We consider the following Problem:

  Strict Trs:
    {  f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))
     , f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))
     , g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
     , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))
     , g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)
     , id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))
     , id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
     , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
     , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
  StartTerms: basic terms
  Strategy: innermost

Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))

  We consider the following Problem:
    Strict Trs:
      {  f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))
       , f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))
       , g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
       , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))
       , g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)
       , id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))
       , id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
       , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
       , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
    StartTerms: basic terms
    Strategy: innermost
  Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
    The weightgap principle applies, where following rules are oriented strictly:
    TRS Component: {g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)}
    Interpretation of nonconstant growth:
      The following argument positions are usable:
        Uargs(f) = {1}, Uargs(s) = {1}, Uargs(id_inc) = {},
        Uargs(c) = {1, 2}, Uargs(g) = {}
      We have the following EDA-non-satisfying and IDA(1)-non-satisfying matrix interpretation:
      Interpretation Functions:
       f(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [1]
               [1 0]      [1]
       s(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]
               [0 0]      [1]
       id_inc(x1) = [0 0] x1 + [0]
                    [0 0]      [1]
       c(x1, x2) = [1 0] x1 + [1 0] x2 + [0]
                   [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
       g(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [3]
               [1 0]      [1]
       0() = [0]
    The strictly oriented rules are moved into the weak component.
    We consider the following Problem:
      Strict Trs:
        {  f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))
         , f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))
         , g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
         , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))
         , id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))
         , id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
         , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
         , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
      Weak Trs: {g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)}
      StartTerms: basic terms
      Strategy: innermost
    Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
      The weightgap principle applies, where following rules are oriented strictly:
      TRS Component: {f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))}
      Interpretation of nonconstant growth:
        The following argument positions are usable:
          Uargs(f) = {1}, Uargs(s) = {1}, Uargs(id_inc) = {},
          Uargs(c) = {1, 2}, Uargs(g) = {}
        We have the following EDA-non-satisfying and IDA(1)-non-satisfying matrix interpretation:
        Interpretation Functions:
         f(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [1]
                 [1 0]      [1]
         s(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]
                 [0 0]      [1]
         id_inc(x1) = [0 0] x1 + [0]
                      [0 0]      [1]
         c(x1, x2) = [1 0] x1 + [1 0] x2 + [1]
                     [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
         g(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]
                 [1 0]      [0]
         0() = [0]
      The strictly oriented rules are moved into the weak component.
      We consider the following Problem:
        Strict Trs:
          {  f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))
           , g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
           , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))
           , id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))
           , id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
           , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
           , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
        Weak Trs:
          {  f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))
           , g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)}
        StartTerms: basic terms
        Strategy: innermost
      Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
        The weightgap principle applies, where following rules are oriented strictly:
        TRS Component:
          {  id_inc(0()) -> 0()
           , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
        Interpretation of nonconstant growth:
          The following argument positions are usable:
            Uargs(f) = {1}, Uargs(s) = {1}, Uargs(id_inc) = {},
            Uargs(c) = {1, 2}, Uargs(g) = {}
          We have the following EDA-non-satisfying and IDA(1)-non-satisfying matrix interpretation:
          Interpretation Functions:
           f(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]
                   [1 0]      [0]
           s(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]
                   [0 0]      [1]
           id_inc(x1) = [0 0] x1 + [1]
                        [0 0]      [1]
           c(x1, x2) = [1 0] x1 + [1 0] x2 + [0]
                       [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
           g(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]
                   [1 0]      [0]
           0() = [0]
        The strictly oriented rules are moved into the weak component.
        We consider the following Problem:
          Strict Trs:
            {  f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))
             , g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
             , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))
             , id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))
             , id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))}
          Weak Trs:
            {  id_inc(0()) -> 0()
             , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())
             , f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))
             , g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)}
          StartTerms: basic terms
          Strategy: innermost
        Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
          The weightgap principle applies, where following rules are oriented strictly:
          TRS Component:
            {  g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
             , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))}
          Interpretation of nonconstant growth:
            The following argument positions are usable:
              Uargs(f) = {1}, Uargs(s) = {1}, Uargs(id_inc) = {},
              Uargs(c) = {1, 2}, Uargs(g) = {}
            We have the following EDA-non-satisfying and IDA(1)-non-satisfying matrix interpretation:
            Interpretation Functions:
             f(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [0]
                     [0 0]      [1]
             s(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [1]
                     [0 0]      [1]
             id_inc(x1) = [0 0] x1 + [1]
                          [0 0]      [1]
             c(x1, x2) = [1 0] x1 + [1 0] x2 + [0]
                         [0 0]      [0 0]      [1]
             g(x1) = [1 0] x1 + [1]
                     [0 0]      [1]
             0() = [0]
          The strictly oriented rules are moved into the weak component.
          We consider the following Problem:
            Strict Trs:
              {  f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))
               , id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))
               , id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))}
            Weak Trs:
              {  g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
               , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))
               , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
               , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())
               , f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))
               , g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)}
            StartTerms: basic terms
            Strategy: innermost
          Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
            We fail transforming the problem using 'weightgap of dimension Nat 2, maximal degree 1, cbits 4'
              The weightgap principle does not apply
            We try instead 'weightgap of dimension Nat 3, maximal degree 2, cbits 3' on the problem
            Strict Trs:
              {  f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))
               , id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))
               , id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))}
            Weak Trs:
              {  g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
               , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))
               , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
               , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())
               , f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))
               , g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)}
            StartTerms: basic terms
            Strategy: innermost
              The weightgap principle applies, where following rules are oriented strictly:
              TRS Component: {f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))}
              Interpretation of nonconstant growth:
                The following argument positions are usable:
                  Uargs(f) = {1}, Uargs(s) = {1}, Uargs(id_inc) = {},
                  Uargs(c) = {1, 2}, Uargs(g) = {}
                We have the following EDA-non-satisfying and IDA(1)-non-satisfying matrix interpretation:
                Interpretation Functions:
                 f(x1) = [1 0 2] x1 + [0]
                         [0 0 0]      [1]
                         [0 0 0]      [1]
                 s(x1) = [1 0 0] x1 + [0]
                         [0 1 1]      [0]
                         [0 0 0]      [2]
                 id_inc(x1) = [0 0 0] x1 + [0]
                              [0 0 0]      [2]
                              [0 1 0]      [0]
                 c(x1, x2) = [1 0 0] x1 + [1 0 0] x2 + [1]
                             [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0]
                             [0 1 1]      [0 1 1]      [1]
                 g(x1) = [1 0 2] x1 + [0]
                         [0 0 0]      [1]
                         [0 0 0]      [1]
                 0() = [0]
              The strictly oriented rules are moved into the weak component.
            We consider the following Problem:
              Strict Trs:
                {  id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))
                 , id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))}
              Weak Trs:
                {  f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))
                 , g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
                 , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))
                 , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                 , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())
                 , f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))
                 , g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)}
              StartTerms: basic terms
              Strategy: innermost
            Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
              We fail transforming the problem using 'weightgap of dimension Nat 2, maximal degree 1, cbits 4'
                The weightgap principle does not apply
              We try instead 'weightgap of dimension Nat 3, maximal degree 2, cbits 3' on the problem
              Strict Trs:
                {  id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))
                 , id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))}
              Weak Trs:
                {  f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))
                 , g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
                 , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))
                 , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                 , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())
                 , f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))
                 , g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)}
              StartTerms: basic terms
              Strategy: innermost
                The weightgap principle applies, where following rules are oriented strictly:
                TRS Component: {id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))}
                Interpretation of nonconstant growth:
                  The following argument positions are usable:
                    Uargs(f) = {1}, Uargs(s) = {1}, Uargs(id_inc) = {},
                    Uargs(c) = {1, 2}, Uargs(g) = {}
                  We have the following EDA-non-satisfying and IDA(1)-non-satisfying matrix interpretation:
                  Interpretation Functions:
                   f(x1) = [1 2 0] x1 + [2]
                           [0 0 0]      [1]
                           [0 0 0]      [1]
                   s(x1) = [1 0 0] x1 + [0]
                           [0 1 0]      [1]
                           [0 0 1]      [1]
                   id_inc(x1) = [0 1 0] x1 + [0]
                                [0 0 1]      [0]
                                [0 0 1]      [1]
                   c(x1, x2) = [1 0 0] x1 + [1 0 0] x2 + [1]
                               [0 1 0]      [0 1 0]      [0]
                               [0 0 0]      [0 0 0]      [0]
                   g(x1) = [1 1 0] x1 + [1]
                           [0 0 0]      [1]
                           [0 0 0]      [1]
                   0() = [0]
                The strictly oriented rules are moved into the weak component.
              We consider the following Problem:
                Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                Weak Trs:
                  {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                   , f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))
                   , g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
                   , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))
                   , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                   , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())
                   , f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))
                   , g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)}
                StartTerms: basic terms
                Strategy: innermost
              Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                We consider the following Problem:
                  Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                  Weak Trs:
                    {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                     , f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))
                     , g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
                     , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))
                     , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                     , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())
                     , f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))
                     , g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)}
                  StartTerms: basic terms
                  Strategy: innermost
                Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                  We have computed the following dependency pairs
                    Strict DPs: {id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                    Weak DPs:
                      {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                       , f^#(s(x)) -> f^#(id_inc(c(x, x)))
                       , g^#(c(s(x), y)) -> g^#(c(y, x))
                       , g^#(c(x, s(y))) -> g^#(c(y, x))
                       , id_inc^#(0()) -> c_6()
                       , id_inc^#(0()) -> c_7()
                       , f^#(c(s(x), y)) -> g^#(c(x, y))
                       , g^#(c(x, x)) -> f^#(x)}
                  We consider the following Problem:
                    Strict DPs: {id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                    Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                    Weak DPs:
                      {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                       , f^#(s(x)) -> f^#(id_inc(c(x, x)))
                       , g^#(c(s(x), y)) -> g^#(c(y, x))
                       , g^#(c(x, s(y))) -> g^#(c(y, x))
                       , id_inc^#(0()) -> c_6()
                       , id_inc^#(0()) -> c_7()
                       , f^#(c(s(x), y)) -> g^#(c(x, y))
                       , g^#(c(x, x)) -> f^#(x)}
                    Weak Trs:
                      {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                       , f(s(x)) -> f(id_inc(c(x, x)))
                       , g(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(y, x))
                       , g(c(x, s(y))) -> g(c(y, x))
                       , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                       , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())
                       , f(c(s(x), y)) -> g(c(x, y))
                       , g(c(x, x)) -> f(x)}
                    StartTerms: basic terms
                    Strategy: innermost
                  Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                    We replace strict/weak-rules by the corresponding usable rules:
                      Strict Usable Rules: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                      Weak Usable Rules:
                        {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                         , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                         , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                    We consider the following Problem:
                      Strict DPs: {id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                      Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                      Weak DPs:
                        {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                         , f^#(s(x)) -> f^#(id_inc(c(x, x)))
                         , g^#(c(s(x), y)) -> g^#(c(y, x))
                         , g^#(c(x, s(y))) -> g^#(c(y, x))
                         , id_inc^#(0()) -> c_6()
                         , id_inc^#(0()) -> c_7()
                         , f^#(c(s(x), y)) -> g^#(c(x, y))
                         , g^#(c(x, x)) -> f^#(x)}
                      Weak Trs:
                        {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                         , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                         , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                      StartTerms: basic terms
                      Strategy: innermost
                    Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                      We consider the following Problem:
                        Strict DPs: {id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                        Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                        Weak DPs:
                          {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                           , f^#(s(x)) -> f^#(id_inc(c(x, x)))
                           , g^#(c(s(x), y)) -> g^#(c(y, x))
                           , g^#(c(x, s(y))) -> g^#(c(y, x))
                           , id_inc^#(0()) -> c_6()
                           , id_inc^#(0()) -> c_7()
                           , f^#(c(s(x), y)) -> g^#(c(x, y))
                           , g^#(c(x, x)) -> f^#(x)}
                        Weak Trs:
                          {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                           , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                           , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                        StartTerms: basic terms
                        Strategy: innermost
                      Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                        We use following congruence DG for path analysis
                        ->2:{1,2}                                                   [   YES(?,O(n^1))    ]
                           |->3:{6}                                                 [   YES(O(1),O(1))   ]
                           `->4:{7}                                                 [   YES(O(1),O(1))   ]
                        ->1:{3,9,8,5,4}                                             [   YES(O(1),O(1))   ]
                        Here dependency-pairs are as follows:
                        Strict DPs:
                          {1: id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                        WeakDPs DPs:
                          {  2: id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                           , 3: f^#(s(x)) -> f^#(id_inc(c(x, x)))
                           , 4: g^#(c(s(x), y)) -> g^#(c(y, x))
                           , 5: g^#(c(x, s(y))) -> g^#(c(y, x))
                           , 6: id_inc^#(0()) -> c_6()
                           , 7: id_inc^#(0()) -> c_7()
                           , 8: f^#(c(s(x), y)) -> g^#(c(x, y))
                           , 9: g^#(c(x, x)) -> f^#(x)}
                        * Path 2:{1,2}: YES(?,O(n^1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Strict DPs: {id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                            Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                               , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                               , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Strict DPs: {id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                              Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Strict DPs: {id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  Strict DPs: {id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(?,O(n^1))
                                  The problem is match-bounded by 1.
                                  The enriched problem is compatible with the following automaton:
                                  {  c_0(2, 2) -> 2
                                   , id_inc^#_0(2) -> 1
                                   , id_inc^#_1(2) -> 3
                                   , id_inc^#_1(2) -> 4
                                   , c_1_1(3, 4) -> 1
                                   , c_1_1(4, 4) -> 3
                                   , c_1_1(4, 4) -> 4}
                        * Path 2:{1,2}->3:{6}: YES(O(1),O(1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                            Weak DPs:
                              {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                               , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                               , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                               , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                              Weak DPs:
                                {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                 , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                                Weak DPs:
                                  {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                   , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  Weak DPs:
                                    {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                     , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                  Empty rules are trivially bounded
                        * Path 2:{1,2}->3:{6}: YES(O(1),O(1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                            Weak DPs:
                              {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                               , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                               , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                               , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                              Weak DPs:
                                {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                 , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                                Weak DPs:
                                  {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                   , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  Weak DPs:
                                    {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                     , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                  Empty rules are trivially bounded
                        * Path 2:{1,2}->3:{6}: YES(O(1),O(1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                            Weak DPs:
                              {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                               , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                               , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                               , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                              Weak DPs:
                                {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                 , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                                Weak DPs:
                                  {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                   , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  Weak DPs:
                                    {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                     , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                  Empty rules are trivially bounded
                        * Path 2:{1,2}->4:{7}: YES(O(1),O(1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                            Weak DPs:
                              {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                               , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                               , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                               , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                              Weak DPs:
                                {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                 , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                                Weak DPs:
                                  {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                   , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  Weak DPs:
                                    {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                     , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                  Empty rules are trivially bounded
                        * Path 2:{1,2}->4:{7}: YES(O(1),O(1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                            Weak DPs:
                              {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                               , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                               , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                               , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                              Weak DPs:
                                {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                 , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                                Weak DPs:
                                  {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                   , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  Weak DPs:
                                    {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                     , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                  Empty rules are trivially bounded
                        * Path 2:{1,2}->4:{7}: YES(O(1),O(1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                            Weak DPs:
                              {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                               , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                               , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                               , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                              Weak DPs:
                                {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                 , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                                Weak DPs:
                                  {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                   , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  Weak DPs:
                                    {  id_inc^#(s(x)) -> id_inc^#(x)
                                     , id_inc^#(c(x, y)) -> c_1(id_inc^#(x), id_inc^#(y))}
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                  Empty rules are trivially bounded
                        * Path 1:{3,9,8,5,4}: YES(O(1),O(1))
                          We consider the following Problem:
                            Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                            Weak Trs:
                              {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                               , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                               , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                            StartTerms: basic terms
                            Strategy: innermost
                          Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                            We consider the following Problem:
                              Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                              Weak Trs:
                                {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                 , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                              StartTerms: basic terms
                              Strategy: innermost
                            Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                              We consider the following Problem:
                                Strict Trs: {id_inc(c(x, y)) -> c(id_inc(x), id_inc(y))}
                                Weak Trs:
                                  {  id_inc(s(x)) -> s(id_inc(x))
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> 0()
                                   , id_inc(0()) -> s(0())}
                                StartTerms: basic terms
                                Strategy: innermost
                              Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                No rule is usable.
                                We consider the following Problem:
                                  StartTerms: basic terms
                                  Strategy: innermost
                                Certificate: YES(O(1),O(1))
                                  Empty rules are trivially bounded

Hurray, we answered YES(?,O(n^1))