↳Dependency Pair Analysis
FIRST(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> ACTIVATE(Z)
SEL(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> SEL(X, activate(Z))
SEL(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> ACTIVATE(Z)
ACTIVATE(nfrom(X)) -> FROM(X)
ACTIVATE(nfirst(X1, X2)) -> FIRST(X1, X2)
→DP Problem 1
↳Argument Filtering and Ordering
→DP Problem 2
ACTIVATE(nfirst(X1, X2)) -> FIRST(X1, X2)
FIRST(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> ACTIVATE(Z)
from(X) -> cons(X, nfrom(s(X)))
from(X) -> nfrom(X)
first(0, Z) -> nil
first(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> cons(Y, nfirst(X, activate(Z)))
first(X1, X2) -> nfirst(X1, X2)
sel(0, cons(X, Z)) -> X
sel(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> sel(X, activate(Z))
activate(nfrom(X)) -> from(X)
activate(nfirst(X1, X2)) -> first(X1, X2)
activate(X) -> X
ACTIVATE(nfirst(X1, X2)) -> FIRST(X1, X2)
POL(cons(x1, x2)) = x1 + x2 POL(FIRST(x1, x2)) = x1 + x2 POL(s(x1)) = x1 POL(ACTIVATE(x1)) = x1 POL(n__first(x1, x2)) = 1 + x1 + x2
FIRST(x1, x2) -> FIRST(x1, x2)
nfirst(x1, x2) -> nfirst(x1, x2)
s(x1) -> s(x1)
cons(x1, x2) -> cons(x1, x2)
→DP Problem 1
→DP Problem 3
↳Dependency Graph
→DP Problem 2
FIRST(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> ACTIVATE(Z)
from(X) -> cons(X, nfrom(s(X)))
from(X) -> nfrom(X)
first(0, Z) -> nil
first(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> cons(Y, nfirst(X, activate(Z)))
first(X1, X2) -> nfirst(X1, X2)
sel(0, cons(X, Z)) -> X
sel(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> sel(X, activate(Z))
activate(nfrom(X)) -> from(X)
activate(nfirst(X1, X2)) -> first(X1, X2)
activate(X) -> X
→DP Problem 1
→DP Problem 2
↳Argument Filtering and Ordering
SEL(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> SEL(X, activate(Z))
from(X) -> cons(X, nfrom(s(X)))
from(X) -> nfrom(X)
first(0, Z) -> nil
first(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> cons(Y, nfirst(X, activate(Z)))
first(X1, X2) -> nfirst(X1, X2)
sel(0, cons(X, Z)) -> X
sel(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> sel(X, activate(Z))
activate(nfrom(X)) -> from(X)
activate(nfirst(X1, X2)) -> first(X1, X2)
activate(X) -> X
SEL(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> SEL(X, activate(Z))
activate(nfrom(X)) -> from(X)
activate(nfirst(X1, X2)) -> first(X1, X2)
activate(X) -> X
first(0, Z) -> nil
first(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> cons(Y, nfirst(X, activate(Z)))
first(X1, X2) -> nfirst(X1, X2)
from(X) -> cons(X, nfrom(s(X)))
from(X) -> nfrom(X)
POL(n__from) = 0 POL(from) = 0 POL(activate(x1)) = x1 POL(first(x1, x2)) = x1 + x2 POL(0) = 0 POL(SEL(x1, x2)) = 1 + x1 + x2 POL(nil) = 0 POL(s(x1)) = 1 + x1 POL(n__first(x1, x2)) = x1 + x2
SEL(x1, x2) -> SEL(x1, x2)
s(x1) -> s(x1)
cons(x1, x2) -> x2
activate(x1) -> activate(x1)
nfrom(x1) -> nfrom
from(x1) -> from
nfirst(x1, x2) -> nfirst(x1, x2)
first(x1, x2) -> first(x1, x2)
→DP Problem 1
→DP Problem 2
→DP Problem 4
↳Dependency Graph
from(X) -> cons(X, nfrom(s(X)))
from(X) -> nfrom(X)
first(0, Z) -> nil
first(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> cons(Y, nfirst(X, activate(Z)))
first(X1, X2) -> nfirst(X1, X2)
sel(0, cons(X, Z)) -> X
sel(s(X), cons(Y, Z)) -> sel(X, activate(Z))
activate(nfrom(X)) -> from(X)
activate(nfirst(X1, X2)) -> first(X1, X2)
activate(X) -> X