We consider the following Problem:

  Strict Trs:
    {f(f(y, z), f(x, f(a(), x))) ->
     f(f(f(a(), z), f(x, a())), f(a(), y))}
  StartTerms: basic terms
  Strategy: innermost

Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))

  We consider the following Problem:
    Strict Trs:
      {f(f(y, z), f(x, f(a(), x))) ->
       f(f(f(a(), z), f(x, a())), f(a(), y))}
    StartTerms: basic terms
    Strategy: innermost
  Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
    We consider the following Problem:
      Strict Trs:
        {f(f(y, z), f(x, f(a(), x))) ->
         f(f(f(a(), z), f(x, a())), f(a(), y))}
      StartTerms: basic terms
      Strategy: innermost
    Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
      The problem is match-bounded by 0.
      The enriched problem is compatible with the following automaton:
      {  f_0(2, 2) -> 1
       , a_0() -> 2}

Hurray, we answered YES(?,O(n^1))