0 Prolog
↳1 PrologToPrologProblemTransformerProof (⇐)
↳2 Prolog
↳3 PrologToPiTRSProof (⇐)
↳4 PiTRS
↳5 DependencyPairsProof (⇔)
↳6 PiDP
↳7 DependencyGraphProof (⇔)
↳8 AND
↳9 PiDP
↳10 UsableRulesProof (⇔)
↳11 PiDP
↳12 PiDPToQDPProof (⇔)
↳13 QDP
↳14 QDPSizeChangeProof (⇔)
↳15 YES
↳16 PiDP
↳17 UsableRulesProof (⇔)
↳18 PiDP
↳19 PiDPToQDPProof (⇐)
↳20 QDP
↳21 QDPOrderProof (⇔)
↳22 QDP
↳23 DependencyGraphProof (⇔)
↳24 QDP
↳25 UsableRulesProof (⇔)
↳26 QDP
↳27 QReductionProof (⇔)
↳28 QDP
↳29 QDPSizeChangeProof (⇔)
↳30 YES
d1_in_gga(T5, T5, 1) → d1_out_gga(T5, T5, 1)
d1_in_gga(0, 0, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, 0, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0) → U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_in_g(T12))
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g(0)
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(T17, isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(T20, isnumber16_in_g(T20))
U2_g(T20, isnumber16_out_g(T20)) → isnumber16_out_g(p(T20))
U1_g(T17, isnumber16_out_g(T17)) → isnumber16_out_g(s(T17))
U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_out_g(T12)) → d1_out_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0)
d1_in_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0) → U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_in_g(T25))
U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_out_g(T25)) → d1_out_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0)
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_in_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82))
d1_in_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_in_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98))
d1_in_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_in_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
d1_in_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0) → U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_in_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0)))))
U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_out_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0))))) → d1_out_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0)
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370))
d1_in_gga(0, T397, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T402), T397, 0) → U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T402))
U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T402)) → d1_out_gga(s(T402), T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(p(T407), T397, 0) → U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T407))
U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T407)) → d1_out_gga(p(T407), T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_in_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464))
d1_in_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_in_gga(T477, T479, T481))
d1_in_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_in_gga(T490, T500, T501))
d1_in_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_in_gga(T490, T513, T514))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T556, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490))) → U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
d1_in_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1) → d1_out_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1)
d1_in_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0) → U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_in_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0)))))
U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_out_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0))))) → d1_out_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0)
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0)))))
U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693))
U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T490, T616, T622))
U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T490, T616, T622)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490)))
U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(T490, T581, T589))
U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(T490, T581, T589)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T490, T539, T555))
U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T490, T539, T555)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_out_gga(T490, T513, T514)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_out_gga(T490, T500, T501)) → d1_out_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490)))
U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_out_gga(T477, T479, T481)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_out_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464)) → d1_out_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464)
U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T429, T430, T437))
U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T429, T430, T437)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0)))))
U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353))
U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287))
U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239))
U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191))
U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_out_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_out_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_out_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82)) → d1_out_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82)
U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54))
U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43)))
U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43)))
Infinitary Constructor Rewriting Termination of PiTRS implies Termination of Prolog
d1_in_gga(T5, T5, 1) → d1_out_gga(T5, T5, 1)
d1_in_gga(0, 0, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, 0, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0) → U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_in_g(T12))
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g(0)
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(T17, isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(T20, isnumber16_in_g(T20))
U2_g(T20, isnumber16_out_g(T20)) → isnumber16_out_g(p(T20))
U1_g(T17, isnumber16_out_g(T17)) → isnumber16_out_g(s(T17))
U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_out_g(T12)) → d1_out_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0)
d1_in_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0) → U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_in_g(T25))
U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_out_g(T25)) → d1_out_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0)
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_in_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82))
d1_in_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_in_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98))
d1_in_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_in_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
d1_in_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0) → U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_in_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0)))))
U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_out_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0))))) → d1_out_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0)
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370))
d1_in_gga(0, T397, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T402), T397, 0) → U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T402))
U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T402)) → d1_out_gga(s(T402), T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(p(T407), T397, 0) → U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T407))
U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T407)) → d1_out_gga(p(T407), T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_in_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464))
d1_in_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_in_gga(T477, T479, T481))
d1_in_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_in_gga(T490, T500, T501))
d1_in_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_in_gga(T490, T513, T514))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T556, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490))) → U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
d1_in_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1) → d1_out_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1)
d1_in_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0) → U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_in_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0)))))
U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_out_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0))))) → d1_out_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0)
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0)))))
U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693))
U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T490, T616, T622))
U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T490, T616, T622)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490)))
U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(T490, T581, T589))
U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(T490, T581, T589)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T490, T539, T555))
U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T490, T539, T555)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_out_gga(T490, T513, T514)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_out_gga(T490, T500, T501)) → d1_out_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490)))
U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_out_gga(T477, T479, T481)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_out_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464)) → d1_out_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464)
U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T429, T430, T437))
U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T429, T430, T437)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0)))))
U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353))
U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287))
U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239))
U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191))
U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_out_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_out_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_out_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82)) → d1_out_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82)
U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54))
U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43)))
U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43)))
D1_IN_GGA(s(T12), s(T12), 0) → U3_GGA(T12, isnumber16_in_g(T12))
D1_IN_GGA(s(T12), s(T12), 0) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T12)
ISNUMBER16_IN_G(s(T17)) → U1_G(T17, isnumber16_in_g(T17))
ISNUMBER16_IN_G(p(T20)) → U2_G(T20, isnumber16_in_g(T20))
D1_IN_GGA(p(T25), p(T25), 0) → U4_GGA(T25, isnumber16_in_g(T25))
D1_IN_GGA(p(T25), p(T25), 0) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T25)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U5_GGA(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → D1_IN_GGA(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U6_GGA(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → U8_GGA(T79, T80, T82, d1_in_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → U9_GGA(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T96)
U9_GGA(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → U10_GGA(T95, T96, T98, d1_in_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98))
U9_GGA(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → D1_IN_GGA(T95, power(T95, T96), T98)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → U11_GGA(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T125)
U11_GGA(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → U12_GGA(T125, T126, T127, d1_in_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127))
U11_GGA(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → D1_IN_GGA(T126, times(T125, T126), T127)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U13_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → D1_IN_GGA(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U19_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T273)
U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U23_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → D1_IN_GGA(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → D1_IN_GGA(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0) → U27_GGA(T323, T324, isnumber16_in_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0)))))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(times(T323, power(T324, p(0))))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U28_GGA(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U29_GGA(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → U31_GGA(T367, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, 0), T370)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → U32_GGA(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T378)
U32_GGA(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → U33_GGA(T367, T378, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370))
U32_GGA(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → U34_GGA(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T387)
U34_GGA(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → U35_GGA(T367, T387, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370))
U34_GGA(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370)
D1_IN_GGA(s(T402), T397, 0) → U36_GGA(T402, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T402))
D1_IN_GGA(s(T402), T397, 0) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T402)
D1_IN_GGA(p(T407), T397, 0) → U37_GGA(T407, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T407))
D1_IN_GGA(p(T407), T397, 0) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T407)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U38_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → D1_IN_GGA(T428, T430, T433)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U39_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → U41_GGA(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_in_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → U42_GGA(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T478)
U42_GGA(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → U43_GGA(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_in_gga(T477, T479, T481))
U42_GGA(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → D1_IN_GGA(T477, T479, T481)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → U44_GGA(T500, T490, T501, d1_in_gga(T490, T500, T501))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T500, T501)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → U45_GGA(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T512)
U45_GGA(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → U46_GGA(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_in_gga(T490, T513, T514))
U45_GGA(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T513, T514)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U47_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → D1_IN_GGA(T537, T539, T542)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U48_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U50_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T556, T539, T542))
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U53_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U54_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → U56_GGA(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T615)
U56_GGA(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → U57_GGA(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
U56_GGA(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → D1_IN_GGA(T614, T616, T618)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490))) → U58_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
U58_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → U59_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
U58_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → D1_IN_GGA(T614, T616, T618)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T661, T662), T663, 0) → U61_GGA(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_in_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0)))))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T661, T662), T663, 0) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(times(T661, power(T662, p(0))))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U62_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T684, T686, T689)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U63_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → U65_GGA(T704, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706, T708)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → U66_GGA(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T715)
U66_GGA(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → U67_GGA(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
U66_GGA(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706, T708)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → U68_GGA(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T720)
U68_GGA(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → U69_GGA(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
U68_GGA(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706, T708)
U63_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → U64_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693))
U63_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → D1_IN_GGA(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693)
U59_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → U60_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T490, T616, T622))
U59_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T616, T622)
U54_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → U55_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(T490, T581, T589))
U54_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T581, T589)
U50_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → U51_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U50_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → D1_IN_GGA(T538, T539, T547)
U51_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → U52_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T490, T539, T555))
U51_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T539, T555)
U48_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → U49_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U48_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → D1_IN_GGA(T538, T539, T547)
U39_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → U40_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T429, T430, T437))
U39_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → D1_IN_GGA(T429, T430, T437)
U29_GGA(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → U30_GGA(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353))
U29_GGA(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → D1_IN_GGA(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353)
U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → U26_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287))
U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → D1_IN_GGA(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287)
U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → U21_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239))
U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → D1_IN_GGA(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239)
U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → D1_IN_GGA(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)
U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → U18_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191))
U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → D1_IN_GGA(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191)
U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U15_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → D1_IN_GGA(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)
U6_GGA(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → U7_GGA(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54))
U6_GGA(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → D1_IN_GGA(T43, times(T42, T43), T54)
d1_in_gga(T5, T5, 1) → d1_out_gga(T5, T5, 1)
d1_in_gga(0, 0, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, 0, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0) → U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_in_g(T12))
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g(0)
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(T17, isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(T20, isnumber16_in_g(T20))
U2_g(T20, isnumber16_out_g(T20)) → isnumber16_out_g(p(T20))
U1_g(T17, isnumber16_out_g(T17)) → isnumber16_out_g(s(T17))
U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_out_g(T12)) → d1_out_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0)
d1_in_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0) → U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_in_g(T25))
U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_out_g(T25)) → d1_out_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0)
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_in_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82))
d1_in_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_in_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98))
d1_in_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_in_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
d1_in_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0) → U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_in_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0)))))
U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_out_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0))))) → d1_out_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0)
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370))
d1_in_gga(0, T397, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T402), T397, 0) → U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T402))
U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T402)) → d1_out_gga(s(T402), T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(p(T407), T397, 0) → U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T407))
U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T407)) → d1_out_gga(p(T407), T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_in_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464))
d1_in_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_in_gga(T477, T479, T481))
d1_in_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_in_gga(T490, T500, T501))
d1_in_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_in_gga(T490, T513, T514))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T556, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490))) → U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
d1_in_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1) → d1_out_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1)
d1_in_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0) → U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_in_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0)))))
U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_out_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0))))) → d1_out_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0)
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0)))))
U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693))
U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T490, T616, T622))
U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T490, T616, T622)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490)))
U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(T490, T581, T589))
U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(T490, T581, T589)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T490, T539, T555))
U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T490, T539, T555)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_out_gga(T490, T513, T514)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_out_gga(T490, T500, T501)) → d1_out_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490)))
U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_out_gga(T477, T479, T481)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_out_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464)) → d1_out_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464)
U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T429, T430, T437))
U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T429, T430, T437)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0)))))
U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353))
U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287))
U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239))
U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191))
U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_out_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_out_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_out_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82)) → d1_out_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82)
U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54))
U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43)))
U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43)))
D1_IN_GGA(s(T12), s(T12), 0) → U3_GGA(T12, isnumber16_in_g(T12))
D1_IN_GGA(s(T12), s(T12), 0) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T12)
ISNUMBER16_IN_G(s(T17)) → U1_G(T17, isnumber16_in_g(T17))
ISNUMBER16_IN_G(p(T20)) → U2_G(T20, isnumber16_in_g(T20))
D1_IN_GGA(p(T25), p(T25), 0) → U4_GGA(T25, isnumber16_in_g(T25))
D1_IN_GGA(p(T25), p(T25), 0) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T25)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U5_GGA(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → D1_IN_GGA(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U6_GGA(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → U8_GGA(T79, T80, T82, d1_in_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → U9_GGA(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T96)
U9_GGA(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → U10_GGA(T95, T96, T98, d1_in_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98))
U9_GGA(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → D1_IN_GGA(T95, power(T95, T96), T98)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → U11_GGA(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T125)
U11_GGA(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → U12_GGA(T125, T126, T127, d1_in_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127))
U11_GGA(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → D1_IN_GGA(T126, times(T125, T126), T127)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U13_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → D1_IN_GGA(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U19_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T273)
U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U23_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → D1_IN_GGA(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → D1_IN_GGA(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0) → U27_GGA(T323, T324, isnumber16_in_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0)))))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(times(T323, power(T324, p(0))))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U28_GGA(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U29_GGA(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → U31_GGA(T367, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, 0), T370)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → U32_GGA(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T378)
U32_GGA(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → U33_GGA(T367, T378, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370))
U32_GGA(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → U34_GGA(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T387)
U34_GGA(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → U35_GGA(T367, T387, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370))
U34_GGA(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370)
D1_IN_GGA(s(T402), T397, 0) → U36_GGA(T402, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T402))
D1_IN_GGA(s(T402), T397, 0) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T402)
D1_IN_GGA(p(T407), T397, 0) → U37_GGA(T407, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T407))
D1_IN_GGA(p(T407), T397, 0) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T407)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U38_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → D1_IN_GGA(T428, T430, T433)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U39_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → U41_GGA(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_in_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → U42_GGA(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T478)
U42_GGA(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → U43_GGA(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_in_gga(T477, T479, T481))
U42_GGA(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → D1_IN_GGA(T477, T479, T481)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → U44_GGA(T500, T490, T501, d1_in_gga(T490, T500, T501))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T500, T501)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → U45_GGA(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T512)
U45_GGA(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → U46_GGA(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_in_gga(T490, T513, T514))
U45_GGA(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T513, T514)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U47_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → D1_IN_GGA(T537, T539, T542)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U48_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U50_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T556, T539, T542))
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U53_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U54_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → U56_GGA(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T615)
U56_GGA(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → U57_GGA(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
U56_GGA(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → D1_IN_GGA(T614, T616, T618)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490))) → U58_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
U58_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → U59_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
U58_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → D1_IN_GGA(T614, T616, T618)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T661, T662), T663, 0) → U61_GGA(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_in_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0)))))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T661, T662), T663, 0) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(times(T661, power(T662, p(0))))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U62_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T684, T686, T689)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U63_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → U65_GGA(T704, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706, T708)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → U66_GGA(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T715)
U66_GGA(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → U67_GGA(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
U66_GGA(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706, T708)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → U68_GGA(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → ISNUMBER16_IN_G(T720)
U68_GGA(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → U69_GGA(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
U68_GGA(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706, T708)
U63_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → U64_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693))
U63_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → D1_IN_GGA(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693)
U59_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → U60_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T490, T616, T622))
U59_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T616, T622)
U54_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → U55_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(T490, T581, T589))
U54_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T581, T589)
U50_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → U51_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U50_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → D1_IN_GGA(T538, T539, T547)
U51_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → U52_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T490, T539, T555))
U51_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T539, T555)
U48_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → U49_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U48_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → D1_IN_GGA(T538, T539, T547)
U39_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → U40_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T429, T430, T437))
U39_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → D1_IN_GGA(T429, T430, T437)
U29_GGA(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → U30_GGA(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353))
U29_GGA(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → D1_IN_GGA(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353)
U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → U26_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287))
U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → D1_IN_GGA(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287)
U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → U21_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239))
U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → D1_IN_GGA(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239)
U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → D1_IN_GGA(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)
U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → U18_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191))
U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → D1_IN_GGA(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191)
U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U15_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → D1_IN_GGA(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)
U6_GGA(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → U7_GGA(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54))
U6_GGA(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → D1_IN_GGA(T43, times(T42, T43), T54)
d1_in_gga(T5, T5, 1) → d1_out_gga(T5, T5, 1)
d1_in_gga(0, 0, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, 0, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0) → U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_in_g(T12))
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g(0)
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(T17, isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(T20, isnumber16_in_g(T20))
U2_g(T20, isnumber16_out_g(T20)) → isnumber16_out_g(p(T20))
U1_g(T17, isnumber16_out_g(T17)) → isnumber16_out_g(s(T17))
U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_out_g(T12)) → d1_out_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0)
d1_in_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0) → U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_in_g(T25))
U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_out_g(T25)) → d1_out_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0)
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_in_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82))
d1_in_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_in_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98))
d1_in_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_in_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
d1_in_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0) → U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_in_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0)))))
U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_out_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0))))) → d1_out_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0)
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370))
d1_in_gga(0, T397, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T402), T397, 0) → U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T402))
U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T402)) → d1_out_gga(s(T402), T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(p(T407), T397, 0) → U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T407))
U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T407)) → d1_out_gga(p(T407), T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_in_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464))
d1_in_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_in_gga(T477, T479, T481))
d1_in_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_in_gga(T490, T500, T501))
d1_in_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_in_gga(T490, T513, T514))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T556, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490))) → U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
d1_in_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1) → d1_out_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1)
d1_in_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0) → U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_in_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0)))))
U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_out_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0))))) → d1_out_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0)
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0)))))
U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693))
U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T490, T616, T622))
U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T490, T616, T622)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490)))
U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(T490, T581, T589))
U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(T490, T581, T589)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T490, T539, T555))
U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T490, T539, T555)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_out_gga(T490, T513, T514)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_out_gga(T490, T500, T501)) → d1_out_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490)))
U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_out_gga(T477, T479, T481)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_out_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464)) → d1_out_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464)
U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T429, T430, T437))
U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T429, T430, T437)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0)))))
U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353))
U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287))
U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239))
U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191))
U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_out_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_out_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_out_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82)) → d1_out_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82)
U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54))
U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43)))
U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43)))
d1_in_gga(T5, T5, 1) → d1_out_gga(T5, T5, 1)
d1_in_gga(0, 0, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, 0, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0) → U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_in_g(T12))
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g(0)
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(T17, isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(T20, isnumber16_in_g(T20))
U2_g(T20, isnumber16_out_g(T20)) → isnumber16_out_g(p(T20))
U1_g(T17, isnumber16_out_g(T17)) → isnumber16_out_g(s(T17))
U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_out_g(T12)) → d1_out_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0)
d1_in_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0) → U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_in_g(T25))
U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_out_g(T25)) → d1_out_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0)
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_in_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82))
d1_in_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_in_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98))
d1_in_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_in_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
d1_in_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0) → U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_in_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0)))))
U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_out_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0))))) → d1_out_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0)
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370))
d1_in_gga(0, T397, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T402), T397, 0) → U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T402))
U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T402)) → d1_out_gga(s(T402), T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(p(T407), T397, 0) → U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T407))
U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T407)) → d1_out_gga(p(T407), T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_in_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464))
d1_in_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_in_gga(T477, T479, T481))
d1_in_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_in_gga(T490, T500, T501))
d1_in_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_in_gga(T490, T513, T514))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T556, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490))) → U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
d1_in_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1) → d1_out_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1)
d1_in_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0) → U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_in_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0)))))
U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_out_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0))))) → d1_out_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0)
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0)))))
U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693))
U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T490, T616, T622))
U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T490, T616, T622)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490)))
U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(T490, T581, T589))
U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(T490, T581, T589)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T490, T539, T555))
U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T490, T539, T555)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_out_gga(T490, T513, T514)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_out_gga(T490, T500, T501)) → d1_out_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490)))
U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_out_gga(T477, T479, T481)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_out_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464)) → d1_out_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464)
U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T429, T430, T437))
U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T429, T430, T437)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0)))))
U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353))
U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287))
U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239))
U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191))
U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_out_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_out_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_out_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82)) → d1_out_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82)
U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54))
U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43)))
U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43)))
From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → D1_IN_GGA(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U6_GGA(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
U6_GGA(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → D1_IN_GGA(T43, times(T42, T43), T54)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → U11_GGA(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
U11_GGA(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → D1_IN_GGA(T126, times(T125, T126), T127)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → D1_IN_GGA(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → D1_IN_GGA(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → D1_IN_GGA(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → D1_IN_GGA(T428, T430, T433)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U39_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
U39_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → D1_IN_GGA(T429, T430, T437)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → U9_GGA(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_GGA(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → D1_IN_GGA(T95, power(T95, T96), T98)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, 0), T370)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → D1_IN_GGA(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → U42_GGA(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_GGA(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → D1_IN_GGA(T477, T479, T481)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → D1_IN_GGA(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → D1_IN_GGA(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T500, T501)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U29_GGA(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
U29_GGA(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → D1_IN_GGA(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → U68_GGA(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_GGA(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706, T708)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → U32_GGA(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_GGA(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → U45_GGA(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
U45_GGA(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T513, T514)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → U34_GGA(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_GGA(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → D1_IN_GGA(T537, T539, T542)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U48_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
U48_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → D1_IN_GGA(T538, T539, T547)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U50_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T556, T539, T542))
U50_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → U51_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U51_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T539, T555)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U54_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
U54_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T581, T589)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → U56_GGA(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
U56_GGA(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → D1_IN_GGA(T614, T616, T618)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490))) → U58_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
U58_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → U59_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
U59_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T616, T622)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T684, T686, T689)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U63_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
U63_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → D1_IN_GGA(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706, T708)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → U66_GGA(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_GGA(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706, T708)
U58_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → D1_IN_GGA(T614, T616, T618)
U50_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → D1_IN_GGA(T538, T539, T547)
U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → D1_IN_GGA(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)
U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → D1_IN_GGA(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)
d1_in_gga(T5, T5, 1) → d1_out_gga(T5, T5, 1)
d1_in_gga(0, 0, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, 0, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0) → U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_in_g(T12))
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g(0)
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(T17, isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(T20, isnumber16_in_g(T20))
U2_g(T20, isnumber16_out_g(T20)) → isnumber16_out_g(p(T20))
U1_g(T17, isnumber16_out_g(T17)) → isnumber16_out_g(s(T17))
U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_out_g(T12)) → d1_out_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0)
d1_in_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0) → U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_in_g(T25))
U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_out_g(T25)) → d1_out_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0)
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_in_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82))
d1_in_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_in_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98))
d1_in_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_in_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
d1_in_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0) → U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_in_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0)))))
U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_out_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0))))) → d1_out_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0)
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370))
d1_in_gga(0, T397, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T402), T397, 0) → U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T402))
U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T402)) → d1_out_gga(s(T402), T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(p(T407), T397, 0) → U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T407))
U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T407)) → d1_out_gga(p(T407), T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_in_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464))
d1_in_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_in_gga(T477, T479, T481))
d1_in_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_in_gga(T490, T500, T501))
d1_in_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_in_gga(T490, T513, T514))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T556, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490))) → U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
d1_in_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1) → d1_out_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1)
d1_in_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0) → U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_in_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0)))))
U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_out_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0))))) → d1_out_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0)
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0)))))
U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693))
U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T490, T616, T622))
U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T490, T616, T622)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490)))
U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(T490, T581, T589))
U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(T490, T581, T589)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T490, T539, T555))
U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T490, T539, T555)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_out_gga(T490, T513, T514)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_out_gga(T490, T500, T501)) → d1_out_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490)))
U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_out_gga(T477, T479, T481)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_out_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464)) → d1_out_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464)
U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T429, T430, T437))
U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T429, T430, T437)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0)))))
U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353))
U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287))
U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239))
U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191))
U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_out_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_out_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_out_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82)) → d1_out_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82)
U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54))
U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43)))
U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43)))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → D1_IN_GGA(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U6_GGA(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
U6_GGA(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → D1_IN_GGA(T43, times(T42, T43), T54)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → U11_GGA(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
U11_GGA(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → D1_IN_GGA(T126, times(T125, T126), T127)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → D1_IN_GGA(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → D1_IN_GGA(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → D1_IN_GGA(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → D1_IN_GGA(T428, T430, T433)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U39_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
U39_GGA(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → D1_IN_GGA(T429, T430, T437)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → U9_GGA(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_GGA(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → D1_IN_GGA(T95, power(T95, T96), T98)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, 0), T370)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → D1_IN_GGA(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → U42_GGA(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_GGA(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → D1_IN_GGA(T477, T479, T481)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → D1_IN_GGA(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → D1_IN_GGA(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T500, T501)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U29_GGA(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
U29_GGA(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → D1_IN_GGA(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → U68_GGA(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_GGA(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706, T708)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → U32_GGA(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_GGA(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → U45_GGA(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
U45_GGA(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T513, T514)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → U34_GGA(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_GGA(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → D1_IN_GGA(T537, T539, T542)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U48_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
U48_GGA(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → D1_IN_GGA(T538, T539, T547)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U50_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T556, T539, T542))
U50_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → U51_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U51_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T539, T555)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U54_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
U54_GGA(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T581, T589)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → U56_GGA(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
U56_GGA(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → D1_IN_GGA(T614, T616, T618)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490))) → U58_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
U58_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → U59_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
U59_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T616, T622)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T684, T686, T689)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U63_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
U63_GGA(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → D1_IN_GGA(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706, T708)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → U66_GGA(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_GGA(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706, T708)
U58_GGA(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → D1_IN_GGA(T614, T616, T618)
U50_GGA(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → D1_IN_GGA(T538, T539, T547)
U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → D1_IN_GGA(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)
U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → D1_IN_GGA(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)
d1_in_gga(T5, T5, 1) → d1_out_gga(T5, T5, 1)
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43))) → U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46))
d1_in_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126))) → U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156))) → U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228))) → U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274))) → U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
d1_in_gga(0, T397, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, T397, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T402), T397, 0) → U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T402))
d1_in_gga(p(T407), T397, 0) → U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_in_g(T407))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429))) → U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T428, T430, T433))
d1_in_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464) → U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_in_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464))
d1_in_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478))))) → U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
d1_in_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490))) → U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_in_gga(T490, T500, T501))
d1_in_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490))) → U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T537, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490))) → U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T556, T539, T542))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490))) → U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490))) → U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490))) → U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
d1_in_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1) → d1_out_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0))), 1)
d1_in_gga(div(T661, T662), T663, 0) → U61_gga(T661, T662, T663, isnumber16_in_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0)))))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0))))) → U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(T684, T686, T689))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0))))) → U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715)))))) → U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720)))))) → U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g(0)
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(T17, isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(T20, isnumber16_in_g(T20))
d1_in_gga(0, 0, 0) → d1_out_gga(0, 0, 0)
d1_in_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0) → U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_in_g(T12))
d1_in_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0) → U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_in_g(T25))
d1_in_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82) → U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_in_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82))
d1_in_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96))))) → U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
d1_in_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324), 0) → U27_gga(T323, T324, isnumber16_in_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0)))))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0))))) → U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0))))) → U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378)))))) → U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387)))))) → U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U5_gga(T42, T43, T47, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T47, T42), times(T46, T43)))
U6_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T42, times(T42, T43), T46)) → U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_in_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U11_gga(T125, T126, T127, isnumber16_out_g(T125)) → U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_in_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127))
U13_gga(T154, T155, T156, T161, T160, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T161, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T160, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T159)) → U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171))
U19_gga(T226, T227, T228, T231, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T231, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228), T230)) → U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_in_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, isnumber16_out_g(T273)) → U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276))
U36_gga(T402, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T402)) → d1_out_gga(s(T402), T397, 0)
U37_gga(T407, T397, isnumber16_out_g(T407)) → d1_out_gga(p(T407), T397, 0)
U38_gga(T428, T429, T430, T434, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T434, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U39_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T428, T430, T433)) → U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_in_gga(T429, T430, T437))
U41_gga(T460, T461, T462, T464, d1_out_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462, T464)) → d1_out_gga(div(T460, T461), T462, T464)
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U42_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, isnumber16_out_g(T478)) → U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_in_gga(T477, T479, T481))
U44_gga(T500, T490, T501, d1_out_gga(T490, T500, T501)) → d1_out_gga(times(T500, T490), T500, +(times(T501, T500), times(1, T490)))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U45_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, isnumber16_out_g(T512)) → U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_in_gga(T490, T513, T514))
U47_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T544, T543, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T544, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T543, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U48_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T537, T539, T542)) → U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U50_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T556, T539, T542)) → U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T538, T539, T547))
U53_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T584, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T584, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U54_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581, T583)) → U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_in_gga(T490, T581, T589))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U56_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T615)) → U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
U58_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, isnumber16_out_g(T623)) → U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T614, T616, T618))
U62_gga(T684, T685, T686, T690, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T690, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U63_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(T684, T686, T689)) → U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_in_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693))
U65_gga(T704, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, 0), T706, times(0, times(T708, power(T704, p(0)))))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U66_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T715)) → U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U68_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, isnumber16_out_g(T720)) → U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_in_gga(T704, T706, T708))
U1_g(T17, isnumber16_out_g(T17)) → isnumber16_out_g(s(T17))
U2_g(T20, isnumber16_out_g(T20)) → isnumber16_out_g(p(T20))
U3_gga(T12, isnumber16_out_g(T12)) → d1_out_gga(s(T12), s(T12), 0)
U4_gga(T25, isnumber16_out_g(T25)) → d1_out_gga(p(T25), p(T25), 0)
U8_gga(T79, T80, T82, d1_out_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80), T82)) → d1_out_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80), T82)
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U9_gga(T95, T96, T98, isnumber16_out_g(T96)) → U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_in_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98))
U28_gga(T341, T342, T346, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T346, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U29_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(T341, div(T341, T342), T345)) → U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_in_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353))
U31_gga(T367, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, 0), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0), times(0, times(T370, power(T367, p(0)))))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U32_gga(T367, T378, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T378)) → U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U34_gga(T367, T387, T370, isnumber16_out_g(T387)) → U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370))
U7_gga(T42, T43, T54, T46, d1_out_gga(T43, times(T42, T43), T54)) → d1_out_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43), +(times(T54, T42), times(T46, T43)))
U12_gga(T125, T126, T127, d1_out_gga(T126, times(T125, T126), T127)) → d1_out_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126), +(times(T127, T125), times(0, T126)))
U15_gga(T154, T155, T156, T172, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T172, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T171)) → U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_in_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191))
U21_gga(T226, T227, T228, T239, T230, d1_out_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228), T239)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228), +(times(T239, div(T226, T227)), times(T230, T228)))
U23_gga(T272, T273, T274, T277, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T277, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T276)) → U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_in_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287))
U40_gga(T428, T429, T430, T437, T433, d1_out_gga(T429, T430, T437)) → d1_out_gga(times(T428, T429), T430, +(times(T437, T428), times(T433, T429)))
U43_gga(T477, T478, T479, T481, d1_out_gga(T477, T479, T481)) → d1_out_gga(power(T477, T478), T479, times(T478, times(T481, power(T477, p(T478)))))
U46_gga(T512, T490, T513, T514, d1_out_gga(T490, T513, T514)) → d1_out_gga(times(T512, T490), T513, +(times(T514, T512), times(0, T490)))
U49_gga(T537, T538, T490, T539, T548, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T548, times(T537, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T537), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U51_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T538, T539, T547)) → U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_in_gga(T490, T539, T555))
U55_gga(T579, T580, T490, T581, T589, T583, d1_out_gga(T490, T581, T589)) → d1_out_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581, +(times(T589, div(T579, T580)), times(T583, T490)))
U57_gga(T614, T615, T490, T616, T619, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616, +(times(T619, power(T614, T615)), times(times(T615, times(T618, power(T614, p(T615)))), T490)))
U59_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T614, T616, T618)) → U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_in_gga(T490, T616, T622))
U64_gga(T684, T685, T686, T693, T689, d1_out_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686, T693)) → d1_out_gga(div(T684, T685), T686, +(times(T693, T684), times(T689, power(T685, p(0)))))
U67_gga(T704, T715, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706, times(s(T715), times(T708, power(T704, p(s(T715))))))
U69_gga(T704, T720, T706, T708, d1_out_gga(T704, T706, T708)) → d1_out_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706, times(p(T720), times(T708, power(T704, p(p(T720))))))
U10_gga(T95, T96, T98, d1_out_gga(T95, power(T95, T96), T98)) → d1_out_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96), times(T96, times(T98, power(T95, p(T96)))))
U30_gga(T341, T342, T353, T345, d1_out_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342), T353)) → d1_out_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342), +(times(T353, T341), times(T345, power(T342, p(0)))))
U33_gga(T367, T378, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378)), times(s(T378), times(T370, power(T367, p(s(T378))))))
U35_gga(T367, T387, T370, d1_out_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387)), T370)) → d1_out_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387)), times(p(T387), times(T370, power(T367, p(p(T387))))))
U18_gga(T154, T155, T156, T191, T171, T159, d1_out_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156), T191)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156), +(times(T191, times(T154, T155)), times(+(times(T171, T154), times(T159, T155)), T156)))
U26_gga(T272, T273, T274, T287, T276, d1_out_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274), T287)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274), +(times(T287, power(T272, T273)), times(times(T273, times(T276, power(T272, p(T273)))), T274)))
U52_gga(T556, T538, T490, T539, T555, T547, T542, d1_out_gga(T490, T539, T555)) → d1_out_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539, +(times(T555, times(T556, T538)), times(+(times(T547, T556), times(T542, T538)), T490)))
U60_gga(T614, T623, T490, T616, T622, T618, d1_out_gga(T490, T616, T622)) → d1_out_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616, +(times(T622, power(T614, T623)), times(times(T623, times(T618, power(T614, p(T623)))), T490)))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43)) → D1_IN_GGA(T42, times(T42, T43))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43)) → U6_GGA(T42, T43, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43)))
U6_GGA(T42, T43, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T43, times(T42, T43))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126)) → U11_GGA(T125, T126, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
U11_GGA(T125, T126, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T126, times(T125, T126))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → D1_IN_GGA(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430) → D1_IN_GGA(T428, T430)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80)) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430) → U39_GGA(T429, T430, d1_in_gga(T428, T430))
U39_GGA(T429, T430, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T429, T430)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96)) → U9_GGA(T95, T96, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_GGA(T95, T96, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T95, power(T95, T96))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, 0))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T460, T461), T462) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228)) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228))
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228)) → U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228)))
U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T477, T478), T479) → U42_GGA(T477, T479, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_GGA(T477, T479, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T477, T479)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274)) → U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274)) → U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274)))
U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T500, T490), T500) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T500)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342)) → D1_IN_GGA(T341, div(T341, T342))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342)) → U29_GGA(T341, T342, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342)))
U29_GGA(T341, T342, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, p(T720)), T706) → U68_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378))) → U32_GGA(T367, T378, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_GGA(T367, T378, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, s(T378)))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T512, T490), T513) → U45_GGA(T490, T513, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
U45_GGA(T490, T513, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T513)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387))) → U34_GGA(T367, T387, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_GGA(T367, T387, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, p(T387)))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539) → D1_IN_GGA(T537, T539)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539) → U48_GGA(T538, T539, d1_in_gga(T537, T539))
U48_GGA(T538, T539, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T538, T539)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539) → U50_GGA(T538, T490, T539, d1_in_gga(T556, T539))
U50_GGA(T538, T490, T539, d1_out_gga) → U51_GGA(T490, T539, d1_in_gga(T538, T539))
U51_GGA(T490, T539, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T539)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581) → U54_GGA(T490, T581, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581))
U54_GGA(T490, T581, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T581)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616) → U56_GGA(T614, T616, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
U56_GGA(T614, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T614, T616)
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616) → U58_GGA(T614, T490, T616, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
U58_GGA(T614, T490, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → U59_GGA(T490, T616, d1_in_gga(T614, T616))
U59_GGA(T490, T616, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T616)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686) → D1_IN_GGA(T684, T686)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686) → U63_GGA(T685, T686, d1_in_gga(T684, T686))
U63_GGA(T685, T686, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(power(T685, p(0)), T686)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, 0), T706) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, s(T715)), T706) → U66_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
U58_GGA(T614, T490, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T614, T616)
U50_GGA(T538, T490, T539, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T538, T539)
U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274))
U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156))
d1_in_gga(T5, T5) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43)) → U5_gga(d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43)))
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43)) → U6_gga(T42, T43, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43)))
d1_in_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126)) → U11_gga(T125, T126, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U13_gga(d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228)) → U19_gga(d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228)))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228)) → U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228)))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274)) → U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274)) → U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
d1_in_gga(0, T397) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(s(T402), T397) → U36_gga(isnumber16_in_g(T402))
d1_in_gga(p(T407), T397) → U37_gga(isnumber16_in_g(T407))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430) → U38_gga(d1_in_gga(T428, T430))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430) → U39_gga(T429, T430, d1_in_gga(T428, T430))
d1_in_gga(div(T460, T461), T462) → U41_gga(d1_in_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462))
d1_in_gga(power(T477, T478), T479) → U42_gga(T477, T479, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
d1_in_gga(times(T500, T490), T500) → U44_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T500))
d1_in_gga(times(T512, T490), T513) → U45_gga(T490, T513, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539) → U47_gga(d1_in_gga(T537, T539))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539) → U48_gga(T538, T539, d1_in_gga(T537, T539))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539) → U50_gga(T538, T490, T539, d1_in_gga(T556, T539))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581) → U53_gga(d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581) → U54_gga(T490, T581, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616) → U56_gga(T614, T616, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616) → U58_gga(T614, T490, T616, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
d1_in_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0)))) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(div(T661, T662), T663) → U61_gga(isnumber16_in_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0)))))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686) → U62_gga(d1_in_gga(T684, T686))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686) → U63_gga(T685, T686, d1_in_gga(T684, T686))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, 0), T706) → U65_gga(d1_in_gga(T704, T706))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706) → U66_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706) → U68_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(isnumber16_in_g(T20))
d1_in_gga(0, 0) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(s(T12), s(T12)) → U3_gga(isnumber16_in_g(T12))
d1_in_gga(p(T25), p(T25)) → U4_gga(isnumber16_in_g(T25))
d1_in_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80)) → U8_gga(d1_in_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80)))
d1_in_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96)) → U9_gga(T95, T96, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
d1_in_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324)) → U27_gga(isnumber16_in_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0)))))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342)) → U28_gga(d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342)))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342)) → U29_gga(T341, T342, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342)))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0)) → U31_gga(d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, 0)))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378))) → U32_gga(T367, T378, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387))) → U34_gga(T367, T387, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U5_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U6_gga(T42, T43, d1_out_gga) → U7_gga(d1_in_gga(T43, times(T42, T43)))
U11_gga(T125, T126, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U11_gga(T125, T126, isnumber16_out_g) → U12_gga(d1_in_gga(T126, times(T125, T126)))
U13_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → U15_gga(d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U19_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, d1_out_gga) → U21_gga(d1_in_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228)))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → U23_gga(d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274)))
U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274)))
U36_gga(isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U37_gga(isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U38_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U39_gga(T429, T430, d1_out_gga) → U40_gga(d1_in_gga(T429, T430))
U41_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U42_gga(T477, T479, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U42_gga(T477, T479, isnumber16_out_g) → U43_gga(d1_in_gga(T477, T479))
U44_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U45_gga(T490, T513, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U45_gga(T490, T513, isnumber16_out_g) → U46_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T513))
U47_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U48_gga(T538, T539, d1_out_gga) → U49_gga(d1_in_gga(T538, T539))
U50_gga(T538, T490, T539, d1_out_gga) → U51_gga(T490, T539, d1_in_gga(T538, T539))
U53_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U54_gga(T490, T581, d1_out_gga) → U55_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T581))
U56_gga(T614, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U56_gga(T614, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → U57_gga(d1_in_gga(T614, T616))
U58_gga(T614, T490, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → U59_gga(T490, T616, d1_in_gga(T614, T616))
U62_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U63_gga(T685, T686, d1_out_gga) → U64_gga(d1_in_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686))
U65_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U66_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U66_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → U67_gga(d1_in_gga(T704, T706))
U68_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U68_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → U69_gga(d1_in_gga(T704, T706))
U1_g(isnumber16_out_g) → isnumber16_out_g
U2_g(isnumber16_out_g) → isnumber16_out_g
U3_gga(isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U4_gga(isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U8_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U9_gga(T95, T96, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U9_gga(T95, T96, isnumber16_out_g) → U10_gga(d1_in_gga(T95, power(T95, T96)))
U28_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U29_gga(T341, T342, d1_out_gga) → U30_gga(d1_in_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342)))
U31_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U32_gga(T367, T378, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U32_gga(T367, T378, isnumber16_out_g) → U33_gga(d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378))))
U34_gga(T367, T387, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U34_gga(T367, T387, isnumber16_out_g) → U35_gga(d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387))))
U7_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U12_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U15_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → U18_gga(d1_in_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U21_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U23_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, d1_out_gga) → U26_gga(d1_in_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274)))
U40_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U43_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U46_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U49_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U51_gga(T490, T539, d1_out_gga) → U52_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T539))
U55_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U57_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U59_gga(T490, T616, d1_out_gga) → U60_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T616))
U64_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U67_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U69_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U10_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U30_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U33_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U35_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U18_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U26_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U52_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U60_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(x0, x1)
U6_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U11_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U14_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U16_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U20_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U22_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U24_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U39_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U42_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U45_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U48_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U50_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U54_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U56_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U58_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U63_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U66_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U68_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U9_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U29_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U32_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U34_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U17_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U25_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U51_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U59_gga(x0, x1, x2)
The following pairs can be oriented strictly and are deleted.
The remaining pairs can at least be oriented weakly.
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43)) → D1_IN_GGA(T42, times(T42, T43))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43)) → U6_GGA(T42, T43, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43)))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126)) → U11_GGA(T125, T126, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
U11_GGA(T125, T126, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T126, times(T125, T126))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → D1_IN_GGA(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430) → D1_IN_GGA(T428, T430)
D1_IN_GGA(times(T428, T429), T430) → U39_GGA(T429, T430, d1_in_gga(T428, T430))
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228)) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228))
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228)) → U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228)))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274)) → U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274)) → U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T500, T490), T500) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T500)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342)) → D1_IN_GGA(T341, div(T341, T342))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342)) → U29_GGA(T341, T342, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342)))
D1_IN_GGA(times(T512, T490), T513) → U45_GGA(T490, T513, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
U45_GGA(T490, T513, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T513)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539) → D1_IN_GGA(T537, T539)
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539) → U48_GGA(T538, T539, d1_in_gga(T537, T539))
D1_IN_GGA(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539) → U50_GGA(T538, T490, T539, d1_in_gga(T556, T539))
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581)
D1_IN_GGA(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581) → U54_GGA(T490, T581, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616) → U56_GGA(T614, T616, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
D1_IN_GGA(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616) → U58_GGA(T614, T490, T616, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686) → D1_IN_GGA(T684, T686)
D1_IN_GGA(div(T684, T685), T686) → U63_GGA(T685, T686, d1_in_gga(T684, T686))
POL(0) = 1
POL(D1_IN_GGA(x1, x2)) = 1 + x1
POL(U10_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U11_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x2 + x3
POL(U11_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U12_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U13_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U14_GGA(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 1 + x1 + x2 + x3
POL(U14_gga(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 0
POL(U15_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U16_GGA(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 1 + x1 + x2 + x3
POL(U16_gga(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 0
POL(U17_GGA(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 1 + x1 + x2 + x3
POL(U17_gga(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 0
POL(U18_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U19_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U1_g(x1)) = 1 + x1
POL(U20_GGA(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 1 + x1 + x2 + x3
POL(U20_gga(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 0
POL(U21_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U22_GGA(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 1 + x1
POL(U22_gga(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 0
POL(U23_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U24_GGA(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 1 + x1 + x3
POL(U24_gga(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 0
POL(U25_GGA(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 1 + x1 + x3
POL(U25_gga(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 0
POL(U26_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U27_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U28_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U29_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1 + x2
POL(U29_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U2_g(x1)) = 1
POL(U30_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U31_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U32_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U32_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U33_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U34_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U34_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U35_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U36_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U37_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U38_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U39_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U39_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U3_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U40_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U41_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U42_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U42_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U43_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U44_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U45_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1 + x3
POL(U45_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U46_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U47_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U48_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U48_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U49_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U4_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U50_GGA(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 1 + x1 + x2
POL(U50_gga(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 0
POL(U51_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U51_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U52_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U53_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U54_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U54_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U55_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U56_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U56_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U57_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U58_GGA(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 1 + x1 + x2
POL(U58_gga(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = 0
POL(U59_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U59_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U5_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U60_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U61_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U62_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U63_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U63_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U64_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U65_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U66_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U66_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U67_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U68_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U68_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U69_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U6_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1 + x2
POL(U6_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(U7_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U8_gga(x1)) = 0
POL(U9_GGA(x1, x2, x3)) = 1 + x1
POL(U9_gga(x1, x2, x3)) = 0
POL(d1_in_gga(x1, x2)) = 0
POL(d1_out_gga) = 0
POL(div(x1, x2)) = 1 + x1 + x2
POL(isnumber16_in_g(x1)) = x1
POL(isnumber16_out_g) = 1
POL(p(x1)) = 1
POL(power(x1, x2)) = x1
POL(s(x1)) = 1 + x1
POL(times(x1, x2)) = 1 + x1 + x2
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(isnumber16_in_g(T20))
U2_g(isnumber16_out_g) → isnumber16_out_g
U1_g(isnumber16_out_g) → isnumber16_out_g
U6_GGA(T42, T43, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T43, times(T42, T43))
U14_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156))
U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U17_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80)) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80))
U39_GGA(T429, T430, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T429, T430)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96)) → U9_GGA(T95, T96, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_GGA(T95, T96, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T95, power(T95, T96))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, 0))
D1_IN_GGA(div(T460, T461), T462) → D1_IN_GGA(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462)
U20_GGA(T226, T227, T228, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T477, T478), T479) → U42_GGA(T477, T479, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_GGA(T477, T479, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T477, T479)
U22_GGA(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274))
U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274)))
U25_GGA(T272, T273, T274, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274))
U29_GGA(T341, T342, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, p(T720)), T706) → U68_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378))) → U32_GGA(T367, T378, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_GGA(T367, T378, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, s(T378)))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387))) → U34_GGA(T367, T387, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_GGA(T367, T387, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, p(T387)))
U48_GGA(T538, T539, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T538, T539)
U50_GGA(T538, T490, T539, d1_out_gga) → U51_GGA(T490, T539, d1_in_gga(T538, T539))
U51_GGA(T490, T539, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T539)
U54_GGA(T490, T581, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T581)
U56_GGA(T614, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T614, T616)
U58_GGA(T614, T490, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → U59_GGA(T490, T616, d1_in_gga(T614, T616))
U59_GGA(T490, T616, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T490, T616)
U63_GGA(T685, T686, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(power(T685, p(0)), T686)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, 0), T706) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, s(T715)), T706) → U66_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
U58_GGA(T614, T490, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T614, T616)
U50_GGA(T538, T490, T539, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T538, T539)
U24_GGA(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274))
U16_GGA(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → D1_IN_GGA(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156))
d1_in_gga(T5, T5) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43)) → U5_gga(d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43)))
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43)) → U6_gga(T42, T43, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43)))
d1_in_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126)) → U11_gga(T125, T126, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U13_gga(d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228)) → U19_gga(d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228)))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228)) → U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228)))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274)) → U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274)) → U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
d1_in_gga(0, T397) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(s(T402), T397) → U36_gga(isnumber16_in_g(T402))
d1_in_gga(p(T407), T397) → U37_gga(isnumber16_in_g(T407))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430) → U38_gga(d1_in_gga(T428, T430))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430) → U39_gga(T429, T430, d1_in_gga(T428, T430))
d1_in_gga(div(T460, T461), T462) → U41_gga(d1_in_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462))
d1_in_gga(power(T477, T478), T479) → U42_gga(T477, T479, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
d1_in_gga(times(T500, T490), T500) → U44_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T500))
d1_in_gga(times(T512, T490), T513) → U45_gga(T490, T513, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539) → U47_gga(d1_in_gga(T537, T539))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539) → U48_gga(T538, T539, d1_in_gga(T537, T539))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539) → U50_gga(T538, T490, T539, d1_in_gga(T556, T539))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581) → U53_gga(d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581) → U54_gga(T490, T581, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616) → U56_gga(T614, T616, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616) → U58_gga(T614, T490, T616, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
d1_in_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0)))) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(div(T661, T662), T663) → U61_gga(isnumber16_in_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0)))))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686) → U62_gga(d1_in_gga(T684, T686))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686) → U63_gga(T685, T686, d1_in_gga(T684, T686))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, 0), T706) → U65_gga(d1_in_gga(T704, T706))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706) → U66_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706) → U68_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(isnumber16_in_g(T20))
d1_in_gga(0, 0) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(s(T12), s(T12)) → U3_gga(isnumber16_in_g(T12))
d1_in_gga(p(T25), p(T25)) → U4_gga(isnumber16_in_g(T25))
d1_in_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80)) → U8_gga(d1_in_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80)))
d1_in_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96)) → U9_gga(T95, T96, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
d1_in_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324)) → U27_gga(isnumber16_in_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0)))))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342)) → U28_gga(d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342)))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342)) → U29_gga(T341, T342, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342)))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0)) → U31_gga(d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, 0)))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378))) → U32_gga(T367, T378, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387))) → U34_gga(T367, T387, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U5_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U6_gga(T42, T43, d1_out_gga) → U7_gga(d1_in_gga(T43, times(T42, T43)))
U11_gga(T125, T126, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U11_gga(T125, T126, isnumber16_out_g) → U12_gga(d1_in_gga(T126, times(T125, T126)))
U13_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → U15_gga(d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U19_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, d1_out_gga) → U21_gga(d1_in_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228)))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → U23_gga(d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274)))
U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274)))
U36_gga(isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U37_gga(isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U38_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U39_gga(T429, T430, d1_out_gga) → U40_gga(d1_in_gga(T429, T430))
U41_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U42_gga(T477, T479, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U42_gga(T477, T479, isnumber16_out_g) → U43_gga(d1_in_gga(T477, T479))
U44_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U45_gga(T490, T513, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U45_gga(T490, T513, isnumber16_out_g) → U46_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T513))
U47_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U48_gga(T538, T539, d1_out_gga) → U49_gga(d1_in_gga(T538, T539))
U50_gga(T538, T490, T539, d1_out_gga) → U51_gga(T490, T539, d1_in_gga(T538, T539))
U53_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U54_gga(T490, T581, d1_out_gga) → U55_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T581))
U56_gga(T614, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U56_gga(T614, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → U57_gga(d1_in_gga(T614, T616))
U58_gga(T614, T490, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → U59_gga(T490, T616, d1_in_gga(T614, T616))
U62_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U63_gga(T685, T686, d1_out_gga) → U64_gga(d1_in_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686))
U65_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U66_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U66_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → U67_gga(d1_in_gga(T704, T706))
U68_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U68_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → U69_gga(d1_in_gga(T704, T706))
U1_g(isnumber16_out_g) → isnumber16_out_g
U2_g(isnumber16_out_g) → isnumber16_out_g
U3_gga(isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U4_gga(isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U8_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U9_gga(T95, T96, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U9_gga(T95, T96, isnumber16_out_g) → U10_gga(d1_in_gga(T95, power(T95, T96)))
U28_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U29_gga(T341, T342, d1_out_gga) → U30_gga(d1_in_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342)))
U31_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U32_gga(T367, T378, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U32_gga(T367, T378, isnumber16_out_g) → U33_gga(d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378))))
U34_gga(T367, T387, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U34_gga(T367, T387, isnumber16_out_g) → U35_gga(d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387))))
U7_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U12_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U15_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → U18_gga(d1_in_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U21_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U23_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, d1_out_gga) → U26_gga(d1_in_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274)))
U40_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U43_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U46_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U49_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U51_gga(T490, T539, d1_out_gga) → U52_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T539))
U55_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U57_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U59_gga(T490, T616, d1_out_gga) → U60_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T616))
U64_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U67_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U69_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U10_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U30_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U33_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U35_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U18_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U26_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U52_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U60_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(x0, x1)
U6_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U11_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U14_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U16_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U20_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U22_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U24_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U39_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U42_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U45_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U48_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U50_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U54_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U56_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U58_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U63_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U66_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U68_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U9_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U29_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U32_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U34_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U17_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U25_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U51_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U59_gga(x0, x1, x2)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96)) → U9_GGA(T95, T96, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_GGA(T95, T96, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T95, power(T95, T96))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T477, T478), T479) → U42_GGA(T477, T479, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_GGA(T477, T479, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T477, T479)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, 0))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, p(T720)), T706) → U68_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378))) → U32_GGA(T367, T378, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_GGA(T367, T378, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, s(T378)))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, 0), T706) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387))) → U34_GGA(T367, T387, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_GGA(T367, T387, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, p(T387)))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, s(T715)), T706) → U66_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
d1_in_gga(T5, T5) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43)) → U5_gga(d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43)))
d1_in_gga(times(T42, T43), times(T42, T43)) → U6_gga(T42, T43, d1_in_gga(T42, times(T42, T43)))
d1_in_gga(times(T125, T126), times(T125, T126)) → U11_gga(T125, T126, isnumber16_in_g(T125))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U13_gga(d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T154, T155), T156), times(times(T154, T155), T156)) → U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T154, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228)) → U19_gga(d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228)))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T226, T227), T228), times(div(T226, T227), T228)) → U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, d1_in_gga(times(T226, power(T227, p(0))), times(div(T226, T227), T228)))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274)) → U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T272, T273), T274), times(power(T272, T273), T274)) → U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_in_g(T273))
d1_in_gga(0, T397) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(s(T402), T397) → U36_gga(isnumber16_in_g(T402))
d1_in_gga(p(T407), T397) → U37_gga(isnumber16_in_g(T407))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430) → U38_gga(d1_in_gga(T428, T430))
d1_in_gga(times(T428, T429), T430) → U39_gga(T429, T430, d1_in_gga(T428, T430))
d1_in_gga(div(T460, T461), T462) → U41_gga(d1_in_gga(times(T460, power(T461, p(0))), T462))
d1_in_gga(power(T477, T478), T479) → U42_gga(T477, T479, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
d1_in_gga(times(T500, T490), T500) → U44_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T500))
d1_in_gga(times(T512, T490), T513) → U45_gga(T490, T513, isnumber16_in_g(T512))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539) → U47_gga(d1_in_gga(T537, T539))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T537, T538), T490), T539) → U48_gga(T538, T539, d1_in_gga(T537, T539))
d1_in_gga(times(times(T556, T538), T490), T539) → U50_gga(T538, T490, T539, d1_in_gga(T556, T539))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581) → U53_gga(d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581))
d1_in_gga(times(div(T579, T580), T490), T581) → U54_gga(T490, T581, d1_in_gga(times(T579, power(T580, p(0))), T581))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T615), T490), T616) → U56_gga(T614, T616, isnumber16_in_g(T615))
d1_in_gga(times(power(T614, T623), T490), T616) → U58_gga(T614, T490, T616, isnumber16_in_g(T623))
d1_in_gga(div(T647, T648), times(T647, power(T648, p(0)))) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(div(T661, T662), T663) → U61_gga(isnumber16_in_g(times(T661, power(T662, p(0)))))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686) → U62_gga(d1_in_gga(T684, T686))
d1_in_gga(div(T684, T685), T686) → U63_gga(T685, T686, d1_in_gga(T684, T686))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, 0), T706) → U65_gga(d1_in_gga(T704, T706))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, s(T715)), T706) → U66_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
d1_in_gga(power(T704, p(T720)), T706) → U68_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(isnumber16_in_g(T20))
d1_in_gga(0, 0) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(s(T12), s(T12)) → U3_gga(isnumber16_in_g(T12))
d1_in_gga(p(T25), p(T25)) → U4_gga(isnumber16_in_g(T25))
d1_in_gga(div(T79, T80), div(T79, T80)) → U8_gga(d1_in_gga(times(T79, power(T80, p(0))), div(T79, T80)))
d1_in_gga(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96)) → U9_gga(T95, T96, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
d1_in_gga(div(T323, T324), div(T323, T324)) → U27_gga(isnumber16_in_g(times(T323, power(T324, p(0)))))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342)) → U28_gga(d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342)))
d1_in_gga(div(T341, T342), div(T341, T342)) → U29_gga(T341, T342, d1_in_gga(T341, div(T341, T342)))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0)) → U31_gga(d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, 0)))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378))) → U32_gga(T367, T378, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
d1_in_gga(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387))) → U34_gga(T367, T387, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U5_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U6_gga(T42, T43, d1_out_gga) → U7_gga(d1_in_gga(T43, times(T42, T43)))
U11_gga(T125, T126, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U11_gga(T125, T126, isnumber16_out_g) → U12_gga(d1_in_gga(T126, times(T125, T126)))
U13_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U14_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → U15_gga(d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U16_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_in_gga(T155, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U19_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U20_gga(T226, T227, T228, d1_out_gga) → U21_gga(d1_in_gga(T228, times(div(T226, T227), T228)))
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U22_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → U23_gga(d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274)))
U24_gga(T272, T273, T274, isnumber16_out_g) → U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, d1_in_gga(T272, times(power(T272, T273), T274)))
U36_gga(isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U37_gga(isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U38_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U39_gga(T429, T430, d1_out_gga) → U40_gga(d1_in_gga(T429, T430))
U41_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U42_gga(T477, T479, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U42_gga(T477, T479, isnumber16_out_g) → U43_gga(d1_in_gga(T477, T479))
U44_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U45_gga(T490, T513, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U45_gga(T490, T513, isnumber16_out_g) → U46_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T513))
U47_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U48_gga(T538, T539, d1_out_gga) → U49_gga(d1_in_gga(T538, T539))
U50_gga(T538, T490, T539, d1_out_gga) → U51_gga(T490, T539, d1_in_gga(T538, T539))
U53_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U54_gga(T490, T581, d1_out_gga) → U55_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T581))
U56_gga(T614, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U56_gga(T614, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → U57_gga(d1_in_gga(T614, T616))
U58_gga(T614, T490, T616, isnumber16_out_g) → U59_gga(T490, T616, d1_in_gga(T614, T616))
U62_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U63_gga(T685, T686, d1_out_gga) → U64_gga(d1_in_gga(power(T685, p(0)), T686))
U65_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U66_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U66_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → U67_gga(d1_in_gga(T704, T706))
U68_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U68_gga(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → U69_gga(d1_in_gga(T704, T706))
U1_g(isnumber16_out_g) → isnumber16_out_g
U2_g(isnumber16_out_g) → isnumber16_out_g
U3_gga(isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U4_gga(isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U8_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U9_gga(T95, T96, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U9_gga(T95, T96, isnumber16_out_g) → U10_gga(d1_in_gga(T95, power(T95, T96)))
U28_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U29_gga(T341, T342, d1_out_gga) → U30_gga(d1_in_gga(power(T342, p(0)), div(T341, T342)))
U31_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U32_gga(T367, T378, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U32_gga(T367, T378, isnumber16_out_g) → U33_gga(d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, s(T378))))
U34_gga(T367, T387, isnumber16_out_g) → d1_out_gga
U34_gga(T367, T387, isnumber16_out_g) → U35_gga(d1_in_gga(T367, power(T367, p(T387))))
U7_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U12_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U15_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U17_gga(T154, T155, T156, d1_out_gga) → U18_gga(d1_in_gga(T156, times(times(T154, T155), T156)))
U21_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U23_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U25_gga(T272, T273, T274, d1_out_gga) → U26_gga(d1_in_gga(T274, times(power(T272, T273), T274)))
U40_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U43_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U46_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U49_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U51_gga(T490, T539, d1_out_gga) → U52_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T539))
U55_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U57_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U59_gga(T490, T616, d1_out_gga) → U60_gga(d1_in_gga(T490, T616))
U64_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U67_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U69_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U10_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U30_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U33_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U35_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U18_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U26_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U52_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
U60_gga(d1_out_gga) → d1_out_gga
d1_in_gga(x0, x1)
U6_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U11_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U14_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U16_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U20_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U22_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U24_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U39_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U42_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U45_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U48_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U50_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U54_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U56_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U58_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U63_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U66_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U68_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U9_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U29_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U32_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U34_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U17_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U25_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U51_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U59_gga(x0, x1, x2)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96)) → U9_GGA(T95, T96, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_GGA(T95, T96, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T95, power(T95, T96))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T477, T478), T479) → U42_GGA(T477, T479, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_GGA(T477, T479, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T477, T479)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, 0))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, p(T720)), T706) → U68_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378))) → U32_GGA(T367, T378, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_GGA(T367, T378, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, s(T378)))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, 0), T706) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387))) → U34_GGA(T367, T387, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_GGA(T367, T387, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, p(T387)))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, s(T715)), T706) → U66_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(isnumber16_in_g(T20))
U2_g(isnumber16_out_g) → isnumber16_out_g
U1_g(isnumber16_out_g) → isnumber16_out_g
d1_in_gga(x0, x1)
U6_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U11_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U14_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U16_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U20_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U22_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U24_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U39_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U42_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U45_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U48_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U50_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U54_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U56_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U58_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U63_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U66_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U68_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U9_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U29_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U32_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U34_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U17_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U25_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U51_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U59_gga(x0, x1, x2)
d1_in_gga(x0, x1)
U6_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U11_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U14_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U16_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U20_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U22_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U24_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U39_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U42_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U45_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U48_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U50_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U54_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U56_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U58_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U63_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U66_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U68_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U9_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U29_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U32_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U34_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U17_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U25_gga(x0, x1, x2, x3)
U51_gga(x0, x1, x2)
U59_gga(x0, x1, x2)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T95, T96), power(T95, T96)) → U9_GGA(T95, T96, isnumber16_in_g(T96))
U9_GGA(T95, T96, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T95, power(T95, T96))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T477, T478), T479) → U42_GGA(T477, T479, isnumber16_in_g(T478))
U42_GGA(T477, T479, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T477, T479)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, 0), power(T367, 0)) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, 0))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, p(T720)), T706) → U68_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T720))
U68_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, s(T378)), power(T367, s(T378))) → U32_GGA(T367, T378, isnumber16_in_g(T378))
U32_GGA(T367, T378, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, s(T378)))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, 0), T706) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
D1_IN_GGA(power(T367, p(T387)), power(T367, p(T387))) → U34_GGA(T367, T387, isnumber16_in_g(T387))
U34_GGA(T367, T387, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T367, power(T367, p(T387)))
D1_IN_GGA(power(T704, s(T715)), T706) → U66_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_in_g(T715))
U66_GGA(T704, T706, isnumber16_out_g) → D1_IN_GGA(T704, T706)
isnumber16_in_g(0) → isnumber16_out_g
isnumber16_in_g(s(T17)) → U1_g(isnumber16_in_g(T17))
isnumber16_in_g(p(T20)) → U2_g(isnumber16_in_g(T20))
U2_g(isnumber16_out_g) → isnumber16_out_g
U1_g(isnumber16_out_g) → isnumber16_out_g
From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs: