Term Rewriting System R:
[x, y, l]
0(#) -> #
+(x, #) -> x
+(#, x) -> x
+(0(x), 0(y)) -> 0(+(x, y))
+(0(x), 1(y)) -> 1(+(x, y))
+(1(x), 0(y)) -> 1(+(x, y))
+(1(x), 1(y)) -> 0(+(+(x, y), 1(#)))
*(#, x) -> #
*(0(x), y) -> 0(*(x, y))
*(1(x), y) -> +(0(*(x, y)), y)
sum(nil) -> 0(#)
sum(cons(x, l)) -> +(x, sum(l))
prod(nil) -> 1(#)
prod(cons(x, l)) -> *(x, prod(l))

Termination of R to be shown.

Dependency Pair Analysis

R contains the following Dependency Pairs:

+'(0(x), 0(y)) -> 0'(+(x, y))
+'(0(x), 0(y)) -> +'(x, y)
+'(0(x), 1(y)) -> +'(x, y)
+'(1(x), 0(y)) -> +'(x, y)
+'(1(x), 1(y)) -> 0'(+(+(x, y), 1(#)))
+'(1(x), 1(y)) -> +'(+(x, y), 1(#))
+'(1(x), 1(y)) -> +'(x, y)
*'(0(x), y) -> 0'(*(x, y))
*'(0(x), y) -> *'(x, y)
*'(1(x), y) -> +'(0(*(x, y)), y)
*'(1(x), y) -> 0'(*(x, y))
*'(1(x), y) -> *'(x, y)
SUM(nil) -> 0'(#)
SUM(cons(x, l)) -> +'(x, sum(l))
SUM(cons(x, l)) -> SUM(l)
PROD(cons(x, l)) -> *'(x, prod(l))
PROD(cons(x, l)) -> PROD(l)

Furthermore, R contains four SCCs.

       →DP Problem 1
Remaining Obligation(s)
       →DP Problem 2
Remaining Obligation(s)
       →DP Problem 3
Remaining Obligation(s)
       →DP Problem 4
Remaining Obligation(s)

The following remains to be proven:

       →DP Problem 1
Remaining Obligation(s)
       →DP Problem 2
Remaining Obligation(s)
       →DP Problem 3
Remaining Obligation(s)
       →DP Problem 4
Remaining Obligation(s)

The following remains to be proven:

       →DP Problem 1
Remaining Obligation(s)
       →DP Problem 2
Remaining Obligation(s)
       →DP Problem 3
Remaining Obligation(s)
       →DP Problem 4
Remaining Obligation(s)

The following remains to be proven:

       →DP Problem 1
Remaining Obligation(s)
       →DP Problem 2
Remaining Obligation(s)
       →DP Problem 3
Remaining Obligation(s)
       →DP Problem 4
Remaining Obligation(s)

The following remains to be proven:

Termination of R could not be shown.
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