The program
Claude Marché
Quick Sort. An automatic translation from the ML program :
let append l1 l2 =
match l1 with
| Nil -> l2
| Cons(x,l) -> Cons(append(l,l2))
let part a l =
match l with
| Nil -> Pair(Nil,Nil)
| Cons(x,l') ->
match test(a,x) with
| False -> Pair(Cons(x,l1),l2)
| True -> Pair(l1,Cons(x,l2))
let quick l =
match l with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons(a,l') ->
match part(a,l') with
| Pair(l1,l2) -> append(quick(l1),Cons(a,quick(l2)))
(VAR l_5 a x l' l a_4 l_3 l2 l1 l2_1 l1_2 y x_0)
test(x_0,y) -> True
test(x_0,y) -> False
append(l1_2,l2_1) -> match_0(l1_2,l2_1,l1_2)
match_0(l1_2,l2_1,Nil) -> l2_1
match_0(l1_2,l2_1,Cons(x,l)) -> Cons(x,append(l,l2_1))
part(a_4,l_3) -> match_1(a_4,l_3,l_3)
match_1(a_4,l_3,Nil) -> Pair(Nil,Nil)
match_1(a_4,l_3,Cons(x,l')) -> match_2(x,l',a_4,l_3,part(a_4,l'))
match_2(x,l',a_4,l_3,Pair(l1,l2)) ->
match_3(l1,l2,x,l',a_4,l_3,False) -> Pair(Cons(x,l1),l2)
match_3(l1,l2,x,l',a_4,l_3,True) -> Pair(l1,Cons(x,l2))
quick(l_5) -> match_4(l_5,l_5)
match_4(l_5,Nil) -> Nil
match_4(l_5,Cons(a,l')) -> match_5(a,l',l_5,part(a,l'))
match_5(a,l',l_5,Pair(l1,l2)) -> append(quick(l1),Cons(a,quick(l2)))
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