We consider the following Problem:

  Strict Trs:
    {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
     , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
     , le(0(), y) -> true()
     , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()
     , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
     , quot(x, s(y)) -> if_quot(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))
     , if_quot(true(), x, y) -> s(quot(minus(x, y), y))
     , if_quot(false(), x, y) -> 0()}
  StartTerms: basic terms
  Strategy: innermost

Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))

  We consider the following Problem:
    Strict Trs:
      {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
       , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
       , le(0(), y) -> true()
       , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()
       , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
       , quot(x, s(y)) -> if_quot(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))
       , if_quot(true(), x, y) -> s(quot(minus(x, y), y))
       , if_quot(false(), x, y) -> 0()}
    StartTerms: basic terms
    Strategy: innermost
  Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
    The weightgap principle applies, where following rules are oriented strictly:
    TRS Component:
      {  le(0(), y) -> true()
       , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
    Interpretation of nonconstant growth:
      The following argument positions are usable:
        Uargs(minus) = {}, Uargs(s) = {1}, Uargs(le) = {},
        Uargs(quot) = {1}, Uargs(if_quot) = {1}
      We have the following EDA-non-satisfying and IDA(1)-non-satisfying matrix interpretation:
      Interpretation Functions:
       minus(x1, x2) = [1 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]
                       [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
       0() = [0]
       s(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]
               [0 0]      [1]
       le(x1, x2) = [0 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]
                    [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
       true() = [0]
       false() = [0]
       quot(x1, x2) = [1 2] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]
                      [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
       if_quot(x1, x2, x3) = [1 0] x1 + [1 1] x2 + [0 0] x3 + [0]
                             [0 0]      [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
    The strictly oriented rules are moved into the weak component.
    We consider the following Problem:
      Strict Trs:
        {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
         , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
         , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
         , quot(x, s(y)) -> if_quot(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))
         , if_quot(true(), x, y) -> s(quot(minus(x, y), y))
         , if_quot(false(), x, y) -> 0()}
      Weak Trs:
        {  le(0(), y) -> true()
         , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
      StartTerms: basic terms
      Strategy: innermost
    Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
      The weightgap principle applies, where following rules are oriented strictly:
      TRS Component: {if_quot(false(), x, y) -> 0()}
      Interpretation of nonconstant growth:
        The following argument positions are usable:
          Uargs(minus) = {}, Uargs(s) = {1}, Uargs(le) = {},
          Uargs(quot) = {1}, Uargs(if_quot) = {1}
        We have the following EDA-non-satisfying and IDA(1)-non-satisfying matrix interpretation:
        Interpretation Functions:
         minus(x1, x2) = [1 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]
                         [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
         0() = [0]
         s(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]
                 [0 0]      [1]
         le(x1, x2) = [0 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]
                      [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
         true() = [0]
         false() = [1]
         quot(x1, x2) = [1 2] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]
                        [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
         if_quot(x1, x2, x3) = [1 0] x1 + [1 1] x2 + [0 0] x3 + [0]
                               [0 0]      [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
      The strictly oriented rules are moved into the weak component.
      We consider the following Problem:
        Strict Trs:
          {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
           , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
           , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
           , quot(x, s(y)) -> if_quot(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))
           , if_quot(true(), x, y) -> s(quot(minus(x, y), y))}
        Weak Trs:
          {  if_quot(false(), x, y) -> 0()
           , le(0(), y) -> true()
           , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
        StartTerms: basic terms
        Strategy: innermost
      Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
        The weightgap principle applies, where following rules are oriented strictly:
        TRS Component: {if_quot(true(), x, y) -> s(quot(minus(x, y), y))}
        Interpretation of nonconstant growth:
          The following argument positions are usable:
            Uargs(minus) = {}, Uargs(s) = {1}, Uargs(le) = {},
            Uargs(quot) = {1}, Uargs(if_quot) = {1}
          We have the following EDA-non-satisfying and IDA(1)-non-satisfying matrix interpretation:
          Interpretation Functions:
           minus(x1, x2) = [1 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]
                           [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
           0() = [0]
           s(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]
                   [0 0]      [1]
           le(x1, x2) = [0 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]
                        [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
           true() = [1]
           false() = [0]
           quot(x1, x2) = [1 2] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]
                          [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
           if_quot(x1, x2, x3) = [1 3] x1 + [1 1] x2 + [0 1] x3 + [2]
                                 [0 0]      [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
        The strictly oriented rules are moved into the weak component.
        We consider the following Problem:
          Strict Trs:
            {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
             , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
             , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
             , quot(x, s(y)) -> if_quot(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
          Weak Trs:
            {  if_quot(true(), x, y) -> s(quot(minus(x, y), y))
             , if_quot(false(), x, y) -> 0()
             , le(0(), y) -> true()
             , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
          StartTerms: basic terms
          Strategy: innermost
        Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
          The weightgap principle applies, where following rules are oriented strictly:
          TRS Component: {le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)}
          Interpretation of nonconstant growth:
            The following argument positions are usable:
              Uargs(minus) = {}, Uargs(s) = {1}, Uargs(le) = {},
              Uargs(quot) = {1}, Uargs(if_quot) = {1}
            We have the following EDA-non-satisfying and IDA(1)-non-satisfying matrix interpretation:
            Interpretation Functions:
             minus(x1, x2) = [1 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [0]
                             [0 0]      [0 0]      [0]
             0() = [0]
             s(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]
                     [0 1]      [2]
             le(x1, x2) = [0 0] x1 + [0 1] x2 + [0]
                          [0 0]      [0 0]      [3]
             true() = [0]
             false() = [0]
             quot(x1, x2) = [1 1] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [0]
                            [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
             if_quot(x1, x2, x3) = [1 2] x1 + [1 0] x2 + [0 0] x3 + [0]
                                   [0 0]      [0 1]      [0 0]      [3]
          The strictly oriented rules are moved into the weak component.
          We consider the following Problem:
            Strict Trs:
              {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
               , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
               , quot(x, s(y)) -> if_quot(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
            Weak Trs:
              {  le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
               , if_quot(true(), x, y) -> s(quot(minus(x, y), y))
               , if_quot(false(), x, y) -> 0()
               , le(0(), y) -> true()
               , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
            StartTerms: basic terms
            Strategy: innermost
          Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
            The weightgap principle applies, where following rules are oriented strictly:
            TRS Component: {minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)}
            Interpretation of nonconstant growth:
              The following argument positions are usable:
                Uargs(minus) = {}, Uargs(s) = {1}, Uargs(le) = {},
                Uargs(quot) = {1}, Uargs(if_quot) = {1}
              We have the following EDA-non-satisfying and IDA(1)-non-satisfying matrix interpretation:
              Interpretation Functions:
               minus(x1, x2) = [1 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]
                               [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
               0() = [0]
               s(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [1]
                       [0 0]      [0]
               le(x1, x2) = [0 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [0]
                            [0 0]      [0 0]      [3]
               true() = [0]
               false() = [0]
               quot(x1, x2) = [1 1] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [0]
                              [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
               if_quot(x1, x2, x3) = [1 1] x1 + [1 1] x2 + [0 0] x3 + [0]
                                     [0 0]      [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
            The strictly oriented rules are moved into the weak component.
            We consider the following Problem:
              Strict Trs:
                {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                 , quot(x, s(y)) -> if_quot(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
              Weak Trs:
                {  minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                 , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                 , if_quot(true(), x, y) -> s(quot(minus(x, y), y))
                 , if_quot(false(), x, y) -> 0()
                 , le(0(), y) -> true()
                 , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
              StartTerms: basic terms
              Strategy: innermost
            Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
              The weightgap principle applies, where following rules are oriented strictly:
              TRS Component: {minus(x, 0()) -> x}
              Interpretation of nonconstant growth:
                The following argument positions are usable:
                  Uargs(minus) = {}, Uargs(s) = {1}, Uargs(le) = {},
                  Uargs(quot) = {1}, Uargs(if_quot) = {1}
                We have the following EDA-non-satisfying and IDA(1)-non-satisfying matrix interpretation:
                Interpretation Functions:
                 minus(x1, x2) = [1 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]
                                 [0 1]      [0 0]      [0]
                 0() = [0]
                 s(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]
                         [0 1]      [0]
                 le(x1, x2) = [0 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [1]
                              [0 1]      [0 0]      [3]
                 true() = [1]
                 false() = [0]
                 quot(x1, x2) = [1 0] x1 + [0 0] x2 + [0]
                                [0 0]      [0 0]      [0]
                 if_quot(x1, x2, x3) = [1 0] x1 + [1 0] x2 + [0 0] x3 + [0]
                                       [0 0]      [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
              The strictly oriented rules are moved into the weak component.
              We consider the following Problem:
                Strict Trs: {quot(x, s(y)) -> if_quot(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                Weak Trs:
                  {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                   , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                   , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                   , if_quot(true(), x, y) -> s(quot(minus(x, y), y))
                   , if_quot(false(), x, y) -> 0()
                   , le(0(), y) -> true()
                   , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                StartTerms: basic terms
                Strategy: innermost
              Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                We consider the following Problem:
                  Strict Trs: {quot(x, s(y)) -> if_quot(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                  Weak Trs:
                    {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                     , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                     , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                     , if_quot(true(), x, y) -> s(quot(minus(x, y), y))
                     , if_quot(false(), x, y) -> 0()
                     , le(0(), y) -> true()
                     , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                  StartTerms: basic terms
                  Strategy: innermost
                Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                  We have computed the following dependency pairs
                    Strict DPs: {quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                    Weak DPs:
                      {  minus^#(x, 0()) -> c_2()
                       , minus^#(s(x), s(y)) -> minus^#(x, y)
                       , le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)
                       , if_quot^#(true(), x, y) -> quot^#(minus(x, y), y)
                       , if_quot^#(false(), x, y) -> c_6()
                       , le^#(0(), y) -> c_7()
                       , le^#(s(x), 0()) -> c_8()}
                  We consider the following Problem:
                    Strict DPs: {quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                    Strict Trs: {quot(x, s(y)) -> if_quot(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                    Weak DPs:
                      {  minus^#(x, 0()) -> c_2()
                       , minus^#(s(x), s(y)) -> minus^#(x, y)
                       , le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)
                       , if_quot^#(true(), x, y) -> quot^#(minus(x, y), y)
                       , if_quot^#(false(), x, y) -> c_6()
                       , le^#(0(), y) -> c_7()
                       , le^#(s(x), 0()) -> c_8()}
                    Weak Trs:
                      {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                       , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                       , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                       , if_quot(true(), x, y) -> s(quot(minus(x, y), y))
                       , if_quot(false(), x, y) -> 0()
                       , le(0(), y) -> true()
                       , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                    StartTerms: basic terms
                    Strategy: innermost
                  Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                    We replace strict/weak-rules by the corresponding usable rules:
                      Weak Usable Rules:
                        {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                         , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                         , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                         , le(0(), y) -> true()
                         , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                    We consider the following Problem:
                      Strict DPs: {quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                      Weak DPs:
                        {  minus^#(x, 0()) -> c_2()
                         , minus^#(s(x), s(y)) -> minus^#(x, y)
                         , le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)
                         , if_quot^#(true(), x, y) -> quot^#(minus(x, y), y)
                         , if_quot^#(false(), x, y) -> c_6()
                         , le^#(0(), y) -> c_7()
                         , le^#(s(x), 0()) -> c_8()}
                      Weak Trs:
                        {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                         , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                         , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                         , le(0(), y) -> true()
                         , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                      StartTerms: basic terms
                      Strategy: innermost
                    Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                      We consider the following Problem:
                        Strict DPs: {quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                        Weak DPs:
                          {  minus^#(x, 0()) -> c_2()
                           , minus^#(s(x), s(y)) -> minus^#(x, y)
                           , le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)
                           , if_quot^#(true(), x, y) -> quot^#(minus(x, y), y)
                           , if_quot^#(false(), x, y) -> c_6()
                           , le^#(0(), y) -> c_7()
                           , le^#(s(x), 0()) -> c_8()}
                        Weak Trs:
                          {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                           , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                           , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                           , le(0(), y) -> true()
                           , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                        StartTerms: basic terms
                        Strategy: innermost
                      Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                        We use following congruence DG for path analysis
                        ->6:{1,5}                                                   [   YES(O(1),O(1))   ]
                           `->7:{6}                                                 [   YES(O(1),O(1))   ]
                        ->4:{3}                                                     [      subsumed      ]
                           `->5:{2}                                                 [   YES(O(1),O(1))   ]
                        ->1:{4}                                                     [      subsumed      ]
                           |->2:{7}                                                 [   YES(O(1),O(1))   ]
                           `->3:{8}                                                 [   YES(O(1),O(1))   ]
                        Here dependency-pairs are as follows:
                        Strict DPs:
                          {1: quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                        WeakDPs DPs:
                          {  2: minus^#(x, 0()) -> c_2()
                           , 3: minus^#(s(x), s(y)) -> minus^#(x, y)
                           , 4: le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)
                           , 5: if_quot^#(true(), x, y) -> quot^#(minus(x, y), y)
                           , 6: if_quot^#(false(), x, y) -> c_6()
                           , 7: le^#(0(), y) -> c_7()
                           , 8: le^#(s(x), 0()) -> c_8()}
                        * Path 6:{1,5}: YES(O(1),O(1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Strict DPs: {quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                               , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                               , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                               , le(0(), y) -> true()
                               , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                            We consider the the dependency-graph
                              1: quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))
                            together with the congruence-graph
                              ->1:{1}                                                     Noncyclic, trivial, SCC
                              Here dependency-pairs are as follows:
                              Strict DPs:
                                {1: quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                            The following rules are either leafs or part of trailing weak paths, and thus they can be removed:
                              {1: quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                                 , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                                 , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                                 , le(0(), y) -> true()
                                 , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                                   , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                                   , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                                   , le(0(), y) -> true()
                                   , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                  Empty rules are trivially bounded
                        * Path 6:{1,5}->7:{6}: YES(O(1),O(1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Weak DPs:
                              {  if_quot^#(true(), x, y) -> quot^#(minus(x, y), y)
                               , quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                               , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                               , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                               , le(0(), y) -> true()
                               , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                            We consider the the dependency-graph
                              1: if_quot^#(true(), x, y) -> quot^#(minus(x, y), y)
                                 -->_1 quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y)) :2
                              2: quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))
                                 -->_1 if_quot^#(true(), x, y) -> quot^#(minus(x, y), y) :1
                            together with the congruence-graph
                              ->1:{1,2}                                                   Weak SCC
                              Here dependency-pairs are as follows:
                              WeakDPs DPs:
                                {  1: if_quot^#(true(), x, y) -> quot^#(minus(x, y), y)
                                 , 2: quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                            The following rules are either leafs or part of trailing weak paths, and thus they can be removed:
                              {  1: if_quot^#(true(), x, y) -> quot^#(minus(x, y), y)
                               , 2: quot^#(x, s(y)) -> if_quot^#(le(s(y), x), x, s(y))}
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                                 , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                                 , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                                 , le(0(), y) -> true()
                                 , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                                   , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                                   , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                                   , le(0(), y) -> true()
                                   , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                  Empty rules are trivially bounded
                        * Path 4:{3}: subsumed
                          This path is subsumed by the proof of paths 4:{3}->5:{2}.
                        * Path 4:{3}->5:{2}: YES(O(1),O(1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Weak DPs: {minus^#(s(x), s(y)) -> minus^#(x, y)}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                               , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                               , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                               , le(0(), y) -> true()
                               , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                            We consider the the dependency-graph
                              1: minus^#(s(x), s(y)) -> minus^#(x, y)
                                 -->_1 minus^#(s(x), s(y)) -> minus^#(x, y) :1
                            together with the congruence-graph
                              ->1:{1}                                                     Weak SCC
                              Here dependency-pairs are as follows:
                              WeakDPs DPs:
                                {1: minus^#(s(x), s(y)) -> minus^#(x, y)}
                            The following rules are either leafs or part of trailing weak paths, and thus they can be removed:
                              {1: minus^#(s(x), s(y)) -> minus^#(x, y)}
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                                 , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                                 , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                                 , le(0(), y) -> true()
                                 , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                                   , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                                   , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                                   , le(0(), y) -> true()
                                   , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                  Empty rules are trivially bounded
                        * Path 1:{4}: subsumed
                          This path is subsumed by the proof of paths 1:{4}->3:{8},
                        * Path 1:{4}->2:{7}: YES(O(1),O(1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Weak DPs: {le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                               , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                               , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                               , le(0(), y) -> true()
                               , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                            We consider the the dependency-graph
                              1: le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)
                                 -->_1 le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y) :1
                            together with the congruence-graph
                              ->1:{1}                                                     Weak SCC
                              Here dependency-pairs are as follows:
                              WeakDPs DPs:
                                {1: le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)}
                            The following rules are either leafs or part of trailing weak paths, and thus they can be removed:
                              {1: le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)}
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                                 , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                                 , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                                 , le(0(), y) -> true()
                                 , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                                   , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                                   , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                                   , le(0(), y) -> true()
                                   , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                  Empty rules are trivially bounded
                        * Path 1:{4}->3:{8}: YES(O(1),O(1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Weak DPs: {le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                               , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                               , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                               , le(0(), y) -> true()
                               , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                            We consider the the dependency-graph
                              1: le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)
                                 -->_1 le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y) :1
                            together with the congruence-graph
                              ->1:{1}                                                     Weak SCC
                              Here dependency-pairs are as follows:
                              WeakDPs DPs:
                                {1: le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)}
                            The following rules are either leafs or part of trailing weak paths, and thus they can be removed:
                              {1: le^#(s(x), s(y)) -> le^#(x, y)}
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                                 , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                                 , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                                 , le(0(), y) -> true()
                                 , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  minus(x, 0()) -> x
                                   , minus(s(x), s(y)) -> minus(x, y)
                                   , le(s(x), s(y)) -> le(x, y)
                                   , le(0(), y) -> true()
                                   , le(s(x), 0()) -> false()}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                  Empty rules are trivially bounded

Hurray, we answered YES(?,O(n^1))