0 Prolog
↳1 PrologToDTProblemTransformerProof (⇐)
↳3 TriplesToPiDPProof (⇐)
↳4 PiDP
↳5 DependencyGraphProof (⇔)
↳6 AND
↳7 PiDP
↳8 UsableRulesProof (⇔)
↳9 PiDP
↳10 PiDPToQDPProof (⇐)
↳11 QDP
↳12 QDPSizeChangeProof (⇔)
↳13 YES
↳14 PiDP
↳15 UsableRulesProof (⇔)
↳16 PiDP
↳17 PiDPToQDPProof (⇐)
↳18 QDP
↳19 QDPSizeChangeProof (⇔)
↳20 YES
↳21 PiDP
↳22 UsableRulesProof (⇔)
↳23 PiDP
↳24 PiDPToQDPProof (⇐)
↳25 QDP
↳26 UsableRulesReductionPairsProof (⇔)
↳27 QDP
↳28 PisEmptyProof (⇔)
↳29 YES
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(0, T29), T16, T18) → U9_GGA(T29, T16, T18, convert19_in_gga(T29, T16, X22))
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(0, T29), T16, T18) → CONVERT19_IN_GGA(T29, T16, X22)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U1_GGA(T52, T41, X82, convert19_in_gga(T52, T41, X81))
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → CONVERT19_IN_GGA(T52, T41, X81)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U2_GGA(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_in_gga(T52, T41, T54))
U2_GGA(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → U3_GGA(T52, T41, X82, times38_in_gga(T54, T41, X82))
U2_GGA(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → TIMES38_IN_GGA(T54, T41, X82)
TIMES38_IN_GGA(s(T72), T66, X148) → U5_GGA(T72, T66, X148, times38_in_gga(T72, T66, X147))
TIMES38_IN_GGA(s(T72), T66, X148) → TIMES38_IN_GGA(T72, T66, X147)
TIMES38_IN_GGA(s(T72), T66, X148) → U6_GGA(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_in_gga(T72, T66, T74))
U6_GGA(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → U7_GGA(T72, T66, X148, plus53_in_gga(T66, T74, X148))
U6_GGA(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → PLUS53_IN_GGA(T66, T74, X148)
PLUS53_IN_GGA(s(T93), T89, X199) → U8_GGA(T93, T89, X199, plus53_in_gga(T93, T89, X198))
PLUS53_IN_GGA(s(T93), T89, X199) → PLUS53_IN_GGA(T93, T89, X198)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(s(T128), T129), T107, X251) → U4_GGA(T128, T129, T107, X251, convert1_in_gga(.(T128, T129), T107, X250))
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(s(T128), T129), T107, X251) → CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(T128, T129), T107, X250)
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(0, T29), T164, T166) → U10_GGA(T29, T164, T166, convertc19_in_gga(T29, T164, s(T172)))
U10_GGA(T29, T164, T166, convertc19_out_gga(T29, T164, s(T172))) → U11_GGA(T29, T164, T166, times38_in_gga(T172, T164, X368))
U10_GGA(T29, T164, T166, convertc19_out_gga(T29, T164, s(T172))) → TIMES38_IN_GGA(T172, T164, X368)
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(0, T29), s(T203), T199) → U12_GGA(T29, T203, T199, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U12_GGA(T29, T203, T199, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U13_GGA(T29, T203, T199, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U13_GGA(T29, T203, T199, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U14_GGA(T29, T203, T199, plus53_in_gga(T203, T197, X413))
U13_GGA(T29, T203, T199, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → PLUS53_IN_GGA(T203, T197, X413)
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(s(T243), T244), T220, T222) → U15_GGA(T243, T244, T220, T222, convert1_in_gga(.(T243, T244), T220, X460))
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(s(T243), T244), T220, T222) → CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(T243, T244), T220, X460)
convertc19_in_gga([], T35, 0) → convertc19_out_gga([], T35, 0)
convertc19_in_gga(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U17_gga(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_in_gga(T52, T41, T54))
convertc19_in_gga(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142)) → U19_gga(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_in_gga(.(T128, T129), T107, T142))
convertc1_in_gga([], T6, 0) → convertc1_out_gga([], T6, 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), T149, 0) → U23_gga(T29, T149, convertc19_in_ggg(T29, T149, 0))
convertc19_in_ggg([], T35, 0) → convertc19_out_ggg([], T35, 0)
convertc19_in_ggg(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U17_ggg(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_in_gga(T52, T41, T54))
U17_ggg(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → U18_ggg(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_in_ggg(T54, T41, X82))
timesc38_in_ggg(0, T59, 0) → timesc38_out_ggg(0, T59, 0)
timesc38_in_ggg(s(T72), T66, X148) → U20_ggg(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_in_gga(T72, T66, T74))
timesc38_in_gga(0, T59, 0) → timesc38_out_gga(0, T59, 0)
timesc38_in_gga(s(T72), T66, X148) → U20_gga(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_in_gga(T72, T66, T74))
U20_gga(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → U21_gga(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_in_gga(T66, T74, X148))
plusc53_in_gga(0, T82, T82) → plusc53_out_gga(0, T82, T82)
plusc53_in_gga(s(T93), T89, s(T100)) → U22_gga(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_in_gga(T93, T89, T100))
U22_gga(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_out_gga(T93, T89, T100)) → plusc53_out_gga(s(T93), T89, s(T100))
U21_gga(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_out_gga(T66, T74, X148)) → timesc38_out_gga(s(T72), T66, X148)
U20_ggg(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → U21_ggg(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_in_ggg(T66, T74, X148))
plusc53_in_ggg(0, T82, T82) → plusc53_out_ggg(0, T82, T82)
plusc53_in_ggg(s(T93), T89, s(T100)) → U22_ggg(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_in_ggg(T93, T89, T100))
U22_ggg(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_out_ggg(T93, T89, T100)) → plusc53_out_ggg(s(T93), T89, s(T100))
U21_ggg(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_out_ggg(T66, T74, X148)) → timesc38_out_ggg(s(T72), T66, X148)
U18_ggg(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_out_ggg(T54, T41, X82)) → convertc19_out_ggg(.(0, T52), T41, X82)
convertc19_in_ggg(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142)) → U19_ggg(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T128, T129), T107, T142))
convertc1_in_ggg([], T6, 0) → convertc1_out_ggg([], T6, 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), T149, 0) → U23_ggg(T29, T149, convertc19_in_ggg(T29, T149, 0))
U23_ggg(T29, T149, convertc19_out_ggg(T29, T149, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), T149, 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), 0, T187) → U24_ggg(T29, T187, convertc19_in_gga(T29, 0, s(T172)))
U24_ggg(T29, T187, convertc19_out_gga(T29, 0, s(T172))) → U25_ggg(T29, T187, timesc38_in_ggg(T172, 0, T187))
U25_ggg(T29, T187, timesc38_out_ggg(T172, 0, T187)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), 0, T187)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210)) → U26_ggg(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U26_ggg(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U27_ggg(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U27_ggg(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U28_ggg(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, T210))
U28_ggg(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, T210)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210))
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0) → U29_ggg(T29, T203, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U29_ggg(T29, T203, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U30_ggg(T29, T203, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U30_ggg(T29, T203, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U31_ggg(T29, T203, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, 0))
U31_ggg(T29, T203, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257)) → U32_ggg(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, T257))
convertc1_in_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0) → U33_ggg(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0))
U33_ggg(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0)
U32_ggg(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, T257)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257))
U19_ggg(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T128, T129), T107, T142)) → convertc19_out_ggg(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142))
U23_gga(T29, T149, convertc19_out_ggg(T29, T149, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), T149, 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), 0, T187) → U24_gga(T29, T187, convertc19_in_gga(T29, 0, s(T172)))
U24_gga(T29, T187, convertc19_out_gga(T29, 0, s(T172))) → U25_gga(T29, T187, timesc38_in_gga(T172, 0, T187))
U25_gga(T29, T187, timesc38_out_gga(T172, 0, T187)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), 0, T187)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210)) → U26_gga(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U26_gga(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U27_gga(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U27_gga(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U28_gga(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_in_gga(T203, T197, T210))
U28_gga(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_out_gga(T203, T197, T210)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210))
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0) → U29_gga(T29, T203, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U29_gga(T29, T203, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U30_gga(T29, T203, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U30_gga(T29, T203, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U31_gga(T29, T203, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, 0))
U31_gga(T29, T203, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257)) → U32_gga(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_in_gga(.(T243, T244), T220, T257))
convertc1_in_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0) → U33_gga(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0))
U33_gga(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0)
U32_gga(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_out_gga(.(T243, T244), T220, T257)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257))
U19_gga(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_out_gga(.(T128, T129), T107, T142)) → convertc19_out_gga(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142))
U17_gga(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → U18_gga(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_in_gga(T54, T41, X82))
U18_gga(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_out_gga(T54, T41, X82)) → convertc19_out_gga(.(0, T52), T41, X82)
Infinitary Constructor Rewriting Termination of PiDP implies Termination of TRIPLES
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(0, T29), T16, T18) → U9_GGA(T29, T16, T18, convert19_in_gga(T29, T16, X22))
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(0, T29), T16, T18) → CONVERT19_IN_GGA(T29, T16, X22)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U1_GGA(T52, T41, X82, convert19_in_gga(T52, T41, X81))
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → CONVERT19_IN_GGA(T52, T41, X81)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U2_GGA(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_in_gga(T52, T41, T54))
U2_GGA(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → U3_GGA(T52, T41, X82, times38_in_gga(T54, T41, X82))
U2_GGA(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → TIMES38_IN_GGA(T54, T41, X82)
TIMES38_IN_GGA(s(T72), T66, X148) → U5_GGA(T72, T66, X148, times38_in_gga(T72, T66, X147))
TIMES38_IN_GGA(s(T72), T66, X148) → TIMES38_IN_GGA(T72, T66, X147)
TIMES38_IN_GGA(s(T72), T66, X148) → U6_GGA(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_in_gga(T72, T66, T74))
U6_GGA(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → U7_GGA(T72, T66, X148, plus53_in_gga(T66, T74, X148))
U6_GGA(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → PLUS53_IN_GGA(T66, T74, X148)
PLUS53_IN_GGA(s(T93), T89, X199) → U8_GGA(T93, T89, X199, plus53_in_gga(T93, T89, X198))
PLUS53_IN_GGA(s(T93), T89, X199) → PLUS53_IN_GGA(T93, T89, X198)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(s(T128), T129), T107, X251) → U4_GGA(T128, T129, T107, X251, convert1_in_gga(.(T128, T129), T107, X250))
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(s(T128), T129), T107, X251) → CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(T128, T129), T107, X250)
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(0, T29), T164, T166) → U10_GGA(T29, T164, T166, convertc19_in_gga(T29, T164, s(T172)))
U10_GGA(T29, T164, T166, convertc19_out_gga(T29, T164, s(T172))) → U11_GGA(T29, T164, T166, times38_in_gga(T172, T164, X368))
U10_GGA(T29, T164, T166, convertc19_out_gga(T29, T164, s(T172))) → TIMES38_IN_GGA(T172, T164, X368)
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(0, T29), s(T203), T199) → U12_GGA(T29, T203, T199, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U12_GGA(T29, T203, T199, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U13_GGA(T29, T203, T199, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U13_GGA(T29, T203, T199, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U14_GGA(T29, T203, T199, plus53_in_gga(T203, T197, X413))
U13_GGA(T29, T203, T199, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → PLUS53_IN_GGA(T203, T197, X413)
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(s(T243), T244), T220, T222) → U15_GGA(T243, T244, T220, T222, convert1_in_gga(.(T243, T244), T220, X460))
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(s(T243), T244), T220, T222) → CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(T243, T244), T220, X460)
convertc19_in_gga([], T35, 0) → convertc19_out_gga([], T35, 0)
convertc19_in_gga(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U17_gga(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_in_gga(T52, T41, T54))
convertc19_in_gga(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142)) → U19_gga(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_in_gga(.(T128, T129), T107, T142))
convertc1_in_gga([], T6, 0) → convertc1_out_gga([], T6, 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), T149, 0) → U23_gga(T29, T149, convertc19_in_ggg(T29, T149, 0))
convertc19_in_ggg([], T35, 0) → convertc19_out_ggg([], T35, 0)
convertc19_in_ggg(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U17_ggg(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_in_gga(T52, T41, T54))
U17_ggg(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → U18_ggg(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_in_ggg(T54, T41, X82))
timesc38_in_ggg(0, T59, 0) → timesc38_out_ggg(0, T59, 0)
timesc38_in_ggg(s(T72), T66, X148) → U20_ggg(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_in_gga(T72, T66, T74))
timesc38_in_gga(0, T59, 0) → timesc38_out_gga(0, T59, 0)
timesc38_in_gga(s(T72), T66, X148) → U20_gga(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_in_gga(T72, T66, T74))
U20_gga(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → U21_gga(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_in_gga(T66, T74, X148))
plusc53_in_gga(0, T82, T82) → plusc53_out_gga(0, T82, T82)
plusc53_in_gga(s(T93), T89, s(T100)) → U22_gga(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_in_gga(T93, T89, T100))
U22_gga(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_out_gga(T93, T89, T100)) → plusc53_out_gga(s(T93), T89, s(T100))
U21_gga(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_out_gga(T66, T74, X148)) → timesc38_out_gga(s(T72), T66, X148)
U20_ggg(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → U21_ggg(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_in_ggg(T66, T74, X148))
plusc53_in_ggg(0, T82, T82) → plusc53_out_ggg(0, T82, T82)
plusc53_in_ggg(s(T93), T89, s(T100)) → U22_ggg(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_in_ggg(T93, T89, T100))
U22_ggg(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_out_ggg(T93, T89, T100)) → plusc53_out_ggg(s(T93), T89, s(T100))
U21_ggg(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_out_ggg(T66, T74, X148)) → timesc38_out_ggg(s(T72), T66, X148)
U18_ggg(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_out_ggg(T54, T41, X82)) → convertc19_out_ggg(.(0, T52), T41, X82)
convertc19_in_ggg(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142)) → U19_ggg(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T128, T129), T107, T142))
convertc1_in_ggg([], T6, 0) → convertc1_out_ggg([], T6, 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), T149, 0) → U23_ggg(T29, T149, convertc19_in_ggg(T29, T149, 0))
U23_ggg(T29, T149, convertc19_out_ggg(T29, T149, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), T149, 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), 0, T187) → U24_ggg(T29, T187, convertc19_in_gga(T29, 0, s(T172)))
U24_ggg(T29, T187, convertc19_out_gga(T29, 0, s(T172))) → U25_ggg(T29, T187, timesc38_in_ggg(T172, 0, T187))
U25_ggg(T29, T187, timesc38_out_ggg(T172, 0, T187)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), 0, T187)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210)) → U26_ggg(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U26_ggg(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U27_ggg(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U27_ggg(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U28_ggg(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, T210))
U28_ggg(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, T210)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210))
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0) → U29_ggg(T29, T203, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U29_ggg(T29, T203, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U30_ggg(T29, T203, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U30_ggg(T29, T203, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U31_ggg(T29, T203, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, 0))
U31_ggg(T29, T203, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257)) → U32_ggg(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, T257))
convertc1_in_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0) → U33_ggg(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0))
U33_ggg(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0)
U32_ggg(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, T257)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257))
U19_ggg(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T128, T129), T107, T142)) → convertc19_out_ggg(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142))
U23_gga(T29, T149, convertc19_out_ggg(T29, T149, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), T149, 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), 0, T187) → U24_gga(T29, T187, convertc19_in_gga(T29, 0, s(T172)))
U24_gga(T29, T187, convertc19_out_gga(T29, 0, s(T172))) → U25_gga(T29, T187, timesc38_in_gga(T172, 0, T187))
U25_gga(T29, T187, timesc38_out_gga(T172, 0, T187)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), 0, T187)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210)) → U26_gga(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U26_gga(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U27_gga(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U27_gga(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U28_gga(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_in_gga(T203, T197, T210))
U28_gga(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_out_gga(T203, T197, T210)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210))
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0) → U29_gga(T29, T203, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U29_gga(T29, T203, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U30_gga(T29, T203, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U30_gga(T29, T203, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U31_gga(T29, T203, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, 0))
U31_gga(T29, T203, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257)) → U32_gga(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_in_gga(.(T243, T244), T220, T257))
convertc1_in_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0) → U33_gga(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0))
U33_gga(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0)
U32_gga(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_out_gga(.(T243, T244), T220, T257)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257))
U19_gga(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_out_gga(.(T128, T129), T107, T142)) → convertc19_out_gga(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142))
U17_gga(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → U18_gga(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_in_gga(T54, T41, X82))
U18_gga(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_out_gga(T54, T41, X82)) → convertc19_out_gga(.(0, T52), T41, X82)
PLUS53_IN_GGA(s(T93), T89, X199) → PLUS53_IN_GGA(T93, T89, X198)
convertc19_in_gga([], T35, 0) → convertc19_out_gga([], T35, 0)
convertc19_in_gga(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U17_gga(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_in_gga(T52, T41, T54))
convertc19_in_gga(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142)) → U19_gga(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_in_gga(.(T128, T129), T107, T142))
convertc1_in_gga([], T6, 0) → convertc1_out_gga([], T6, 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), T149, 0) → U23_gga(T29, T149, convertc19_in_ggg(T29, T149, 0))
convertc19_in_ggg([], T35, 0) → convertc19_out_ggg([], T35, 0)
convertc19_in_ggg(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U17_ggg(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_in_gga(T52, T41, T54))
U17_ggg(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → U18_ggg(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_in_ggg(T54, T41, X82))
timesc38_in_ggg(0, T59, 0) → timesc38_out_ggg(0, T59, 0)
timesc38_in_ggg(s(T72), T66, X148) → U20_ggg(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_in_gga(T72, T66, T74))
timesc38_in_gga(0, T59, 0) → timesc38_out_gga(0, T59, 0)
timesc38_in_gga(s(T72), T66, X148) → U20_gga(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_in_gga(T72, T66, T74))
U20_gga(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → U21_gga(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_in_gga(T66, T74, X148))
plusc53_in_gga(0, T82, T82) → plusc53_out_gga(0, T82, T82)
plusc53_in_gga(s(T93), T89, s(T100)) → U22_gga(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_in_gga(T93, T89, T100))
U22_gga(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_out_gga(T93, T89, T100)) → plusc53_out_gga(s(T93), T89, s(T100))
U21_gga(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_out_gga(T66, T74, X148)) → timesc38_out_gga(s(T72), T66, X148)
U20_ggg(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → U21_ggg(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_in_ggg(T66, T74, X148))
plusc53_in_ggg(0, T82, T82) → plusc53_out_ggg(0, T82, T82)
plusc53_in_ggg(s(T93), T89, s(T100)) → U22_ggg(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_in_ggg(T93, T89, T100))
U22_ggg(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_out_ggg(T93, T89, T100)) → plusc53_out_ggg(s(T93), T89, s(T100))
U21_ggg(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_out_ggg(T66, T74, X148)) → timesc38_out_ggg(s(T72), T66, X148)
U18_ggg(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_out_ggg(T54, T41, X82)) → convertc19_out_ggg(.(0, T52), T41, X82)
convertc19_in_ggg(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142)) → U19_ggg(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T128, T129), T107, T142))
convertc1_in_ggg([], T6, 0) → convertc1_out_ggg([], T6, 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), T149, 0) → U23_ggg(T29, T149, convertc19_in_ggg(T29, T149, 0))
U23_ggg(T29, T149, convertc19_out_ggg(T29, T149, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), T149, 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), 0, T187) → U24_ggg(T29, T187, convertc19_in_gga(T29, 0, s(T172)))
U24_ggg(T29, T187, convertc19_out_gga(T29, 0, s(T172))) → U25_ggg(T29, T187, timesc38_in_ggg(T172, 0, T187))
U25_ggg(T29, T187, timesc38_out_ggg(T172, 0, T187)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), 0, T187)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210)) → U26_ggg(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U26_ggg(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U27_ggg(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U27_ggg(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U28_ggg(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, T210))
U28_ggg(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, T210)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210))
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0) → U29_ggg(T29, T203, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U29_ggg(T29, T203, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U30_ggg(T29, T203, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U30_ggg(T29, T203, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U31_ggg(T29, T203, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, 0))
U31_ggg(T29, T203, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257)) → U32_ggg(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, T257))
convertc1_in_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0) → U33_ggg(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0))
U33_ggg(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0)
U32_ggg(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, T257)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257))
U19_ggg(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T128, T129), T107, T142)) → convertc19_out_ggg(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142))
U23_gga(T29, T149, convertc19_out_ggg(T29, T149, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), T149, 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), 0, T187) → U24_gga(T29, T187, convertc19_in_gga(T29, 0, s(T172)))
U24_gga(T29, T187, convertc19_out_gga(T29, 0, s(T172))) → U25_gga(T29, T187, timesc38_in_gga(T172, 0, T187))
U25_gga(T29, T187, timesc38_out_gga(T172, 0, T187)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), 0, T187)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210)) → U26_gga(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U26_gga(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U27_gga(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U27_gga(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U28_gga(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_in_gga(T203, T197, T210))
U28_gga(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_out_gga(T203, T197, T210)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210))
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0) → U29_gga(T29, T203, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U29_gga(T29, T203, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U30_gga(T29, T203, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U30_gga(T29, T203, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U31_gga(T29, T203, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, 0))
U31_gga(T29, T203, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257)) → U32_gga(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_in_gga(.(T243, T244), T220, T257))
convertc1_in_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0) → U33_gga(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0))
U33_gga(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0)
U32_gga(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_out_gga(.(T243, T244), T220, T257)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257))
U19_gga(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_out_gga(.(T128, T129), T107, T142)) → convertc19_out_gga(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142))
U17_gga(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → U18_gga(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_in_gga(T54, T41, X82))
U18_gga(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_out_gga(T54, T41, X82)) → convertc19_out_gga(.(0, T52), T41, X82)
PLUS53_IN_GGA(s(T93), T89, X199) → PLUS53_IN_GGA(T93, T89, X198)
PLUS53_IN_GGA(s(T93), T89) → PLUS53_IN_GGA(T93, T89)
From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:
TIMES38_IN_GGA(s(T72), T66, X148) → TIMES38_IN_GGA(T72, T66, X147)
convertc19_in_gga([], T35, 0) → convertc19_out_gga([], T35, 0)
convertc19_in_gga(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U17_gga(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_in_gga(T52, T41, T54))
convertc19_in_gga(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142)) → U19_gga(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_in_gga(.(T128, T129), T107, T142))
convertc1_in_gga([], T6, 0) → convertc1_out_gga([], T6, 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), T149, 0) → U23_gga(T29, T149, convertc19_in_ggg(T29, T149, 0))
convertc19_in_ggg([], T35, 0) → convertc19_out_ggg([], T35, 0)
convertc19_in_ggg(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U17_ggg(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_in_gga(T52, T41, T54))
U17_ggg(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → U18_ggg(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_in_ggg(T54, T41, X82))
timesc38_in_ggg(0, T59, 0) → timesc38_out_ggg(0, T59, 0)
timesc38_in_ggg(s(T72), T66, X148) → U20_ggg(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_in_gga(T72, T66, T74))
timesc38_in_gga(0, T59, 0) → timesc38_out_gga(0, T59, 0)
timesc38_in_gga(s(T72), T66, X148) → U20_gga(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_in_gga(T72, T66, T74))
U20_gga(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → U21_gga(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_in_gga(T66, T74, X148))
plusc53_in_gga(0, T82, T82) → plusc53_out_gga(0, T82, T82)
plusc53_in_gga(s(T93), T89, s(T100)) → U22_gga(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_in_gga(T93, T89, T100))
U22_gga(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_out_gga(T93, T89, T100)) → plusc53_out_gga(s(T93), T89, s(T100))
U21_gga(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_out_gga(T66, T74, X148)) → timesc38_out_gga(s(T72), T66, X148)
U20_ggg(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → U21_ggg(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_in_ggg(T66, T74, X148))
plusc53_in_ggg(0, T82, T82) → plusc53_out_ggg(0, T82, T82)
plusc53_in_ggg(s(T93), T89, s(T100)) → U22_ggg(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_in_ggg(T93, T89, T100))
U22_ggg(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_out_ggg(T93, T89, T100)) → plusc53_out_ggg(s(T93), T89, s(T100))
U21_ggg(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_out_ggg(T66, T74, X148)) → timesc38_out_ggg(s(T72), T66, X148)
U18_ggg(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_out_ggg(T54, T41, X82)) → convertc19_out_ggg(.(0, T52), T41, X82)
convertc19_in_ggg(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142)) → U19_ggg(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T128, T129), T107, T142))
convertc1_in_ggg([], T6, 0) → convertc1_out_ggg([], T6, 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), T149, 0) → U23_ggg(T29, T149, convertc19_in_ggg(T29, T149, 0))
U23_ggg(T29, T149, convertc19_out_ggg(T29, T149, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), T149, 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), 0, T187) → U24_ggg(T29, T187, convertc19_in_gga(T29, 0, s(T172)))
U24_ggg(T29, T187, convertc19_out_gga(T29, 0, s(T172))) → U25_ggg(T29, T187, timesc38_in_ggg(T172, 0, T187))
U25_ggg(T29, T187, timesc38_out_ggg(T172, 0, T187)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), 0, T187)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210)) → U26_ggg(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U26_ggg(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U27_ggg(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U27_ggg(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U28_ggg(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, T210))
U28_ggg(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, T210)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210))
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0) → U29_ggg(T29, T203, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U29_ggg(T29, T203, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U30_ggg(T29, T203, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U30_ggg(T29, T203, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U31_ggg(T29, T203, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, 0))
U31_ggg(T29, T203, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257)) → U32_ggg(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, T257))
convertc1_in_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0) → U33_ggg(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0))
U33_ggg(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0)
U32_ggg(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, T257)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257))
U19_ggg(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T128, T129), T107, T142)) → convertc19_out_ggg(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142))
U23_gga(T29, T149, convertc19_out_ggg(T29, T149, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), T149, 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), 0, T187) → U24_gga(T29, T187, convertc19_in_gga(T29, 0, s(T172)))
U24_gga(T29, T187, convertc19_out_gga(T29, 0, s(T172))) → U25_gga(T29, T187, timesc38_in_gga(T172, 0, T187))
U25_gga(T29, T187, timesc38_out_gga(T172, 0, T187)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), 0, T187)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210)) → U26_gga(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U26_gga(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U27_gga(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U27_gga(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U28_gga(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_in_gga(T203, T197, T210))
U28_gga(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_out_gga(T203, T197, T210)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210))
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0) → U29_gga(T29, T203, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U29_gga(T29, T203, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U30_gga(T29, T203, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U30_gga(T29, T203, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U31_gga(T29, T203, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, 0))
U31_gga(T29, T203, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257)) → U32_gga(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_in_gga(.(T243, T244), T220, T257))
convertc1_in_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0) → U33_gga(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0))
U33_gga(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0)
U32_gga(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_out_gga(.(T243, T244), T220, T257)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257))
U19_gga(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_out_gga(.(T128, T129), T107, T142)) → convertc19_out_gga(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142))
U17_gga(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → U18_gga(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_in_gga(T54, T41, X82))
U18_gga(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_out_gga(T54, T41, X82)) → convertc19_out_gga(.(0, T52), T41, X82)
TIMES38_IN_GGA(s(T72), T66, X148) → TIMES38_IN_GGA(T72, T66, X147)
TIMES38_IN_GGA(s(T72), T66) → TIMES38_IN_GGA(T72, T66)
From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(0, T29), T16, T18) → CONVERT19_IN_GGA(T29, T16, X22)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → CONVERT19_IN_GGA(T52, T41, X81)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(s(T128), T129), T107, X251) → CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(T128, T129), T107, X250)
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(s(T243), T244), T220, T222) → CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(T243, T244), T220, X460)
convertc19_in_gga([], T35, 0) → convertc19_out_gga([], T35, 0)
convertc19_in_gga(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U17_gga(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_in_gga(T52, T41, T54))
convertc19_in_gga(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142)) → U19_gga(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_in_gga(.(T128, T129), T107, T142))
convertc1_in_gga([], T6, 0) → convertc1_out_gga([], T6, 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), T149, 0) → U23_gga(T29, T149, convertc19_in_ggg(T29, T149, 0))
convertc19_in_ggg([], T35, 0) → convertc19_out_ggg([], T35, 0)
convertc19_in_ggg(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → U17_ggg(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_in_gga(T52, T41, T54))
U17_ggg(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → U18_ggg(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_in_ggg(T54, T41, X82))
timesc38_in_ggg(0, T59, 0) → timesc38_out_ggg(0, T59, 0)
timesc38_in_ggg(s(T72), T66, X148) → U20_ggg(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_in_gga(T72, T66, T74))
timesc38_in_gga(0, T59, 0) → timesc38_out_gga(0, T59, 0)
timesc38_in_gga(s(T72), T66, X148) → U20_gga(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_in_gga(T72, T66, T74))
U20_gga(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → U21_gga(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_in_gga(T66, T74, X148))
plusc53_in_gga(0, T82, T82) → plusc53_out_gga(0, T82, T82)
plusc53_in_gga(s(T93), T89, s(T100)) → U22_gga(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_in_gga(T93, T89, T100))
U22_gga(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_out_gga(T93, T89, T100)) → plusc53_out_gga(s(T93), T89, s(T100))
U21_gga(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_out_gga(T66, T74, X148)) → timesc38_out_gga(s(T72), T66, X148)
U20_ggg(T72, T66, X148, timesc38_out_gga(T72, T66, T74)) → U21_ggg(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_in_ggg(T66, T74, X148))
plusc53_in_ggg(0, T82, T82) → plusc53_out_ggg(0, T82, T82)
plusc53_in_ggg(s(T93), T89, s(T100)) → U22_ggg(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_in_ggg(T93, T89, T100))
U22_ggg(T93, T89, T100, plusc53_out_ggg(T93, T89, T100)) → plusc53_out_ggg(s(T93), T89, s(T100))
U21_ggg(T72, T66, X148, plusc53_out_ggg(T66, T74, X148)) → timesc38_out_ggg(s(T72), T66, X148)
U18_ggg(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_out_ggg(T54, T41, X82)) → convertc19_out_ggg(.(0, T52), T41, X82)
convertc19_in_ggg(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142)) → U19_ggg(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T128, T129), T107, T142))
convertc1_in_ggg([], T6, 0) → convertc1_out_ggg([], T6, 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), T149, 0) → U23_ggg(T29, T149, convertc19_in_ggg(T29, T149, 0))
U23_ggg(T29, T149, convertc19_out_ggg(T29, T149, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), T149, 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), 0, T187) → U24_ggg(T29, T187, convertc19_in_gga(T29, 0, s(T172)))
U24_ggg(T29, T187, convertc19_out_gga(T29, 0, s(T172))) → U25_ggg(T29, T187, timesc38_in_ggg(T172, 0, T187))
U25_ggg(T29, T187, timesc38_out_ggg(T172, 0, T187)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), 0, T187)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210)) → U26_ggg(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U26_ggg(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U27_ggg(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U27_ggg(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U28_ggg(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, T210))
U28_ggg(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, T210)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210))
convertc1_in_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0) → U29_ggg(T29, T203, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U29_ggg(T29, T203, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U30_ggg(T29, T203, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U30_ggg(T29, T203, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U31_ggg(T29, T203, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, 0))
U31_ggg(T29, T203, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0)
convertc1_in_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257)) → U32_ggg(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, T257))
convertc1_in_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0) → U33_ggg(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0))
U33_ggg(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0)
U32_ggg(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, T257)) → convertc1_out_ggg(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257))
U19_ggg(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T128, T129), T107, T142)) → convertc19_out_ggg(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142))
U23_gga(T29, T149, convertc19_out_ggg(T29, T149, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), T149, 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), 0, T187) → U24_gga(T29, T187, convertc19_in_gga(T29, 0, s(T172)))
U24_gga(T29, T187, convertc19_out_gga(T29, 0, s(T172))) → U25_gga(T29, T187, timesc38_in_gga(T172, 0, T187))
U25_gga(T29, T187, timesc38_out_gga(T172, 0, T187)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), 0, T187)
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210)) → U26_gga(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U26_gga(T29, T203, T210, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U27_gga(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U27_gga(T29, T203, T210, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U28_gga(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_in_gga(T203, T197, T210))
U28_gga(T29, T203, T210, plusc53_out_gga(T203, T197, T210)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), s(T210))
convertc1_in_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0) → U29_gga(T29, T203, convertc19_in_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172)))
U29_gga(T29, T203, convertc19_out_gga(T29, s(T203), s(T172))) → U30_gga(T29, T203, timesc38_in_gga(T172, s(T203), T197))
U30_gga(T29, T203, timesc38_out_gga(T172, s(T203), T197)) → U31_gga(T29, T203, plusc53_in_ggg(T203, T197, 0))
U31_gga(T29, T203, plusc53_out_ggg(T203, T197, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(0, T29), s(T203), 0)
convertc1_in_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257)) → U32_gga(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_in_gga(.(T243, T244), T220, T257))
convertc1_in_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0) → U33_gga(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_in_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0))
U33_gga(T243, T244, T220, convertc1_out_ggg(.(T243, T244), T220, 0)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, 0)
U32_gga(T243, T244, T220, T257, convertc1_out_gga(.(T243, T244), T220, T257)) → convertc1_out_gga(.(s(T243), T244), T220, s(T257))
U19_gga(T128, T129, T107, T142, convertc1_out_gga(.(T128, T129), T107, T142)) → convertc19_out_gga(.(s(T128), T129), T107, s(T142))
U17_gga(T52, T41, X82, convertc19_out_gga(T52, T41, T54)) → U18_gga(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_in_gga(T54, T41, X82))
U18_gga(T52, T41, X82, timesc38_out_gga(T54, T41, X82)) → convertc19_out_gga(.(0, T52), T41, X82)
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(0, T29), T16, T18) → CONVERT19_IN_GGA(T29, T16, X22)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(0, T52), T41, X82) → CONVERT19_IN_GGA(T52, T41, X81)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(s(T128), T129), T107, X251) → CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(T128, T129), T107, X250)
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(s(T243), T244), T220, T222) → CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(T243, T244), T220, X460)
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(0, T29), T16) → CONVERT19_IN_GGA(T29, T16)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(0, T52), T41) → CONVERT19_IN_GGA(T52, T41)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(s(T128), T129), T107) → CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(T128, T129), T107)
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(s(T243), T244), T220) → CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(T243, T244), T220)
No rules are removed from R.
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(0, T29), T16) → CONVERT19_IN_GGA(T29, T16)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(0, T52), T41) → CONVERT19_IN_GGA(T52, T41)
CONVERT19_IN_GGA(.(s(T128), T129), T107) → CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(T128, T129), T107)
CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(s(T243), T244), T220) → CONVERT1_IN_GGA(.(T243, T244), T220)
POL(.(x1, x2)) = 1 + x1 + 2·x2
POL(0) = 0
POL(CONVERT19_IN_GGA(x1, x2)) = 2 + 2·x1 + x2
POL(CONVERT1_IN_GGA(x1, x2)) = 2 + x1 + x2
POL(s(x1)) = 2 + 2·x1