Meaning of the annotations for the proof of each method:
- local_polyh: uses a local linear ranking function for the binary unfolding with polyhedra
- local_mono: uses a local linear ranking function for the binary unfolding with monotonicity constraints
- global_affrnkfn: uses a global affine ranking function with polyhedra
- numerical: the ranking function uses numerical variables or fields
- structural: the ranking function uses reference variables or fields
- loop: the method seems to be part of a loop or recursion
- introduces: a call to the method might diverge
- inherits: a call to the method might diverge only because it calls an introducing method
All calls to these methods terminate:
public static KnapsackDP.main(java.lang.String[]):void
[loop,numerical,local_polyh,local_mono] static KnapsackDP.SolveDP():void
static KnapsackDP.():void
[loop,numerical,local_mono] static KnapsackDP.Display():void
static KnapsackDP.max(int,int):int
[loop,numerical,local_polyh] static KnapsackDP.InterpretArray():void
Some calls to these methods might not terminate:
Termination ratio: 100.0%