The program
Claude Marché
Sum and product of a list of integers, with append
Peano notation, + and * are associative
(VAR l2 l1 l z y x)
+(x,0) -> x
+(0,x) -> x
+(s(x),s(y)) -> s(s(+(x,y)))
+(+(x,y),z) -> +(x,+(y,z))
*(x,0) -> 0
*(0,x) -> 0
*(s(x),s(y)) -> s(+(*(x,y),+(x,y)))
*(*(x,y),z) -> *(x,*(y,z))
app(nil,l) -> l
app(cons(x,l1),l2) -> cons(x,app(l1,l2))
sum(nil) -> 0
sum(cons(x,l)) -> +(x,sum(l))
sum(app(l1,l2)) -> +(sum(l1),sum(l2))
prod(nil) -> s(0)
prod(cons(x,l)) -> *(x,prod(l))
prod(app(l1,l2)) -> *(prod(l1),prod(l2))
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