156))
U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_out_ga(T76, X156)) → intlistc67_out_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156))
U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_out_ga(T69, T70)) → U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(T70, T42))
intlistc19_in_ga([], []) → intlistc19_out_ga([], [])
intlistc19_in_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_in_ga(T30, T32))
U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_out_ga(T30, T32)) → intlistc19_out_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32))
U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(T70, T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42)
U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54)) → U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(.(0, T54), T42))
U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(.(0, T54), T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42)
U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_out_gga(0, T19, T22)) → U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_in_ga(T22, T21))
U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_out_ga(T22, T21)) → intc1_out_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21))
INTLIST67_IN_GA(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → INTLIST67_IN_GA(T76, X156)
intc1_in_gga(0, 0, .(0, [])) → intc1_out_gga(0, 0, .(0, []))
intc1_in_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_in_gga(0, T19, T22))
intc1_in_gga(s(T34), 0, []) → intc1_out_gga(s(T34), 0, [])
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47)) → U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_in_a(T47))
intlistc44_in_a([]) → intlistc44_out_a([])
U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_out_a(T47)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47))
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54))
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42) → U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_in_a(T42))
U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_out_a(T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42)
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_in_gga(T67, T68, T69))
U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_in_ga(T69, T70))
intlistc67_in_ga([], []) → intlistc67_out_ga([], [])
intlistc67_in_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_in_ga(T76, X156))
U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_out_ga(T76, X156)) → intlistc67_out_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156))
U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_out_ga(T69, T70)) → U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(T70, T42))
intlistc19_in_ga([], []) → intlistc19_out_ga([], [])
intlistc19_in_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_in_ga(T30, T32))
U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_out_ga(T30, T32)) → intlistc19_out_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32))
U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(T70, T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42)
U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54)) → U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(.(0, T54), T42))
U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(.(0, T54), T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42)
U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_out_gga(0, T19, T22)) → U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_in_ga(T22, T21))
U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_out_ga(T22, T21)) → intc1_out_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21))
INTLIST67_IN_GA(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → INTLIST67_IN_GA(T76, X156)
INTLIST67_IN_GA(.(T75, T76)) → INTLIST67_IN_GA(T76)
From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:
INTLIST19_IN_GA(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → INTLIST19_IN_GA(T30, T32)
intc1_in_gga(0, 0, .(0, [])) → intc1_out_gga(0, 0, .(0, []))
intc1_in_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_in_gga(0, T19, T22))
intc1_in_gga(s(T34), 0, []) → intc1_out_gga(s(T34), 0, [])
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47)) → U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_in_a(T47))
intlistc44_in_a([]) → intlistc44_out_a([])
U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_out_a(T47)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47))
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54))
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42) → U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_in_a(T42))
U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_out_a(T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42)
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_in_gga(T67, T68, T69))
U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_in_ga(T69, T70))
intlistc67_in_ga([], []) → intlistc67_out_ga([], [])
intlistc67_in_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_in_ga(T76, X156))
U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_out_ga(T76, X156)) → intlistc67_out_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156))
U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_out_ga(T69, T70)) → U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(T70, T42))
intlistc19_in_ga([], []) → intlistc19_out_ga([], [])
intlistc19_in_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_in_ga(T30, T32))
U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_out_ga(T30, T32)) → intlistc19_out_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32))
U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(T70, T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42)
U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54)) → U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(.(0, T54), T42))
U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(.(0, T54), T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42)
U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_out_gga(0, T19, T22)) → U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_in_ga(T22, T21))
U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_out_ga(T22, T21)) → intc1_out_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21))
INTLIST19_IN_GA(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → INTLIST19_IN_GA(T30, T32)
INTLIST19_IN_GA(.(T29, T30)) → INTLIST19_IN_GA(T30)
From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:
INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(T52), X98)
intc1_in_gga(0, 0, .(0, [])) → intc1_out_gga(0, 0, .(0, []))
intc1_in_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_in_gga(0, T19, T22))
intc1_in_gga(s(T34), 0, []) → intc1_out_gga(s(T34), 0, [])
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47)) → U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_in_a(T47))
intlistc44_in_a([]) → intlistc44_out_a([])
U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_out_a(T47)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47))
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54))
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42) → U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_in_a(T42))
U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_out_a(T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42)
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_in_gga(T67, T68, T69))
U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_in_ga(T69, T70))
intlistc67_in_ga([], []) → intlistc67_out_ga([], [])
intlistc67_in_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_in_ga(T76, X156))
U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_out_ga(T76, X156)) → intlistc67_out_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156))
U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_out_ga(T69, T70)) → U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(T70, T42))
intlistc19_in_ga([], []) → intlistc19_out_ga([], [])
intlistc19_in_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_in_ga(T30, T32))
U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_out_ga(T30, T32)) → intlistc19_out_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32))
U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(T70, T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42)
U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54)) → U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(.(0, T54), T42))
U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(.(0, T54), T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42)
U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_out_gga(0, T19, T22)) → U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_in_ga(T22, T21))
U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_out_ga(T22, T21)) → intc1_out_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21))
INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(T52), X98)
INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(s(T52))) → INT1_IN_GGA(s(0), s(T52))
From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:
INT1_IN_GGA(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → INT1_IN_GGA(0, T19, X33)
intc1_in_gga(0, 0, .(0, [])) → intc1_out_gga(0, 0, .(0, []))
intc1_in_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_in_gga(0, T19, T22))
intc1_in_gga(s(T34), 0, []) → intc1_out_gga(s(T34), 0, [])
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47)) → U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_in_a(T47))
intlistc44_in_a([]) → intlistc44_out_a([])
U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_out_a(T47)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47))
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54))
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42) → U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_in_a(T42))
U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_out_a(T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42)
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_in_gga(T67, T68, T69))
U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_in_ga(T69, T70))
intlistc67_in_ga([], []) → intlistc67_out_ga([], [])
intlistc67_in_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_in_ga(T76, X156))
U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_out_ga(T76, X156)) → intlistc67_out_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156))
U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_out_ga(T69, T70)) → U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(T70, T42))
intlistc19_in_ga([], []) → intlistc19_out_ga([], [])
intlistc19_in_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_in_ga(T30, T32))
U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_out_ga(T30, T32)) → intlistc19_out_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32))
U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(T70, T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42)
U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54)) → U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(.(0, T54), T42))
U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(.(0, T54), T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42)
U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_out_gga(0, T19, T22)) → U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_in_ga(T22, T21))
U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_out_ga(T22, T21)) → intc1_out_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21))
INT1_IN_GGA(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → INT1_IN_GGA(0, T19, X33)
INT1_IN_GGA(0, s(T19)) → INT1_IN_GGA(0, T19)
From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:
INT1_IN_GGA(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → INT1_IN_GGA(T67, T68, X140)
intc1_in_gga(0, 0, .(0, [])) → intc1_out_gga(0, 0, .(0, []))
intc1_in_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21)) → U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_in_gga(0, T19, T22))
intc1_in_gga(s(T34), 0, []) → intc1_out_gga(s(T34), 0, [])
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47)) → U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_in_a(T47))
intlistc44_in_a([]) → intlistc44_out_a([])
U17_gga(T47, intlistc44_out_a(T47)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(0), .(s(0), T47))
intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42) → U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_in_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54))
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42) → U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_in_a(T42))
U20_gga(T62, T42, intlistc44_out_a(T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T62)), s(0), T42)
intc1_in_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_in_gga(T67, T68, T69))
U21_gga(T67, T68, T42, intc1_out_gga(T67, T68, T69)) → U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_in_ga(T69, T70))
intlistc67_in_ga([], []) → intlistc67_out_ga([], [])
intlistc67_in_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156)) → U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_in_ga(T76, X156))
U25_ga(T75, T76, X156, intlistc67_out_ga(T76, X156)) → intlistc67_out_ga(.(T75, T76), .(s(T75), X156))
U22_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc67_out_ga(T69, T70)) → U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(T70, T42))
intlistc19_in_ga([], []) → intlistc19_out_ga([], [])
intlistc19_in_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32)) → U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_in_ga(T30, T32))
U24_ga(T29, T30, T32, intlistc19_out_ga(T30, T32)) → intlistc19_out_ga(.(T29, T30), .(s(T29), T32))
U23_gga(T67, T68, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(T70, T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42)
U18_gga(T52, T42, intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(T52), T54)) → U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_in_ga(.(0, T54), T42))
U19_gga(T52, T42, intlistc19_out_ga(.(0, T54), T42)) → intc1_out_gga(s(0), s(s(T52)), T42)
U15_gga(T19, T21, intc1_out_gga(0, T19, T22)) → U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_in_ga(T22, T21))
U16_gga(T19, T21, intlistc19_out_ga(T22, T21)) → intc1_out_gga(0, s(T19), .(0, T21))
INT1_IN_GGA(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68)), T42) → INT1_IN_GGA(T67, T68, X140)
INT1_IN_GGA(s(s(T67)), s(s(T68))) → INT1_IN_GGA(T67, T68)
From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs: