(0) Obligation:
Q restricted rewrite system:
The TRS R consists of the following rules:
__(__(X, Y), Z) → __(X, __(Y, Z))
__(X, nil) → X
__(nil, X) → X
and(tt, X) → activate(X)
isNePal(__(I, __(P, I))) → tt
activate(X) → X
Q is empty.
(1) DependencyPairsProof (EQUIVALENT transformation)
Using Dependency Pairs [AG00,LPAR04] we result in the following initial DP problem.
(2) Obligation:
Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:
__1(__(X, Y), Z) → __1(X, __(Y, Z))
__1(__(X, Y), Z) → __1(Y, Z)
The TRS R consists of the following rules:
__(__(X, Y), Z) → __(X, __(Y, Z))
__(X, nil) → X
__(nil, X) → X
and(tt, X) → activate(X)
isNePal(__(I, __(P, I))) → tt
activate(X) → X
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
(3) DependencyGraphProof (EQUIVALENT transformation)
The approximation of the Dependency Graph [LPAR04,FROCOS05,EDGSTAR] contains 1 SCC with 1 less node.
(4) Obligation:
Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:
__1(__(X, Y), Z) → __1(Y, Z)
__1(__(X, Y), Z) → __1(X, __(Y, Z))
The TRS R consists of the following rules:
__(__(X, Y), Z) → __(X, __(Y, Z))
__(X, nil) → X
__(nil, X) → X
and(tt, X) → activate(X)
isNePal(__(I, __(P, I))) → tt
activate(X) → X
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
(5) QDPOrderProof (EQUIVALENT transformation)
We use the reduction pair processor [LPAR04].
The following pairs can be oriented strictly and are deleted.
__1(__(X, Y), Z) → __1(Y, Z)
__1(__(X, Y), Z) → __1(X, __(Y, Z))
The remaining pairs can at least be oriented weakly.
Used ordering: Combined order from the following AFS and order.
x2) =
x2) =
nil =
Recursive path order with status [RPO].
_2: multiset
nil: multiset
The following usable rules [FROCOS05] were oriented:
(6) Obligation:
Q DP problem:
P is empty.
The TRS R consists of the following rules:
__(__(X, Y), Z) → __(X, __(Y, Z))
__(X, nil) → X
__(nil, X) → X
and(tt, X) → activate(X)
isNePal(__(I, __(P, I))) → tt
activate(X) → X
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
(7) PisEmptyProof (EQUIVALENT transformation)
The TRS P is empty. Hence, there is no (P,Q,R) chain.
(8) TRUE