↳1 JBCToGraph (⇒, 280 ms)
↳2 JBCTerminationGraph
↳3 TerminationGraphToSCCProof (⇒, 0 ms)
↳4 JBCTerminationSCC
↳5 SCCToIDPv1Proof (⇒, 300 ms)
↳6 IDP
↳7 IDPNonInfProof (⇒, 570 ms)
↳8 AND
↳9 IDP
↳10 IDependencyGraphProof (⇔, 0 ms)
↳11 IDP
↳12 UsableRulesProof (⇔, 0 ms)
↳13 IDP
↳14 IDPNonInfProof (⇒, 330 ms)
↳15 IDP
↳16 IDependencyGraphProof (⇔, 0 ms)
↳17 IDP
↳18 IDPNonInfProof (⇒, 140 ms)
↳19 IDP
↳20 IDependencyGraphProof (⇔, 0 ms)
↳21 TRUE
↳22 IDP
↳23 IDependencyGraphProof (⇔, 0 ms)
↳24 IDP
↳25 UsableRulesProof (⇔, 0 ms)
↳26 IDP
↳27 IDPNonInfProof (⇒, 330 ms)
↳28 IDP
↳29 IDependencyGraphProof (⇔, 0 ms)
↳30 IDP
↳31 IDPNonInfProof (⇒, 140 ms)
↳32 AND
↳33 IDP
↳34 IDependencyGraphProof (⇔, 0 ms)
↳35 TRUE
↳36 IDP
↳37 IDependencyGraphProof (⇔, 0 ms)
↳38 TRUE
public class Test1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
rec(args.length, args.length % 5, args.length % 4);
private static void rec(int x, int y, int z) {
if (x + y + 3 * z < 0)
else if (x > y)
rec(x - 1, y, z);
else if (y > z)
rec (x, y - 2, z);
rec (x, y, z - 1);
Generated 45 rules for P and 31 rules for R.
P rules:
1337_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1337), i102, i431, i245, i102) → 1339_0_rec_IntArithmetic(EOS(STATIC_1339), i102, i431, i245, i102, i431)
1339_0_rec_IntArithmetic(EOS(STATIC_1339), i102, i431, i245, i102, i431) → 1340_0_rec_ConstantStackPush(EOS(STATIC_1340), i102, i431, i245, +(i102, i431))
1340_0_rec_ConstantStackPush(EOS(STATIC_1340), i102, i431, i245, i437) → 1342_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1342), i102, i431, i245, i437, 3)
1342_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1342), i102, i431, i245, i437, matching1) → 1344_0_rec_IntArithmetic(EOS(STATIC_1344), i102, i431, i245, i437, 3, i245) | =(matching1, 3)
1344_0_rec_IntArithmetic(EOS(STATIC_1344), i102, i431, i245, i437, matching1, i245) → 1346_0_rec_IntArithmetic(EOS(STATIC_1346), i102, i431, i245, i437, *(3, i245)) | =(matching1, 3)
1346_0_rec_IntArithmetic(EOS(STATIC_1346), i102, i431, i245, i437, i439) → 1348_0_rec_GE(EOS(STATIC_1348), i102, i431, i245, +(i437, i439))
1348_0_rec_GE(EOS(STATIC_1348), i102, i431, i245, i444) → 1351_0_rec_GE(EOS(STATIC_1351), i102, i431, i245, i444)
1351_0_rec_GE(EOS(STATIC_1351), i102, i431, i245, i444) → 1355_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1355), i102, i431, i245) | >=(i444, 0)
1355_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1355), i102, i431, i245) → 1358_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1358), i102, i431, i245, i102)
1358_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1358), i102, i431, i245, i102) → 1362_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1362), i102, i431, i245, i102, i431)
1362_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1362), i102, i431, i245, i102, i431) → 1366_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1366), i102, i431, i245, i102, i431)
1362_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1362), i102, i431, i245, i102, i431) → 1367_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1367), i102, i431, i245, i102, i431)
1366_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1366), i102, i431, i245, i102, i431) → 1369_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1369), i102, i431, i245) | <=(i102, i431)
1369_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1369), i102, i431, i245) → 1372_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1372), i102, i431, i245, i431)
1372_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1372), i102, i431, i245, i431) → 1375_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1375), i102, i431, i245, i431, i245)
1375_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1375), i102, i431, i245, i431, i245) → 1378_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1378), i102, i431, i245, i431, i245)
1375_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1375), i102, i431, i245, i431, i245) → 1379_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1379), i102, i431, i245, i431, i245)
1378_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1378), i102, i431, i245, i431, i245) → 1382_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1382), i102, i431, i245) | <=(i431, i245)
1382_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1382), i102, i431, i245) → 1386_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1386), i431, i245, i102)
1386_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1386), i431, i245, i102) → 1391_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1391), i245, i102, i431)
1391_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1391), i245, i102, i431) → 1395_0_rec_ConstantStackPush(EOS(STATIC_1395), i102, i431, i245)
1395_0_rec_ConstantStackPush(EOS(STATIC_1395), i102, i431, i245) → 1400_0_rec_IntArithmetic(EOS(STATIC_1400), i102, i431, i245, 1)
1400_0_rec_IntArithmetic(EOS(STATIC_1400), i102, i431, i245, matching1) → 1403_0_rec_InvokeMethod(EOS(STATIC_1403), i102, i431, -(i245, 1)) | =(matching1, 1)
1403_0_rec_InvokeMethod(EOS(STATIC_1403), i102, i431, i453) → 1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1410_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1410), i102, i431, i453), i102, i431, i453)
1410_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1410), i102, i431, i453) → 1414_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1414), i102, i431, i453)
1414_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1414), i102, i431, i453) → 1335_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1335), i102, i431, i453)
1335_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1335), i102, i431, i245) → 1337_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1337), i102, i431, i245, i102)
1379_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1379), i102, i431, i245, i431, i245) → 1383_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1383), i102, i431, i245) | >(i431, i245)
1383_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1383), i102, i431, i245) → 1388_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1388), i431, i245, i102)
1388_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1388), i431, i245, i102) → 1392_0_rec_ConstantStackPush(EOS(STATIC_1392), i245, i102, i431)
1392_0_rec_ConstantStackPush(EOS(STATIC_1392), i245, i102, i431) → 1397_0_rec_IntArithmetic(EOS(STATIC_1397), i245, i102, i431, 2)
1397_0_rec_IntArithmetic(EOS(STATIC_1397), i245, i102, i431, matching1) → 1402_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1402), i245, i102, -(i431, 2)) | =(matching1, 2)
1402_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1402), i245, i102, i452) → 1405_0_rec_InvokeMethod(EOS(STATIC_1405), i102, i452, i245)
1405_0_rec_InvokeMethod(EOS(STATIC_1405), i102, i452, i245) → 1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1412_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1412), i102, i452, i245), i102, i452, i245)
1412_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1412), i102, i452, i245) → 1416_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1416), i102, i452, i245)
1416_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1416), i102, i452, i245) → 1335_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1335), i102, i452, i245)
1367_0_rec_LE(EOS(STATIC_1367), i102, i431, i245, i102, i431) → 1370_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1370), i102, i431, i245) | >(i102, i431)
1370_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1370), i102, i431, i245) → 1373_0_rec_ConstantStackPush(EOS(STATIC_1373), i431, i245, i102)
1373_0_rec_ConstantStackPush(EOS(STATIC_1373), i431, i245, i102) → 1376_0_rec_IntArithmetic(EOS(STATIC_1376), i431, i245, i102, 1)
1376_0_rec_IntArithmetic(EOS(STATIC_1376), i431, i245, i102, matching1) → 1380_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1380), i431, i245, -(i102, 1)) | =(matching1, 1)
1380_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1380), i431, i245, i451) → 1385_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1385), i245, i451, i431)
1385_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1385), i245, i451, i431) → 1389_0_rec_InvokeMethod(EOS(STATIC_1389), i451, i431, i245)
1389_0_rec_InvokeMethod(EOS(STATIC_1389), i451, i431, i245) → 1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1394_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1394), i451, i431, i245), i451, i431, i245)
1394_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1394), i451, i431, i245) → 1399_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1399), i451, i431, i245)
1399_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1399), i451, i431, i245) → 1335_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1335), i451, i431, i245)
R rules:
1348_0_rec_GE(EOS(STATIC_1348), i102, i431, i245, i443) → 1350_0_rec_GE(EOS(STATIC_1350), i102, i431, i245, i443)
1350_0_rec_GE(EOS(STATIC_1350), i102, i431, i245, i443) → 1353_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1353), i102, i431, i245) | <(i443, 0)
1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1353_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1353), i458, i459, i460), i458, i459, i460) → 1413_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1413), i458, i459, i460, i458, i459, i460)
1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1440_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1440)), i519, i520, i521) → 1479_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1479), i519, i520, i521)
1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475)), i560, i561, i562) → 1496_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1496), i560, i561, i562)
1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1353_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1353), i465, i466, i467), i465, i466, i467) → 1429_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1429), i465, i466, i467, i465, i466, i467)
1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1440_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1440)), i525, i526, i527) → 1481_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1481), i525, i526, i527)
1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475)), i566, i567, i568) → 1498_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1498), i566, i567, i568)
1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1353_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1353), i472, i473, i474), i472, i473, i474) → 1430_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1430), i472, i473, i474, i472, i473, i474)
1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1440_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1440)), i529, i530, i531) → 1483_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1483), i529, i530, i531)
1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475)), i570, i571, i572) → 1500_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1500), i570, i571, i572)
1413_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1413), i458, i459, i460, i458, i459, i460) → 1418_0_rec_JMP(EOS(STATIC_1418))
1418_0_rec_JMP(EOS(STATIC_1418)) → 1454_0_rec_JMP(EOS(STATIC_1454))
1429_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1429), i465, i466, i467, i465, i466, i467) → 1440_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1440))
1430_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1430), i472, i473, i474, i472, i473, i474) → 1443_0_rec_JMP(EOS(STATIC_1443))
1440_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1440)) → 1450_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1450))
1443_0_rec_JMP(EOS(STATIC_1443)) → 1459_0_rec_JMP(EOS(STATIC_1459))
1445_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1445), i480, i481, i482) → 1454_0_rec_JMP(EOS(STATIC_1454))
1446_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1446), i486, i487, i488) → 1457_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1457))
1447_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1447), i491, i492, i493) → 1459_0_rec_JMP(EOS(STATIC_1459))
1450_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1450)) → 1457_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1457))
1454_0_rec_JMP(EOS(STATIC_1454)) → 1473_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1473))
1457_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1457)) → 1473_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1473))
1459_0_rec_JMP(EOS(STATIC_1459)) → 1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475))
1473_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1473)) → 1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475))
1479_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1479), i519, i520, i521) → 1445_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1445), i519, i520, i521)
1481_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1481), i525, i526, i527) → 1446_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1446), i525, i526, i527)
1483_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1483), i529, i530, i531) → 1447_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1447), i529, i530, i531)
1496_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1496), i560, i561, i562) → 1445_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1445), i560, i561, i562)
1498_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1498), i566, i567, i568) → 1446_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1446), i566, i567, i568)
1500_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1500), i570, i571, i572) → 1447_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1447), i570, i571, i572)
Combined rules. Obtained 3 conditional rules for P and 9 conditional rules for R.
P rules:
1337_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1337), x0, x1, x2, x0) → 1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1337_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1337), x0, x1, -(x2, 1), x0), x0, x1, -(x2, 1)) | &&(&&(>=(x2, x1), >=(x1, x0)), <=(0, +(+(x0, x1), *(3, x2))))
1337_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1337), x0, x1, x2, x0) → 1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1337_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1337), x0, -(x1, 2), x2, x0), x0, -(x1, 2), x2) | &&(&&(<(x2, x1), >=(x1, x0)), <=(0, +(+(x0, x1), *(3, x2))))
1337_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1337), x0, x1, x2, x0) → 1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1337_0_rec_Load(EOS(STATIC_1337), -(x0, 1), x1, x2, -(x0, 1)), -(x0, 1), x1, x2) | &&(<(x1, x0), <=(0, +(+(x0, x1), *(3, x2))))
R rules:
1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1353_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1353), x0, x1, x2), x0, x1, x2) → 1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475))
1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1353_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1353), x0, x1, x2), x0, x1, x2) → 1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475))
1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1353_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1353), x0, x1, x2), x0, x1, x2) → 1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475))
1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1440_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1440)), x0, x1, x2) → 1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475))
1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475)), x0, x1, x2) → 1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475))
1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1440_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1440)), x0, x1, x2) → 1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475))
1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475)), x0, x1, x2) → 1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475))
1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1440_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1440)), x0, x1, x2) → 1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475))
1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475)), x0, x1, x2) → 1475_0_rec_Return(EOS(STATIC_1475))
Filtered ground terms:
1337_0_rec_Load(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) → 1337_0_rec_Load(x2, x3, x4, x5)
Cond_1337_0_rec_Load2(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) → Cond_1337_0_rec_Load2(x1, x3, x4, x5, x6)
Cond_1337_0_rec_Load1(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) → Cond_1337_0_rec_Load1(x1, x3, x4, x5, x6)
Cond_1337_0_rec_Load(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) → Cond_1337_0_rec_Load(x1, x3, x4, x5, x6)
1475_0_rec_Return(x1) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1440_0_rec_Return(x1) → 1440_0_rec_Return
1353_0_rec_Return(x1, x2, x3, x4) → 1353_0_rec_Return(x2, x3, x4)
Filtered duplicate args:
1337_0_rec_Load(x1, x2, x3, x4) → 1337_0_rec_Load(x2, x3, x4)
Cond_1337_0_rec_Load(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) → Cond_1337_0_rec_Load(x1, x3, x4, x5)
Cond_1337_0_rec_Load1(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) → Cond_1337_0_rec_Load1(x1, x3, x4, x5)
Cond_1337_0_rec_Load2(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) → Cond_1337_0_rec_Load2(x1, x3, x4, x5)
Filtered unneeded arguments:
1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(x1, x2, x3, x4) → 1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(x1)
1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(x1, x2, x3, x4) → 1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(x1)
1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(x1, x2, x3, x4) → 1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(x1)
Combined rules. Obtained 3 conditional rules for P and 9 conditional rules for R.
P rules:
1337_0_rec_Load(x1, x2, x0) → 1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1337_0_rec_Load(x1, -(x2, 1), x0)) | &&(&&(>=(x2, x1), >=(x1, x0)), <=(0, +(+(x0, x1), *(3, x2))))
1337_0_rec_Load(x1, x2, x0) → 1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1337_0_rec_Load(-(x1, 2), x2, x0)) | &&(&&(<(x2, x1), >=(x1, x0)), <=(0, +(+(x0, x1), *(3, x2))))
1337_0_rec_Load(x1, x2, x0) → 1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1337_0_rec_Load(x1, x2, -(x0, 1))) | &&(<(x1, x0), <=(0, +(+(x0, x1), *(3, x2))))
R rules:
1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1353_0_rec_Return(x0, x1, x2)) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1353_0_rec_Return(x0, x1, x2)) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1353_0_rec_Return(x0, x1, x2)) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1440_0_rec_Return) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1475_0_rec_Return) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1440_0_rec_Return) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1475_0_rec_Return) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1440_0_rec_Return) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1475_0_rec_Return) → 1475_0_rec_Return
Performed bisimulation on rules. Used the following equivalence classes: {[1475_0_rec_Return, 1440_0_rec_Return]=1475_0_rec_Return}
Finished conversion. Obtained 6 rules for P and 6 rules for R. System has predefined symbols.
P rules:
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1, x2, x0) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(&&(&&(>=(x2, x1), >=(x1, x0)), <=(0, +(+(x0, x1), *(3, x2)))), x1, x2, x0)
COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(TRUE, x1, x2, x0) → 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1, -(x2, 1), x0)
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1, x2, x0) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2, x1), >=(x1, x0)), <=(0, +(+(x0, x1), *(3, x2)))), x1, x2, x0)
COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(TRUE, x1, x2, x0) → 1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1, 2), x2, x0)
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1, x2, x0) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1, x0), <=(0, +(+(x0, x1), *(3, x2)))), x1, x2, x0)
COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1, x2, x0) → 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1, x2, -(x0, 1))
R rules:
1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1353_0_rec_Return(x0, x1, x2)) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1353_0_rec_Return(x0, x1, x2)) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1353_0_rec_Return(x0, x1, x2)) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1475_0_rec_Return) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1475_0_rec_Return) → 1475_0_rec_Return
1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(1475_0_rec_Return) → 1475_0_rec_Return
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
Boolean, Integer
(0) -> (1), if (x2[0] >= x1[0] && x1[0] >= x0[0] && 0 <= x0[0] + x1[0] + 3 * x2[0] ∧x1[0] →* x1[1]∧x2[0] →* x2[1]∧x0[0] →* x0[1])
(1) -> (0), if (x1[1] →* x1[0]∧x2[1] - 1 →* x2[0]∧x0[1] →* x0[0])
(1) -> (2), if (x1[1] →* x1[2]∧x2[1] - 1 →* x2[2]∧x0[1] →* x0[2])
(1) -> (4), if (x1[1] →* x1[4]∧x2[1] - 1 →* x2[4]∧x0[1] →* x0[4])
(2) -> (3), if (x2[2] < x1[2] && x1[2] >= x0[2] && 0 <= x0[2] + x1[2] + 3 * x2[2] ∧x1[2] →* x1[3]∧x2[2] →* x2[3]∧x0[2] →* x0[3])
(3) -> (0), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[0]∧x2[3] →* x2[0]∧x0[3] →* x0[0])
(3) -> (2), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[2]∧x2[3] →* x2[2]∧x0[3] →* x0[2])
(3) -> (4), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[4]∧x2[3] →* x2[4]∧x0[3] →* x0[4])
(4) -> (5), if (x1[4] < x0[4] && 0 <= x0[4] + x1[4] + 3 * x2[4] ∧x1[4] →* x1[5]∧x2[4] →* x2[5]∧x0[4] →* x0[5])
(5) -> (0), if (x1[5] →* x1[0]∧x2[5] →* x2[0]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[0])
(5) -> (2), if (x1[5] →* x1[2]∧x2[5] →* x2[2]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[2])
(5) -> (4), if (x1[5] →* x1[4]∧x2[5] →* x2[4]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[4])
(1) (&&(&&(>=(x2[0], x1[0]), >=(x1[0], x0[0])), <=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0]))))=TRUE∧x1[0]=x1[1]∧x2[0]=x2[1]∧x0[0]=x0[1] ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(&&(&&(>=(x2[0], x1[0]), >=(x1[0], x0[0])), <=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0])))), x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(&&(&&(>=(x2[0], x1[0]), >=(x1[0], x0[0])), <=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0])))), x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])), ≥))
(2) (<=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0])))=TRUE∧>=(x2[0], x1[0])=TRUE∧>=(x1[0], x0[0])=TRUE ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(&&(&&(>=(x2[0], x1[0]), >=(x1[0], x0[0])), <=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0])))), x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(&&(&&(>=(x2[0], x1[0]), >=(x1[0], x0[0])), <=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0])))), x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])), ≥))
(3) (x0[0] + x1[0] + [3]x2[0] ≥ 0∧x2[0] + [-1]x1[0] ≥ 0∧x1[0] + [-1]x0[0] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(&&(&&(>=(x2[0], x1[0]), >=(x1[0], x0[0])), <=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0])))), x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_19 + (-1)Bound*bni_19] + [bni_19]x2[0] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_20] ≥ 0)
(4) (x0[0] + x1[0] + [3]x2[0] ≥ 0∧x2[0] + [-1]x1[0] ≥ 0∧x1[0] + [-1]x0[0] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(&&(&&(>=(x2[0], x1[0]), >=(x1[0], x0[0])), <=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0])))), x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_19 + (-1)Bound*bni_19] + [bni_19]x2[0] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_20] ≥ 0)
(5) (x0[0] + x1[0] + [3]x2[0] ≥ 0∧x2[0] + [-1]x1[0] ≥ 0∧x1[0] + [-1]x0[0] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(&&(&&(>=(x2[0], x1[0]), >=(x1[0], x0[0])), <=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0])))), x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_19 + (-1)Bound*bni_19] + [bni_19]x2[0] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_20] ≥ 0)
(6) (x0[0] ≥ 0∧x2[0] + [-1]x1[0] ≥ 0∧[2]x1[0] + [3]x2[0] + [-1]x0[0] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(&&(&&(>=(x2[0], x1[0]), >=(x1[0], x0[0])), <=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0])))), x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_19 + (-1)Bound*bni_19] + [bni_19]x2[0] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_20] ≥ 0)
(7) (x0[0] ≥ 0∧x1[0] ≥ 0∧[5]x2[0] + [-2]x1[0] + [-1]x0[0] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(&&(&&(>=(x2[0], x1[0]), >=(x1[0], x0[0])), <=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0])))), x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_19 + (-1)Bound*bni_19] + [bni_19]x2[0] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_20] ≥ 0)
(8) (COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(TRUE, x1[1], x2[1], x0[1])≥NonInfC∧COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(TRUE, x1[1], x2[1], x0[1])≥1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[1], -(x2[1], 1), x0[1])∧(UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[1], -(x2[1], 1), x0[1])), ≥))
(9) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[1], -(x2[1], 1), x0[1])), ≥)∧[bni_21] = 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_22] ≥ 0)
(10) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[1], -(x2[1], 1), x0[1])), ≥)∧[bni_21] = 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_22] ≥ 0)
(11) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[1], -(x2[1], 1), x0[1])), ≥)∧[bni_21] = 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_22] ≥ 0)
(12) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[1], -(x2[1], 1), x0[1])), ≥)∧[bni_21] = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_22] ≥ 0)
(13) (&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2]))))=TRUE∧x1[2]=x1[3]∧x2[2]=x2[3]∧x0[2]=x0[3] ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥))
(14) (<=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))=TRUE∧<(x2[2], x1[2])=TRUE∧>=(x1[2], x0[2])=TRUE ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥))
(15) (x0[2] + x1[2] + [3]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1] + [-1]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_23 + (-1)Bound*bni_23] + [bni_23]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_24] ≥ 0)
(16) (x0[2] + x1[2] + [3]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1] + [-1]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_23 + (-1)Bound*bni_23] + [bni_23]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_24] ≥ 0)
(17) (x0[2] + x1[2] + [3]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1] + [-1]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_23 + (-1)Bound*bni_23] + [bni_23]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_24] ≥ 0)
(18) (x0[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1] + [-1]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[2]x1[2] + [3]x2[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_23 + (-1)Bound*bni_23] + [bni_23]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_24] ≥ 0)
(19) (x0[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] ≥ 0∧[2] + [5]x2[2] + [2]x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_23 + (-1)Bound*bni_23] + [bni_23]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_24] ≥ 0)
(20) (x0[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] ≥ 0∧[2] + [-5]x2[2] + [2]x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0∧x2[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_23 + (-1)Bound*bni_23] + [(-1)bni_23]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_24] ≥ 0)
(21) (x0[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] ≥ 0∧[2] + [5]x2[2] + [2]x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0∧x2[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_23 + (-1)Bound*bni_23] + [bni_23]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_24] ≥ 0)
(22) (COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(TRUE, x1[3], x2[3], x0[3])≥NonInfC∧COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(TRUE, x1[3], x2[3], x0[3])≥1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])∧(UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥))
(23) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥)∧[bni_25] = 0∧[(-1)bso_26] ≥ 0)
(24) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥)∧[bni_25] = 0∧[(-1)bso_26] ≥ 0)
(25) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥)∧[bni_25] = 0∧[(-1)bso_26] ≥ 0)
(26) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥)∧[bni_25] = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧[(-1)bso_26] ≥ 0)
(27) (&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4]))))=TRUE∧x1[4]=x1[5]∧x2[4]=x2[5]∧x0[4]=x0[5] ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥))
(28) (<(x1[4], x0[4])=TRUE∧<=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))=TRUE ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥))
(29) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_27 + (-1)Bound*bni_27] + [bni_27]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_28] ≥ 0)
(30) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_27 + (-1)Bound*bni_27] + [bni_27]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_28] ≥ 0)
(31) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_27 + (-1)Bound*bni_27] + [bni_27]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_28] ≥ 0)
(32) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_27 + (-1)Bound*bni_27] + [bni_27]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_28] ≥ 0)
(33) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_27 + (-1)Bound*bni_27] + [bni_27]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_28] ≥ 0)
(34) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_27 + (-1)Bound*bni_27] + [bni_27]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_28] ≥ 0)
(35) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_27 + (-1)Bound*bni_27] + [bni_27]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_28] ≥ 0)
(36) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [-3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_27 + (-1)Bound*bni_27] + [(-1)bni_27]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_28] ≥ 0)
(37) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [-3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_27 + (-1)Bound*bni_27] + [(-1)bni_27]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_28] ≥ 0)
(38) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_27 + (-1)Bound*bni_27] + [bni_27]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_28] ≥ 0)
(39) (COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5])≥NonInfC∧COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5])≥1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))∧(UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥))
(40) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_29] = 0∧[(-1)bso_30] ≥ 0)
(41) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_29] = 0∧[(-1)bso_30] ≥ 0)
(42) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_29] = 0∧[(-1)bso_30] ≥ 0)
(43) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_29] = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧[(-1)bso_30] ≥ 0)
POL(1412_1_rec_InvokeMethod(x1)) = [-1]
POL(1353_0_rec_Return(x1, x2, x3)) = [-1]
POL(1475_0_rec_Return) = [-1]
POL(1394_1_rec_InvokeMethod(x1)) = [-1]
POL(1410_1_rec_InvokeMethod(x1)) = [-1]
POL(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1, x2, x3)) = [-1] + x2
POL(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = [-1] + x3
POL(&&(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(>=(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(<=(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(0) = 0
POL(+(x1, x2)) = x1 + x2
POL(*(x1, x2)) = x1·x2
POL(3) = [3]
POL(-(x1, x2)) = x1 + [-1]x2
POL(1) = [1]
POL(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = [-1] + x3
POL(<(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(2) = [2]
POL(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = [-1] + x3
COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(TRUE, x1[1], x2[1], x0[1]) → 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[1], -(x2[1], 1), x0[1])
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[0], x2[0], x0[0]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(&&(&&(>=(x2[0], x1[0]), >=(x1[0], x0[0])), <=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0])))), x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[0], x2[0], x0[0]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD(&&(&&(>=(x2[0], x1[0]), >=(x1[0], x0[0])), <=(0, +(+(x0[0], x1[0]), *(3, x2[0])))), x1[0], x2[0], x0[0])
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])
COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(TRUE, x1[3], x2[3], x0[3]) → 1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])
COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5]) → 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
Boolean, Integer
(3) -> (0), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[0]∧x2[3] →* x2[0]∧x0[3] →* x0[0])
(5) -> (0), if (x1[5] →* x1[0]∧x2[5] →* x2[0]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[0])
(3) -> (2), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[2]∧x2[3] →* x2[2]∧x0[3] →* x0[2])
(5) -> (2), if (x1[5] →* x1[2]∧x2[5] →* x2[2]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[2])
(2) -> (3), if (x2[2] < x1[2] && x1[2] >= x0[2] && 0 <= x0[2] + x1[2] + 3 * x2[2] ∧x1[2] →* x1[3]∧x2[2] →* x2[3]∧x0[2] →* x0[3])
(3) -> (4), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[4]∧x2[3] →* x2[4]∧x0[3] →* x0[4])
(5) -> (4), if (x1[5] →* x1[4]∧x2[5] →* x2[4]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[4])
(4) -> (5), if (x1[4] < x0[4] && 0 <= x0[4] + x1[4] + 3 * x2[4] ∧x1[4] →* x1[5]∧x2[4] →* x2[5]∧x0[4] →* x0[5])
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
Integer, Boolean
(3) -> (2), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[2]∧x2[3] →* x2[2]∧x0[3] →* x0[2])
(5) -> (2), if (x1[5] →* x1[2]∧x2[5] →* x2[2]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[2])
(2) -> (3), if (x2[2] < x1[2] && x1[2] >= x0[2] && 0 <= x0[2] + x1[2] + 3 * x2[2] ∧x1[2] →* x1[3]∧x2[2] →* x2[3]∧x0[2] →* x0[3])
(3) -> (4), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[4]∧x2[3] →* x2[4]∧x0[3] →* x0[4])
(5) -> (4), if (x1[5] →* x1[4]∧x2[5] →* x2[4]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[4])
(4) -> (5), if (x1[4] < x0[4] && 0 <= x0[4] + x1[4] + 3 * x2[4] ∧x1[4] →* x1[5]∧x2[4] →* x2[5]∧x0[4] →* x0[5])
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
Integer, Boolean
(3) -> (2), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[2]∧x2[3] →* x2[2]∧x0[3] →* x0[2])
(5) -> (2), if (x1[5] →* x1[2]∧x2[5] →* x2[2]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[2])
(2) -> (3), if (x2[2] < x1[2] && x1[2] >= x0[2] && 0 <= x0[2] + x1[2] + 3 * x2[2] ∧x1[2] →* x1[3]∧x2[2] →* x2[3]∧x0[2] →* x0[3])
(3) -> (4), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[4]∧x2[3] →* x2[4]∧x0[3] →* x0[4])
(5) -> (4), if (x1[5] →* x1[4]∧x2[5] →* x2[4]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[4])
(4) -> (5), if (x1[4] < x0[4] && 0 <= x0[4] + x1[4] + 3 * x2[4] ∧x1[4] →* x1[5]∧x2[4] →* x2[5]∧x0[4] →* x0[5])
(1) (COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5])≥NonInfC∧COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5])≥1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))∧(UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥))
(2) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_14] = 0∧[(-1)bso_15] ≥ 0)
(3) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_14] = 0∧[(-1)bso_15] ≥ 0)
(4) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_14] = 0∧[(-1)bso_15] ≥ 0)
(5) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_14] = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧[(-1)bso_15] ≥ 0)
(6) (&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4]))))=TRUE∧x1[4]=x1[5]∧x2[4]=x2[5]∧x0[4]=x0[5] ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥))
(7) (<(x1[4], x0[4])=TRUE∧<=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))=TRUE ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥))
(8) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_16]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(9) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_16]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(10) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_16]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(11) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_16]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(12) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_16]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(13) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [(-1)bni_16]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_16]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(14) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_16]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(15) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [-3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[4] + [bni_16]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(16) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [(-1)bni_16]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_16]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(17) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [-3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [(-1)bni_16]x1[4] + [bni_16]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(18) (COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(TRUE, x1[3], x2[3], x0[3])≥NonInfC∧COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(TRUE, x1[3], x2[3], x0[3])≥1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])∧(UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥))
(19) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥)∧[bni_18] = 0∧[(-1)bso_19] ≥ 0)
(20) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥)∧[bni_18] = 0∧[(-1)bso_19] ≥ 0)
(21) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥)∧[bni_18] = 0∧[(-1)bso_19] ≥ 0)
(22) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥)∧[bni_18] = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧[(-1)bso_19] ≥ 0)
(23) (&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2]))))=TRUE∧x1[2]=x1[3]∧x2[2]=x2[3]∧x0[2]=x0[3] ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥))
(24) (<=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))=TRUE∧<(x2[2], x1[2])=TRUE∧>=(x1[2], x0[2])=TRUE ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥))
(25) (x0[2] + x1[2] + [3]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1] + [-1]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[bni_20 + (-1)Bound*bni_20] + [bni_20]x1[2] + [(-1)bni_20]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[2 + (-1)bso_21] ≥ 0)
(26) (x0[2] + x1[2] + [3]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1] + [-1]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[bni_20 + (-1)Bound*bni_20] + [bni_20]x1[2] + [(-1)bni_20]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[2 + (-1)bso_21] ≥ 0)
(27) (x0[2] + x1[2] + [3]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1] + [-1]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[bni_20 + (-1)Bound*bni_20] + [bni_20]x1[2] + [(-1)bni_20]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[2 + (-1)bso_21] ≥ 0)
(28) (x0[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1] + [-1]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[2]x1[2] + [3]x2[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[bni_20 + (-1)Bound*bni_20] + [bni_20]x1[2] + [(-1)bni_20]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[2 + (-1)bso_21] ≥ 0)
(29) (x0[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] ≥ 0∧[2] + [5]x2[2] + [2]x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(2)bni_20 + (-1)Bound*bni_20] + [bni_20]x1[2] ≥ 0∧[2 + (-1)bso_21] ≥ 0)
(30) (x0[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] ≥ 0∧[2] + [-5]x2[2] + [2]x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0∧x2[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(2)bni_20 + (-1)Bound*bni_20] + [bni_20]x1[2] ≥ 0∧[2 + (-1)bso_21] ≥ 0)
(31) (x0[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] ≥ 0∧[2] + [5]x2[2] + [2]x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0∧x2[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(2)bni_20 + (-1)Bound*bni_20] + [bni_20]x1[2] ≥ 0∧[2 + (-1)bso_21] ≥ 0)
POL(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = [1] + x2 + [-1]x3
POL(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1, x2, x3)) = [1] + x1 + [-1]x2
POL(-(x1, x2)) = x1 + [-1]x2
POL(1) = [1]
POL(&&(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(<(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(<=(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(0) = 0
POL(+(x1, x2)) = x1 + x2
POL(*(x1, x2)) = x1·x2
POL(3) = [3]
POL(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = [-1] + [-1]x3 + x2
POL(2) = [2]
POL(>=(x1, x2)) = [-1]
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])
COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5]) → 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])
COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(TRUE, x1[3], x2[3], x0[3]) → 1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
Integer, Boolean
(3) -> (4), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[4]∧x2[3] →* x2[4]∧x0[3] →* x0[4])
(5) -> (4), if (x1[5] →* x1[4]∧x2[5] →* x2[4]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[4])
(4) -> (5), if (x1[4] < x0[4] && 0 <= x0[4] + x1[4] + 3 * x2[4] ∧x1[4] →* x1[5]∧x2[4] →* x2[5]∧x0[4] →* x0[5])
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
Boolean, Integer
(5) -> (4), if (x1[5] →* x1[4]∧x2[5] →* x2[4]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[4])
(4) -> (5), if (x1[4] < x0[4] && 0 <= x0[4] + x1[4] + 3 * x2[4] ∧x1[4] →* x1[5]∧x2[4] →* x2[5]∧x0[4] →* x0[5])
(1) (&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4]))))=TRUE∧x1[4]=x1[5]∧x2[4]=x2[5]∧x0[4]=x0[5] ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥))
(2) (<(x1[4], x0[4])=TRUE∧<=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))=TRUE ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥))
(3) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] + [(-1)bni_8]x1[4] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(4) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] + [(-1)bni_8]x1[4] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(5) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] + [(-1)bni_8]x1[4] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(6) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8 + bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(7) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8 + bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(8) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8 + bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(9) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8 + bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(10) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [-3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8 + bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(11) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8 + bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(12) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [-3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8 + bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(13) (COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5])≥NonInfC∧COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5])≥1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))∧(UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥))
(14) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_10] = 0∧[(-1)bso_11] ≥ 0)
(15) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_10] = 0∧[(-1)bso_11] ≥ 0)
(16) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_10] = 0∧[(-1)bso_11] ≥ 0)
(17) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_10] = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧[(-1)bso_11] ≥ 0)
POL(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1, x2, x3)) = x3 + [-1]x1
POL(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = [-1] + x4 + [-1]x2
POL(&&(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(<(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(<=(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(0) = 0
POL(+(x1, x2)) = x1 + x2
POL(*(x1, x2)) = x1·x2
POL(3) = [3]
POL(-(x1, x2)) = x1 + [-1]x2
POL(1) = [1]
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])
COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5]) → 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
Integer, Boolean
(1) -> (2), if (x1[1] →* x1[2]∧x2[1] - 1 →* x2[2]∧x0[1] →* x0[2])
(3) -> (2), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[2]∧x2[3] →* x2[2]∧x0[3] →* x0[2])
(5) -> (2), if (x1[5] →* x1[2]∧x2[5] →* x2[2]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[2])
(2) -> (3), if (x2[2] < x1[2] && x1[2] >= x0[2] && 0 <= x0[2] + x1[2] + 3 * x2[2] ∧x1[2] →* x1[3]∧x2[2] →* x2[3]∧x0[2] →* x0[3])
(1) -> (4), if (x1[1] →* x1[4]∧x2[1] - 1 →* x2[4]∧x0[1] →* x0[4])
(3) -> (4), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[4]∧x2[3] →* x2[4]∧x0[3] →* x0[4])
(5) -> (4), if (x1[5] →* x1[4]∧x2[5] →* x2[4]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[4])
(4) -> (5), if (x1[4] < x0[4] && 0 <= x0[4] + x1[4] + 3 * x2[4] ∧x1[4] →* x1[5]∧x2[4] →* x2[5]∧x0[4] →* x0[5])
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
Integer, Boolean
(3) -> (2), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[2]∧x2[3] →* x2[2]∧x0[3] →* x0[2])
(5) -> (2), if (x1[5] →* x1[2]∧x2[5] →* x2[2]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[2])
(2) -> (3), if (x2[2] < x1[2] && x1[2] >= x0[2] && 0 <= x0[2] + x1[2] + 3 * x2[2] ∧x1[2] →* x1[3]∧x2[2] →* x2[3]∧x0[2] →* x0[3])
(3) -> (4), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[4]∧x2[3] →* x2[4]∧x0[3] →* x0[4])
(5) -> (4), if (x1[5] →* x1[4]∧x2[5] →* x2[4]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[4])
(4) -> (5), if (x1[4] < x0[4] && 0 <= x0[4] + x1[4] + 3 * x2[4] ∧x1[4] →* x1[5]∧x2[4] →* x2[5]∧x0[4] →* x0[5])
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
Integer, Boolean
(3) -> (2), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[2]∧x2[3] →* x2[2]∧x0[3] →* x0[2])
(5) -> (2), if (x1[5] →* x1[2]∧x2[5] →* x2[2]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[2])
(2) -> (3), if (x2[2] < x1[2] && x1[2] >= x0[2] && 0 <= x0[2] + x1[2] + 3 * x2[2] ∧x1[2] →* x1[3]∧x2[2] →* x2[3]∧x0[2] →* x0[3])
(3) -> (4), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[4]∧x2[3] →* x2[4]∧x0[3] →* x0[4])
(5) -> (4), if (x1[5] →* x1[4]∧x2[5] →* x2[4]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[4])
(4) -> (5), if (x1[4] < x0[4] && 0 <= x0[4] + x1[4] + 3 * x2[4] ∧x1[4] →* x1[5]∧x2[4] →* x2[5]∧x0[4] →* x0[5])
(1) (COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5])≥NonInfC∧COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5])≥1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))∧(UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥))
(2) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_10] = 0∧[(-1)bso_11] ≥ 0)
(3) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_10] = 0∧[(-1)bso_11] ≥ 0)
(4) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_10] = 0∧[(-1)bso_11] ≥ 0)
(5) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_10] = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧[(-1)bso_11] ≥ 0)
(6) (&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4]))))=TRUE∧x1[4]=x1[5]∧x2[4]=x2[5]∧x0[4]=x0[5] ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥))
(7) (<(x1[4], x0[4])=TRUE∧<=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))=TRUE ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥))
(8) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_12 + (-1)Bound*bni_12] + [bni_12]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_12]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_13] ≥ 0)
(9) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_12 + (-1)Bound*bni_12] + [bni_12]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_12]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_13] ≥ 0)
(10) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_12 + (-1)Bound*bni_12] + [bni_12]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_12]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_13] ≥ 0)
(11) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_12 + (-1)Bound*bni_12] + [bni_12]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_12]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_13] ≥ 0)
(12) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_12 + (-1)Bound*bni_12] + [bni_12]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_12]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_13] ≥ 0)
(13) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_12 + (-1)Bound*bni_12] + [(-1)bni_12]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_12]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_13] ≥ 0)
(14) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_12 + (-1)Bound*bni_12] + [bni_12]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_12]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_13] ≥ 0)
(15) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [-3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_12 + (-1)Bound*bni_12] + [bni_12]x1[4] + [bni_12]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_13] ≥ 0)
(16) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [-3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_12 + (-1)Bound*bni_12] + [(-1)bni_12]x1[4] + [bni_12]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_13] ≥ 0)
(17) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[bni_12 + (-1)Bound*bni_12] + [(-1)bni_12]x1[4] + [(-1)bni_12]x2[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_13] ≥ 0)
(18) (COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(TRUE, x1[3], x2[3], x0[3])≥NonInfC∧COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(TRUE, x1[3], x2[3], x0[3])≥1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])∧(UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥))
(19) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥)∧[bni_14] = 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_15] ≥ 0)
(20) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥)∧[bni_14] = 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_15] ≥ 0)
(21) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥)∧[bni_14] = 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_15] ≥ 0)
(22) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])), ≥)∧[bni_14] = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_15] ≥ 0)
(23) (&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2]))))=TRUE∧x1[2]=x1[3]∧x2[2]=x2[3]∧x0[2]=x0[3] ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥))
(24) (<=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))=TRUE∧<(x2[2], x1[2])=TRUE∧>=(x1[2], x0[2])=TRUE ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥))
(25) (x0[2] + x1[2] + [3]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1] + [-1]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[2] + [(-1)bni_16]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(26) (x0[2] + x1[2] + [3]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1] + [-1]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[2] + [(-1)bni_16]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(27) (x0[2] + x1[2] + [3]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1] + [-1]x2[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[2] + [(-1)bni_16]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(28) (x0[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] + [-1] + [-1]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[2]x1[2] + [3]x2[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[2] + [(-1)bni_16]x2[2] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(29) (x0[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] ≥ 0∧[2] + [5]x2[2] + [2]x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(2)bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[2] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(30) (x0[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] ≥ 0∧[2] + [5]x2[2] + [2]x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0∧x2[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(2)bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[2] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
(31) (x0[2] ≥ 0∧x1[2] ≥ 0∧[2] + [-5]x2[2] + [2]x1[2] + [-1]x0[2] ≥ 0∧x2[2] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])), ≥)∧[(2)bni_16 + (-1)Bound*bni_16] + [bni_16]x1[2] ≥ 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_17] ≥ 0)
POL(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = [1] + x2 + [-1]x3
POL(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1, x2, x3)) = [1] + x1 + [-1]x2
POL(-(x1, x2)) = x1 + [-1]x2
POL(1) = [1]
POL(&&(x1, x2)) = 0
POL(<(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(<=(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(0) = 0
POL(+(x1, x2)) = x1 + x2
POL(*(x1, x2)) = x1·x2
POL(3) = [3]
POL(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = [-1]x3 + x2
POL(2) = [2]
POL(>=(x1, x2)) = [-1]
COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(TRUE, x1[3], x2[3], x0[3]) → 1337_0_REC_LOAD(-(x1[3], 2), x2[3], x0[3])
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[2], x2[2], x0[2]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD1(&&(&&(<(x2[2], x1[2]), >=(x1[2], x0[2])), <=(0, +(+(x0[2], x1[2]), *(3, x2[2])))), x1[2], x2[2], x0[2])
COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5]) → 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
Integer, Boolean
(3) -> (4), if (x1[3] - 2 →* x1[4]∧x2[3] →* x2[4]∧x0[3] →* x0[4])
(5) -> (4), if (x1[5] →* x1[4]∧x2[5] →* x2[4]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[4])
(4) -> (5), if (x1[4] < x0[4] && 0 <= x0[4] + x1[4] + 3 * x2[4] ∧x1[4] →* x1[5]∧x2[4] →* x2[5]∧x0[4] →* x0[5])
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
Boolean, Integer
(5) -> (4), if (x1[5] →* x1[4]∧x2[5] →* x2[4]∧x0[5] - 1 →* x0[4])
(4) -> (5), if (x1[4] < x0[4] && 0 <= x0[4] + x1[4] + 3 * x2[4] ∧x1[4] →* x1[5]∧x2[4] →* x2[5]∧x0[4] →* x0[5])
(1) (&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4]))))=TRUE∧x1[4]=x1[5]∧x2[4]=x2[5]∧x0[4]=x0[5] ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥))
(2) (<(x1[4], x0[4])=TRUE∧<=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))=TRUE ⇒ 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥NonInfC∧1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])≥COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])∧(UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥))
(3) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_8 + (-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] + [(-1)bni_8]x1[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(4) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_8 + (-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] + [(-1)bni_8]x1[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(5) (x0[4] + [-1] + [-1]x1[4] ≥ 0∧x0[4] + x1[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)bni_8 + (-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] + [(-1)bni_8]x1[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(6) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(7) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(8) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(9) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(10) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [-3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(11) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [-3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(12) (x0[4] ≥ 0∧[1] + [-2]x1[4] + x0[4] + [3]x2[4] ≥ 0∧x1[4] ≥ 0∧x2[4] ≥ 0 ⇒ (UIncreasing(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])), ≥)∧[(-1)Bound*bni_8] + [bni_8]x0[4] ≥ 0∧[(-1)bso_9] ≥ 0)
(13) (COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5])≥NonInfC∧COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5])≥1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))∧(UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥))
(14) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_10] = 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_11] ≥ 0)
(15) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_10] = 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_11] ≥ 0)
(16) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_10] = 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_11] ≥ 0)
(17) ((UIncreasing(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))), ≥)∧[bni_10] = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧0 = 0∧[1 + (-1)bso_11] ≥ 0)
POL(1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1, x2, x3)) = [-1] + x3 + [-1]x1
POL(COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = [-1] + x4 + [-1]x2
POL(&&(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(<(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(<=(x1, x2)) = [-1]
POL(0) = 0
POL(+(x1, x2)) = x1 + x2
POL(*(x1, x2)) = x1·x2
POL(3) = [3]
POL(-(x1, x2)) = x1 + [-1]x2
POL(1) = [1]
COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(TRUE, x1[5], x2[5], x0[5]) → 1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[5], x2[5], -(x0[5], 1))
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])
1337_0_REC_LOAD(x1[4], x2[4], x0[4]) → COND_1337_0_REC_LOAD2(&&(<(x1[4], x0[4]), <=(0, +(+(x0[4], x1[4]), *(3, x2[4])))), x1[4], x2[4], x0[4])
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
Boolean, Integer
!= | ~ | Neq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
* | ~ | Mul: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
>= | ~ | Ge: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
-1 | ~ | UnaryMinus: (Integer) -> Integer |
| | ~ | Bwor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
/ | ~ | Div: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
= | ~ | Eq: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | Bwxor: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer | |
|| | ~ | Lor: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |
! | ~ | Lnot: (Boolean) -> Boolean |
< | ~ | Lt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
- | ~ | Sub: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
<= | ~ | Le: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
> | ~ | Gt: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean |
~ | ~ | Bwnot: (Integer) -> Integer |
% | ~ | Mod: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
& | ~ | Bwand: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
+ | ~ | Add: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer |
&& | ~ | Land: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean |