* Step 1: DependencyPairs WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict TRS:
            f(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> f(X,X,X)
            g(X) -> u(h(X),h(X),X)
            h(d()) -> c(a())
            h(d()) -> c(b())
            u(d(),c(Y),X) -> k(Y)
        - Signature:
            {f/3,g/1,h/1,u/3} / {a/0,b/0,c/1,d/0,k/1}
        - Obligation:
             runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {f,g,h,u} and constructors {a,b,c,d,k}
    + Applied Processor:
        DependencyPairs {dpKind_ = WIDP}
    + Details:
        We add the following weak dependency pairs:
        Strict DPs
          f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
          g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
          h#(d()) -> c_3()
          h#(d()) -> c_4()
          u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
        Weak DPs
        and mark the set of starting terms.
* Step 2: UsableRules WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
            g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
            h#(d()) -> c_3()
            h#(d()) -> c_4()
            u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
        - Strict TRS:
            f(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> f(X,X,X)
            g(X) -> u(h(X),h(X),X)
            h(d()) -> c(a())
            h(d()) -> c(b())
            u(d(),c(Y),X) -> k(Y)
        - Signature:
            {f/3,g/1,h/1,u/3,f#/3,g#/1,h#/1,u#/3} / {a/0,b/0,c/1,d/0,k/1,c_1/1,c_2/1,c_3/0,c_4/0,c_5/1}
        - Obligation:
             runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {f#,g#,h#,u#} and constructors {a,b,c,d,k}
    + Applied Processor:
    + Details:
        We replace rewrite rules by usable rules:
          h(d()) -> c(a())
          h(d()) -> c(b())
          f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
          g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
          h#(d()) -> c_3()
          h#(d()) -> c_4()
          u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
* Step 3: WeightGap WORST_CASE(?,O(n^1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
            g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
            h#(d()) -> c_3()
            h#(d()) -> c_4()
            u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
        - Strict TRS:
            h(d()) -> c(a())
            h(d()) -> c(b())
        - Signature:
            {f/3,g/1,h/1,u/3,f#/3,g#/1,h#/1,u#/3} / {a/0,b/0,c/1,d/0,k/1,c_1/1,c_2/1,c_3/0,c_4/0,c_5/1}
        - Obligation:
             runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {f#,g#,h#,u#} and constructors {a,b,c,d,k}
    + Applied Processor:
        WeightGap {wgDimension = 1, wgDegree = 1, wgKind = Algebraic, wgUArgs = UArgs, wgOn = WgOnTrs}
    + Details:
        The weightgap principle applies using the following constant growth matrix-interpretation:
          We apply a matrix interpretation of kind constructor based matrix interpretation:
          The following argument positions are considered usable:
            uargs(u#) = {1,2},
            uargs(c_2) = {1}
          Following symbols are considered usable:
          TcT has computed the following interpretation:
              p(a) = [0]                  
              p(b) = [0]                  
              p(c) = [0]                  
              p(d) = [0]                  
              p(f) = [0]                  
              p(g) = [0]                  
              p(h) = [5]                  
              p(k) = [1] x1 + [0]         
              p(u) = [0]                  
             p(f#) = [0]                  
             p(g#) = [0]                  
             p(h#) = [0]                  
             p(u#) = [1] x1 + [1] x2 + [0]
            p(c_1) = [8] x1 + [0]         
            p(c_2) = [1] x1 + [0]         
            p(c_3) = [0]                  
            p(c_4) = [0]                  
            p(c_5) = [0]                  
          Following rules are strictly oriented:
          h(d()) = [5]   
                 > [0]   
                 = c(a())
          h(d()) = [5]   
                 > [0]   
                 = c(b())
          Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
          f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) =  [0]                 
                              >= [0]                 
                              =  c_1(f#(X,X,X))      
                        g#(X) =  [0]                 
                              >= [10]                
                              =  c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
                      h#(d()) =  [0]                 
                              >= [0]                 
                              =  c_3()               
                      h#(d()) =  [0]                 
                              >= [0]                 
                              =  c_4()               
               u#(d(),c(Y),X) =  [0]                 
                              >= [0]                 
                              =  c_5(Y)              
        Further, it can be verified that all rules not oriented are covered by the weightgap condition.
* Step 4: PredecessorEstimation WORST_CASE(?,O(1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
            g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
            h#(d()) -> c_3()
            h#(d()) -> c_4()
            u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
        - Weak TRS:
            h(d()) -> c(a())
            h(d()) -> c(b())
        - Signature:
            {f/3,g/1,h/1,u/3,f#/3,g#/1,h#/1,u#/3} / {a/0,b/0,c/1,d/0,k/1,c_1/1,c_2/1,c_3/0,c_4/0,c_5/1}
        - Obligation:
             runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {f#,g#,h#,u#} and constructors {a,b,c,d,k}
    + Applied Processor:
        PredecessorEstimation {onSelection = all simple predecessor estimation selector}
    + Details:
        We estimate the number of application of
        by application of
          Pre({3,4}) = {5}.
        Here rules are labelled as follows:
          1: f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
          2: g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
          3: h#(d()) -> c_3()
          4: h#(d()) -> c_4()
          5: u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
* Step 5: RemoveWeakSuffixes WORST_CASE(?,O(1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
            g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
            u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
        - Weak DPs:
            h#(d()) -> c_3()
            h#(d()) -> c_4()
        - Weak TRS:
            h(d()) -> c(a())
            h(d()) -> c(b())
        - Signature:
            {f/3,g/1,h/1,u/3,f#/3,g#/1,h#/1,u#/3} / {a/0,b/0,c/1,d/0,k/1,c_1/1,c_2/1,c_3/0,c_4/0,c_5/1}
        - Obligation:
             runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {f#,g#,h#,u#} and constructors {a,b,c,d,k}
    + Applied Processor:
    + Details:
        Consider the dependency graph
          1:S:f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
             -->_1 f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X)):1
          2:S:g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
             -->_1 u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y):3
          3:S:u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
             -->_1 h#(d()) -> c_4():5
             -->_1 h#(d()) -> c_3():4
             -->_1 u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y):3
             -->_1 g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X)):2
             -->_1 f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X)):1
          4:W:h#(d()) -> c_3()
          5:W:h#(d()) -> c_4()
        The following weak DPs constitute a sub-graph of the DG that is closed under successors. The DPs are removed.
          4: h#(d()) -> c_3()
          5: h#(d()) -> c_4()
* Step 6: PredecessorEstimationCP WORST_CASE(?,O(1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
            g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
            u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
        - Weak TRS:
            h(d()) -> c(a())
            h(d()) -> c(b())
        - Signature:
            {f/3,g/1,h/1,u/3,f#/3,g#/1,h#/1,u#/3} / {a/0,b/0,c/1,d/0,k/1,c_1/1,c_2/1,c_3/0,c_4/0,c_5/1}
        - Obligation:
             runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {f#,g#,h#,u#} and constructors {a,b,c,d,k}
    + Applied Processor:
        PredecessorEstimationCP {onSelectionCP = any intersect of rules of CDG leaf and strict-rules, withComplexityPair = NaturalMI {miDimension = 1, miDegree = 0, miKind = Algebraic, uargs = UArgs, urules = URules, selector = Nothing}}
    + Details:
        We first use the processor NaturalMI {miDimension = 1, miDegree = 0, miKind = Algebraic, uargs = UArgs, urules = URules, selector = Nothing} to orient following rules strictly:
          1: f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
          3: u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
        Consider the set of all dependency pairs
          1: f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
          2: g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
          3: u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
        Processor NaturalMI {miDimension = 1, miDegree = 0, miKind = Algebraic, uargs = UArgs, urules = URules, selector = Nothing}induces the complexity certificateTIME (?,O(1))
        SPACE(?,?)on application of the dependency pairs
        These cover all (indirect) predecessors of dependency pairs
        their number of applications is equally bounded.
        The dependency pairs are shifted into the weak component.
** Step 6.a:1: NaturalMI WORST_CASE(?,O(1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
            g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
            u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
        - Weak TRS:
            h(d()) -> c(a())
            h(d()) -> c(b())
        - Signature:
            {f/3,g/1,h/1,u/3,f#/3,g#/1,h#/1,u#/3} / {a/0,b/0,c/1,d/0,k/1,c_1/1,c_2/1,c_3/0,c_4/0,c_5/1}
        - Obligation:
             runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {f#,g#,h#,u#} and constructors {a,b,c,d,k}
    + Applied Processor:
        NaturalMI {miDimension = 1, miDegree = 0, miKind = Algebraic, uargs = UArgs, urules = URules, selector = Just first alternative for predecessorEstimation on any intersect of rules of CDG leaf and strict-rules}
    + Details:
        We apply a matrix interpretation of kind constructor based matrix interpretation (containing no more than 0 non-zero interpretation-entries in the diagonal of the component-wise maxima):
        The following argument positions are considered usable:
          uargs(c_2) = {1}
        Following symbols are considered usable:
        TcT has computed the following interpretation:
            p(a) = [0]                           
            p(b) = [0]                           
            p(c) = [0]                           
            p(d) = [1]                           
            p(f) = [1] x1 + [1] x2 + [8] x3 + [1]
            p(g) = [1]                           
            p(h) = [0]                           
            p(k) = [2]                           
            p(u) = [1] x1 + [2] x2 + [8] x3 + [8]
           p(f#) = [14] x1 + [0]                 
           p(g#) = [1] x1 + [15]                 
           p(h#) = [0]                           
           p(u#) = [4] x1 + [1]                  
          p(c_1) = [0]                           
          p(c_2) = [8] x1 + [7]                  
          p(c_3) = [2]                           
          p(c_4) = [2]                           
          p(c_5) = [1]                           
        Following rules are strictly oriented:
        f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) = [28]          
                            > [0]           
                            = c_1(f#(X,X,X))
             u#(d(),c(Y),X) = [5]           
                            > [1]           
                            = c_5(Y)        
        Following rules are (at-least) weakly oriented:
         g#(X) =  [1] X + [15]        
               >= [15]                
               =  c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
        h(d()) =  [0]                 
               >= [0]                 
               =  c(a())              
        h(d()) =  [0]                 
               >= [0]                 
               =  c(b())              
** Step 6.a:2: Assumption WORST_CASE(?,O(1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Strict DPs:
            g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
        - Weak DPs:
            f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
            u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
        - Weak TRS:
            h(d()) -> c(a())
            h(d()) -> c(b())
        - Signature:
            {f/3,g/1,h/1,u/3,f#/3,g#/1,h#/1,u#/3} / {a/0,b/0,c/1,d/0,k/1,c_1/1,c_2/1,c_3/0,c_4/0,c_5/1}
        - Obligation:
             runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {f#,g#,h#,u#} and constructors {a,b,c,d,k}
    + Applied Processor:
        Assumption {assumed = Certificate {spaceUB = Unknown, spaceLB = Unknown, timeUB = Poly (Just 0), timeLB = Unknown}}
    + Details:

** Step 6.b:1: RemoveWeakSuffixes WORST_CASE(?,O(1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Weak DPs:
            f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
            g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
            u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
        - Weak TRS:
            h(d()) -> c(a())
            h(d()) -> c(b())
        - Signature:
            {f/3,g/1,h/1,u/3,f#/3,g#/1,h#/1,u#/3} / {a/0,b/0,c/1,d/0,k/1,c_1/1,c_2/1,c_3/0,c_4/0,c_5/1}
        - Obligation:
             runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {f#,g#,h#,u#} and constructors {a,b,c,d,k}
    + Applied Processor:
    + Details:
        Consider the dependency graph
          1:W:f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
             -->_1 f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X)):1
          2:W:g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
             -->_1 u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y):3
          3:W:u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
             -->_1 u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y):3
             -->_1 g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X)):2
             -->_1 f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X)):1
        The following weak DPs constitute a sub-graph of the DG that is closed under successors. The DPs are removed.
          2: g#(X) -> c_2(u#(h(X),h(X),X))
          3: u#(d(),c(Y),X) -> c_5(Y)
          1: f#(k(a()),k(b()),X) -> c_1(f#(X,X,X))
** Step 6.b:2: EmptyProcessor WORST_CASE(?,O(1))
    + Considered Problem:
        - Weak TRS:
            h(d()) -> c(a())
            h(d()) -> c(b())
        - Signature:
            {f/3,g/1,h/1,u/3,f#/3,g#/1,h#/1,u#/3} / {a/0,b/0,c/1,d/0,k/1,c_1/1,c_2/1,c_3/0,c_4/0,c_5/1}
        - Obligation:
             runtime complexity wrt. defined symbols {f#,g#,h#,u#} and constructors {a,b,c,d,k}
    + Applied Processor:
    + Details:
        The problem is already closed. The intended complexity is O(1).
