↳Dependency Pair Analysis
TOP1(free(x), y) -> TOP2(check(new(x)), y)
TOP1(free(x), y) -> CHECK(new(x))
TOP1(free(x), y) -> NEW(x)
TOP1(free(x), y) -> TOP2(new(x), check(y))
TOP1(free(x), y) -> CHECK(y)
TOP1(free(x), y) -> TOP2(check(x), new(y))
TOP1(free(x), y) -> CHECK(x)
TOP1(free(x), y) -> NEW(y)
TOP1(free(x), y) -> TOP2(x, check(new(y)))
TOP1(free(x), y) -> CHECK(new(y))
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> TOP1(check(new(x)), y)
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> CHECK(new(x))
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> NEW(x)
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> TOP1(new(x), check(y))
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> CHECK(y)
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> TOP1(check(x), new(y))
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> CHECK(x)
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> NEW(y)
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> TOP1(x, check(new(y)))
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> CHECK(new(y))
NEW(free(x)) -> NEW(x)
OLD(free(x)) -> OLD(x)
CHECK(free(x)) -> CHECK(x)
CHECK(new(x)) -> NEW(check(x))
CHECK(new(x)) -> CHECK(x)
CHECK(old(x)) -> OLD(check(x))
CHECK(old(x)) -> CHECK(x)
→DP Problem 1
↳Argument Filtering and Ordering
→DP Problem 2
→DP Problem 3
→DP Problem 4
NEW(free(x)) -> NEW(x)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(new(x)), y)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(new(x), check(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(x), new(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(x, check(new(y)))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(new(x)), y)
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(new(x), check(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(x), new(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(x, check(new(y)))
new(free(x)) -> free(new(x))
new(serve) -> free(serve)
old(free(x)) -> free(old(x))
old(serve) -> free(serve)
check(free(x)) -> free(check(x))
check(new(x)) -> new(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(x)
NEW(free(x)) -> NEW(x)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(new(x)), y)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(new(x), check(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(x), new(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(x, check(new(y)))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(new(x)), y)
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(new(x), check(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(x), new(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(x, check(new(y)))
new(free(x)) -> free(new(x))
new(serve) -> free(serve)
old(free(x)) -> free(old(x))
old(serve) -> free(serve)
check(free(x)) -> free(check(x))
check(new(x)) -> new(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(x)
{top2, top1}
{new, check} > old > free
NEW(x1) -> NEW(x1)
free(x1) -> free(x1)
top1(x1, x2) -> top1
top2(x1, x2) -> top2
new(x1) -> new(x1)
old(x1) -> old(x1)
check(x1) -> check(x1)
→DP Problem 1
→DP Problem 5
↳Dependency Graph
→DP Problem 2
→DP Problem 3
→DP Problem 4
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(new(x)), y)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(new(x), check(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(x), new(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(x, check(new(y)))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(new(x)), y)
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(new(x), check(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(x), new(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(x, check(new(y)))
new(free(x)) -> free(new(x))
new(serve) -> free(serve)
old(free(x)) -> free(old(x))
old(serve) -> free(serve)
check(free(x)) -> free(check(x))
check(new(x)) -> new(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(x)
→DP Problem 1
→DP Problem 2
↳Argument Filtering and Ordering
→DP Problem 3
→DP Problem 4
OLD(free(x)) -> OLD(x)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(new(x)), y)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(new(x), check(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(x), new(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(x, check(new(y)))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(new(x)), y)
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(new(x), check(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(x), new(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(x, check(new(y)))
new(free(x)) -> free(new(x))
new(serve) -> free(serve)
old(free(x)) -> free(old(x))
old(serve) -> free(serve)
check(free(x)) -> free(check(x))
check(new(x)) -> new(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(x)
OLD(free(x)) -> OLD(x)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(new(x)), y)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(new(x), check(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(x), new(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(x, check(new(y)))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(new(x)), y)
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(new(x), check(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(x), new(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(x, check(new(y)))
new(free(x)) -> free(new(x))
new(serve) -> free(serve)
old(free(x)) -> free(old(x))
old(serve) -> free(serve)
check(free(x)) -> free(check(x))
check(new(x)) -> new(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(x)
{old, check} > {free, new}
{top2, top1}
OLD(x1) -> OLD(x1)
free(x1) -> free(x1)
top1(x1, x2) -> top1
top2(x1, x2) -> top2
new(x1) -> new(x1)
old(x1) -> old(x1)
check(x1) -> check(x1)
→DP Problem 1
→DP Problem 2
→DP Problem 6
↳Dependency Graph
→DP Problem 3
→DP Problem 4
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(new(x)), y)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(new(x), check(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(x), new(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(x, check(new(y)))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(new(x)), y)
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(new(x), check(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(x), new(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(x, check(new(y)))
new(free(x)) -> free(new(x))
new(serve) -> free(serve)
old(free(x)) -> free(old(x))
old(serve) -> free(serve)
check(free(x)) -> free(check(x))
check(new(x)) -> new(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(x)
→DP Problem 1
→DP Problem 2
→DP Problem 3
↳Argument Filtering and Ordering
→DP Problem 4
CHECK(old(x)) -> CHECK(x)
CHECK(new(x)) -> CHECK(x)
CHECK(free(x)) -> CHECK(x)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(new(x)), y)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(new(x), check(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(x), new(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(x, check(new(y)))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(new(x)), y)
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(new(x), check(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(x), new(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(x, check(new(y)))
new(free(x)) -> free(new(x))
new(serve) -> free(serve)
old(free(x)) -> free(old(x))
old(serve) -> free(serve)
check(free(x)) -> free(check(x))
check(new(x)) -> new(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(x)
CHECK(old(x)) -> CHECK(x)
CHECK(new(x)) -> CHECK(x)
CHECK(free(x)) -> CHECK(x)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(new(x)), y)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(new(x), check(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(x), new(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(x, check(new(y)))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(new(x)), y)
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(new(x), check(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(x), new(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(x, check(new(y)))
new(free(x)) -> free(new(x))
new(serve) -> free(serve)
old(free(x)) -> free(old(x))
old(serve) -> free(serve)
check(free(x)) -> free(check(x))
check(new(x)) -> new(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(x)
{old, new, check} > free
{top2, top1}
CHECK(x1) -> CHECK(x1)
new(x1) -> new(x1)
old(x1) -> old(x1)
free(x1) -> free(x1)
top1(x1, x2) -> top1
top2(x1, x2) -> top2
check(x1) -> check(x1)
→DP Problem 1
→DP Problem 2
→DP Problem 3
→DP Problem 7
↳Dependency Graph
→DP Problem 4
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(new(x)), y)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(new(x), check(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(x), new(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(x, check(new(y)))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(new(x)), y)
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(new(x), check(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(x), new(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(x, check(new(y)))
new(free(x)) -> free(new(x))
new(serve) -> free(serve)
old(free(x)) -> free(old(x))
old(serve) -> free(serve)
check(free(x)) -> free(check(x))
check(new(x)) -> new(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(x)
→DP Problem 1
→DP Problem 2
→DP Problem 3
→DP Problem 4
↳Remaining Obligation(s)
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> TOP1(x, check(new(y)))
TOP1(free(x), y) -> TOP2(x, check(new(y)))
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> TOP1(check(x), new(y))
TOP1(free(x), y) -> TOP2(check(x), new(y))
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> TOP1(new(x), check(y))
TOP1(free(x), y) -> TOP2(new(x), check(y))
TOP2(x, free(y)) -> TOP1(check(new(x)), y)
TOP1(free(x), y) -> TOP2(check(new(x)), y)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(new(x)), y)
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(new(x), check(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(check(x), new(y))
top1(free(x), y) -> top2(x, check(new(y)))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(new(x)), y)
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(new(x), check(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(check(x), new(y))
top2(x, free(y)) -> top1(x, check(new(y)))
new(free(x)) -> free(new(x))
new(serve) -> free(serve)
old(free(x)) -> free(old(x))
old(serve) -> free(serve)
check(free(x)) -> free(check(x))
check(new(x)) -> new(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(check(x))
check(old(x)) -> old(x)